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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

1. When did they first use this kind of energy-saving bulb?

" How long is it ......................................................................................................

2. He is sorry he can’t do this English test well.

" He wishes ...........................................................................................................

3. You should ride your bike carefully, or you may have an accident.

" If ..................................................................................................................

4. Their father takes good care of their children.

" Their father looks .........................................................................................

5. My brother plays volleyball very skillfully.

" My brother is a ...........................................................................................

6. The last time I used that bike was in 2015.

" I haven’t ........................................................................................................

7. They work more carefully than any other people in this company.

" Nobody in this company works ......................................................................

8. Let’s take showers to reduce the amount of water we use.

" I suggest showers should ..............................................................................

9. “I want to send my son to a university in Australia,” she said.

" She said that ................................................................................................

10. People celebrate Passover in Israel in late March or early April.

" Passover ......................................................................................................

1. Practice more or your English can’t be improved.

" You can’t .............................................................................................................

2. They offered my student an opportunity to study abroad.

" My student ........................................................................................................

3. My friend doesn’t study hard and she can’t pass the exam.

" Because ...........................................................................................................

4. “How many people are there in your family?” She asked him.

" She asked him ................................................................................................

5. My son is interested in speaking English with foreigners. (S+find/ found + it + adj + To V: cảm thấy …..)

" My son finds it ...................................................................................................

6. What a pity! Lan has no time to prepare for her test better.

" Lan wishes that she ........................................................................................

7. “Do your grandparents still live in Nha Trang now? “ Nam said to me.

" Nam asked me .................................................................................................

8. This is the first time I have gone on a picnic.

" I have never .....................................................................................................

9. “My mother will celebrate her birthday next weekend”, David said.

" David said that ..................................................................................................

10. I don’t like this shirt as much as that shirt.

" I like that shirt ...................................................................................................

1. The neighbors made a lot of ________________ about the noise of the Karaoke. (complain)

2. I found the talk both informative and ________________. (entertain)

3. We tried his best but his result was ________________ bad. (disappointing)

4. The room is arranged very _______________. It looks very beautiful. (attractive)

5. Domestic appliances, such as gas boilers and washing machines should be ________________ serviced. (regular)

6. He does meditation for his _________________. (relax)

7. She was brought up very _________________ by his parents. (strict)

8. Ships ______________ about 6 million tons of garbage into the sea each year.


9. He _____________ looked at his father because he had just got a bad mark in

Math. (worried)

10. That will be a good occasion to ______________ family traditions.


11. Dad gave me a hug, and the _____________ that he never wanted to let me go.


12. It is possible to _______________ solar energy for a number of days. (storage)

13. When the trucks leave the place, the ground is _________________ with trash.


14. _____________ are able to ask questions about the show by using their remote

controls. (View)

15. Town _________________ used to be very popular before newspapers were

invented. (cry)

1. Some have raised people’s awareness of rhinos’ protection.


2. Is he going to enter the race? – He’ll ­­­___________ win it. (probable)

3. Scotland is an interesting place to visit with its rich ______________. (cultural)

4. Apple Inc. has been one of the ___________ in the computer software field. (lead)

5. Due to their ___________ donations, we have two houses built for the poor here.


6. We had our car repaired ______________ by the mechanic. (efficient)

7. Wastes from households will gradually ______________ the lake. (pollution)

8. It’s pleasant to talk with such an ______________ person. (interest)

9. The first TV picture was _____________ by John Logie Baird. (invent)

10. The yearly fruits’ festival in Suoi Tien park is a _______________ activity. (joy)

11. Dam Sen is an excellent _____________ place for all ages. (relax)

12. There are deep ____________ between rich and poor. (divide)

13. With a little ___________ from his parents, he should do it well. (encourage)

14. A student that always talks to his or her partners impolitely is a (an) _______

person. (friend)

15. Up to now, Milk shake has become ______________ popular and attractive with

all teenagers. (wide)

1. Ao Dai is also a ____________ of the Vietnamese feminine beauty. (symbolize)

2. They asked me to ____________ a poster for the campaign. (designer)

3. Son Tung is one of the most famous ___________ in Ho Chi Minh City. (music)

4. Racing drivers have to be avoiding collisions with other

cars. (skillful)

5. What were the reasons for the worldwide ____________ crisis? (economy)

6. My grandparents prefer the __________________ of country living. (simple)

7. He appeared and confident before the match. (relax)

8. I think that you very badly towards your father yesterday.


9. This tool can be used in a of ways. (vary)

10. Some of my ___________ live in the countryside now. (relate)

11. It is becoming ____________ clear that this problem will not be easily solved.


12. We all enjoy listening to his ___________ stories. (humor)

13. The company needs to reduce its ___________ on just one particular product.


14. If Tom keeps acting , everyone will stay away from him. (polite)

15. They said that they had an __________ day tour to Can Gio mangrove forest.


Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

1. When did they first use this kind of energy-saving bulb?

" How long is it ......................................................................................................

2. He is sorry he can’t do this English test well.

" He wishes ...........................................................................................................

3. You should ride your bike carefully, or you may have an accident.

" If ..................................................................................................................

4. Their father takes good care of their children.

" Their father looks .........................................................................................

5. My brother plays volleyball very skillfully.

" My brother is a ...........................................................................................

6. The last time I used that bike was in 2015.

" I haven’t ........................................................................................................

7. They work more carefully than any other people in this company.

" Nobody in this company works ......................................................................

8. Let’s take showers to reduce the amount of water we use.

" I suggest showers should ..............................................................................

9. “I want to send my son to a university in Australia,” she said.

" She said that ................................................................................................

10. People celebrate Passover in Israel in late March or early April.

" Passover ......................................................................................................

1. Practice more or your English can’t be improved.

" You can’t .............................................................................................................

2. They offered my student an opportunity to study abroad.

" My student ........................................................................................................

3. My friend doesn’t study hard and she can’t pass the exam.

" Because ...........................................................................................................

4. “How many people are there in your family?” She asked him.

" She asked him ................................................................................................

5. My son is interested in speaking English with foreigners. (S+find/ found + it + adj + To V: cảm thấy …..)

" My son finds it ...................................................................................................

6. What a pity! Lan has no time to prepare for her test better.

" Lan wishes that she ........................................................................................

7. “Do your grandparents still live in Nha Trang now? “ Nam said to me.

" Nam asked me .................................................................................................

8. This is the first time I have gone on a picnic.

" I have never .....................................................................................................

9. “My mother will celebrate her birthday next weekend”, David said.

" David said that ..................................................................................................

10. I don’t like this shirt as much as that shirt.

" I like that shirt ...................................................................................................

1. The neighbors made a lot of ________________ about the noise of the Karaoke. (complain)

2. I found the talk both informative and ________________. (entertain)

3. We tried his best but his result was ________________ bad. (disappointing)

4. The room is arranged very _______________. It looks very beautiful. (attractive)

5. Domestic appliances, such as gas boilers and washing machines should be ________________ serviced. (regular)

6. He does meditation for his _________________. (relax)

7. She was brought up very _________________ by his parents. (strict)

8. Ships ______________ about 6 million tons of garbage into the sea each year.


9. He _____________ looked at his father because he had just got a bad mark in

Math. (worried)

10. That will be a good occasion to ______________ family traditions.


11. Dad gave me a hug, and the _____________ that he never wanted to let me go.


12. It is possible to _______________ solar energy for a number of days. (storage)

13. When the trucks leave the place, the ground is _________________ with trash.


14. _____________ are able to ask questions about the show by using their remote

controls. (View)

15. Town _________________ used to be very popular before newspapers were

invented. (cry)

1. Some have raised people’s awareness of rhinos’ protection.


2. Is he going to enter the race? – He’ll ­­­___________ win it. (probable)

3. Scotland is an interesting place to visit with its rich ______________. (cultural)

4. Apple Inc. has been one of the ___________ in the computer software field. (lead)

5. Due to their ___________ donations, we have two houses built for the poor here.


6. We had our car repaired ______________ by the mechanic. (efficient)

7. Wastes from households will gradually ______________ the lake. (pollution)

8. It’s pleasant to talk with such an ______________ person. (interest)

9. The first TV picture was _____________ by John Logie Baird. (invent)

10. The yearly fruits’ festival in Suoi Tien park is a _______________ activity. (joy)

11. Dam Sen is an excellent _____________ place for all ages. (relax)

12. There are deep ____________ between rich and poor. (divide)

13. With a little ___________ from his parents, he should do it well. (encourage)

14. A student that always talks to his or her partners impolitely is a (an) _______

person. (friend)

15. Up to now, Milk shake has become ______________ popular and attractive with

all teenagers. (wide)

1. Ao Dai is also a ____________ of the Vietnamese feminine beauty. (symbolize)

2. They asked me to ____________ a poster for the campaign. (designer)

3. Son Tung is one of the most famous ___________ in Ho Chi Minh City. (music)

4. Racing drivers have to be avoiding collisions with other

cars. (skillful)

5. What were the reasons for the worldwide ____________ crisis? (economy)

6. My grandparents prefer the __________________ of country living. (simple)

7. He appeared and confident before the match. (relax)

8. I think that you very badly towards your father yesterday.


9. This tool can be used in a of ways. (vary)

10. Some of my ___________ live in the countryside now. (relate)

11. It is becoming ____________ clear that this problem will not be easily solved.


12. We all enjoy listening to his ___________ stories. (humor)

13. The company needs to reduce its ___________ on just one particular product.


14. If Tom keeps acting , everyone will stay away from him. (polite)

15. They said that they had an __________ day tour to Can Gio mangrove forest.


Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

1. We should teach young children to care for the environment.

" I suggest young children ...................................................................................

2. We are eager to make a trip to the countryside this July.

" We are looking .................................................................................................

3. City life is not as peaceful as country life.

" Country life is ....................................................................................................

4. Drivers and passengers must fasten the seat belt when travelling in cars.

" It is compulsory for .........................................................................................

5. The boy hasn't visited his grandparents for two months.

" The boy last .......................................................................................................

6. He can’t drive because he’s very young. (S + to be + tính từ + enough + To V)

" He’s not ............................................................................................................

7. The Prime Minister will open three more new schools in the town next autumn.

" Three more new schools will ...........................................................................

8. Why don’t you make posters on energy saving?

" I suggest that you ............................................................................................

9. “We are keen on setting out to sea again," said the fishermen.

" The fishermen said that ...................................................................................

10. No other members in the class are as tall as Lucie is.

" Lucie is the ......................................................................................................