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Choose A, B, C or D that best completes the sentences.

1. Do you want to stop in this town, or shall we _______?

A. turn on   B. turn off  C. go on  D. look after

2. Who will ________ the children while you go out to work?

 A. look for  B. look up  C. look after  D. look at

3. Please ________ the light, it’s getting dark here.

 A. turn on  B. turn off  C. turn over  D. turn into

4. The nurse has to _________  the patients at the midnight.

 A. look after   B. look up  C. look at  C. look for

5. There is an inflation. The prices __________.

 A. are going on B. are going down C. are going over D. are going up

6. Remember to _______ your shoes when you are in a Japanese house.

 A. take care   B. take on  C. take over  D. take off

7. You can __________ the new words in the dictionary.

 A. look for  B. look after  C. look up  D. look at

8. It’s cold outside. __________ your coat.

 A. Put on   B. Put down  C. Put off  D. Put into

9. If you want to be healthy, you should­­­­­­__________ your bad habits in your lifestyles.

    A give up   B call off   C break down  D get over

10. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

 A. do   B. let   C. delay  D. leave

11. My father still hasn’t really recovered from the death of my mother.

 A. looked after B. taken after  C. gone off  D. got over

12. The bomb exploded with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town.

 A. went on  B. went out  C. went off  D. went away

13. John, could you look after my handbag while I go out for a minute.

 A. take part in  B. take over  C. take place  D. take care of

14. Bill seems unhappy in his job because he doesn’t get _______ his boss.

 A. up to  B. on for  C. on well with D. in with

15.  Why do they ______ talking about money all the time?

 A. keep on  B. give up  C. take after  D. stop by

16. My father gave up smoking two years ago.

 A. liked  B. continued  C. stopped  D. enjoyed

17. The government hopes to _________ its plans for introducing cable TV.

 A. turn out  B. carry out  C. carry on  D. keep on

18. When the tenants failed to pay their bill, the authorities decided to _____ the gas supply to the flat.

 A. cut down  B. cut out  C. cut off  D. cut up

19. Choose the underlined part need correcting:

 “Please turn up   the  radio, I can’t concentrate on my work”

                A    B          C            D

20. You go on ahead and then I’ll catch _____ you.

    A. along with  B. forward to  C. up with  D. on to

21. I was born in Scotland but I ________ in Northern Ireland.

 A. grew up  B. raised  C. brought up  D. rose

22. How do you start the computer?

 A. How does the computer turn on?  

B. How do you turn on the computer?

 C. How do you turn the computer on?  

D.  Both B and C are correct

23. I/ not accept/ offer/ turn down/

 A. I couldn’t accept his offer to avoid turning down him.

 B. I couldn’t accept his offer because he was turned down.

 C. I couldn’t accept his offer, so I turned it down.

 D. I couldn’t accept his offer whether I was turned down.

24. Both Ann and her sister look like her mother.

    A. take after   B. take place  C. take away  D. take on

25. I’ll be back in a minute, Jane. I just want to try out my new tape recorder.

    A. resemble  B. test   C. arrive  D. buy

26. They are appealing ____ local business for sponsorship money.

   A. in    B. at   C. on   D. to

27. The Red Cross is aimed _____ providing medical aid and other help to victims of natural disasters.    

   A. in    B. at   C. to    D. for

28. WHO’s main activities are carrying _____ research on medical development and improving  health care.   

   A. out   B. in   C. for   D. of

29. Do you agree that a happy marriage should be based _______ love?

   A. to                                 B. on                         C. with                      D. about

30. The bomb went _________  with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town.

  A. out                                B. off                         C. after                      D. on

31. Whenever the problems come __________, we discussed them frankly and solved them quickly.

  A. up                                 B. for                         C. out                      D. on

32. Who looks __________ the children when you are going ________ from home?

   A. out of/ on                    B. up/ off                    C. for/ out               D. after/ away

33. The national curriculum is made _______of the following subject: English, Maths, Chemistry and so on... .

  A. from                      B. on                        C. up                        D. in

34. Shy people often find it difficult to ________ group discussions.

   A. take place in  B. take part in C. get on with D. get in touch with

35. “To give someone a ring” is to __________.

   A. call him up  B. marry him  C. admire him D. pick him up

36. Her life was devoted ______ the relief of suffering.

   A. for   B. in    C. on   D. to

37. Because of heavy rain, the game was ______ for a few days.

   A. taken out  B. put off  C. set up  D. gotten away

38. What may happen if John will not arrive in time?

A. go along   B. count on   C. keep away  D. turn up

39. Johnny sometimes visits his grandparents in the countryside.

A. calls on   B. keeps off   C. takes in   D. goes up

40. They decided to postpone their journey till the end of the month because of the epidemic.

A. take up   B. turn round  C. put off   D. do with

41. I do not use those things any more. You can _______ them away.

A. get    B. fall    C throw   D. make

42. They were late for work because their car _______ down.

A. got    B. put    C. cut    D. broke

43. At the station, we often see the sigh “________ for pickpockets”.
      A. watch on  B. watch out  C. watch up  D. watch at

44. I am late because my alarm clock didn’t _________ this morning.

A. come on  B. ring out  C. go off  D. turn on

45. UNESCO _____ United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

A. stands for  B. brings about C. takes after  D. gets across

46. Don't forget to ________ your gloves on. It is cold outside.

A. let    B. make   C. put    D. fix

47. The passengers had to wait because the plane ______ off one hour late.

A. took    B. turned   C. cut    D. made

48. The bomb exploded in the garage; fortunately no one hurt.

A. put on    B. went off   C. got out   D. kept up

49. I can’t _____ walking. Can we stop and have a short rest?

A. go on   B. get on  C. go up  D. get up

50. You can look __________ these new words in the dictionary if you don't know their meanings.

A. up   B. after  C. for   D. out


Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Part 1: Choose the best answer among A,B,C or D. Circle your choice. (10 points)

1. Why don’t you go to the park .......... ?

A. in the car B. with the car C. with car D. by the car

2. Give her a telephone to ring .......... she gets lost.

A. if B. whether C. although D. in case

3. She .......... him of lying to her.

A. threatened B. blamed C. accused D. criticised

4. Losing my job was a great shock, but I think I’m .......... it.

A. seeing to B. putting up with C. standing for D. getting over

5. No one’s got to stay late this evening, .......... ?

A. is it B. have they C. isn’t it D. don’t they

6. I was in a such hurry that I left one of my bags .......... 

A. out B. behind C. on D. aside

7. On the first day of our holiday we just .......... by the hotel pool.

A. enjoyed B. calmed C. comforted D. relaxed

8. Jane likes watching films but she is not .......... keen on any kind.

A. specially B. certainly C. largely D. particularly

9. My hands were so cold that I couldn’t .......... my coat buttons.

A. open B. remove C. undo D. put out

10. Mary looked up the fastest train to Glasgow in the .......... .

A. catalogue B. timetable C. dictionary D. programme

Part 2: Complete each sentence with a word from the box: (10 points) call draw fall get take come face fill go turn  

call     draw     fall     get     take     come     face     fill     go     turn

1. I think we should ...................................... over our plan again before we tell the managing director.

2. Have you .................................. up with any ideas for advertising the new products?

3. Our deal with the Chinese company may .................................. through, but we can sell the machinery to the German firm if necessary.

4. You have to ................................. in this form, and return it to the manager.

5. She didn’t ................................ on with her boss, so she left the company.

6. If they don’t give us a better price, we’ll ................................ down their offer.

7. I’m afraid we have to ................................ up to the fact that we are losing money.

8. Our lawyers are going to ................................ up a new contract tomorrow.

9. A multinational company is trying to ................................ over our firm, but we want to stay independent.

10. We had to ................................ off the office party because of the economic situation.

Part 3: Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. (10 points)


Recently I decided to go to evening classes twice a week. During the day I work in a (1)...................................... agency as a telephonist. It is not a very interesting (2) ...................................... and I get bored. I also got tired of coming home every evening, putting a (3) ...................................... meal in the oven and then watching TV. So I decided to take up (4) ................................ as a hobby. Perhaps I should give you an (5) ...................................... for my choice. Learning a skill is a good (6) ....................................... to the problem of boring work. Also, I felt I was a (7) .............................. because any time I tried to put up a shelf, for example, it always fell down! Now I am quite a (8) ....................................... wood-worker! I am working on the (9) ............................ of some furniture at the moment. And although there are only two other girls in the class, I don’t feel any (10) ...................................... . I’ve just turned out to be the best student in the class!

Part 4: Decide which answer ( A, B, C or D) best fits each space. Circle your choice. (15 points)

A. There is usually one important (1) .................. missing from most school (2) .................. Very few students are (3) ................ how to organize their learning and how to (4) ................... the best use of their time. Let’s take some simple (5) ............................. . Do you know how to (6) .............. up words in the dictionary?, and do you understand all the (7) ................... the dictionary contains? Can you (8) ..................... notes quickly, and can you understand them (9) ................... ? For some reason, many schools give learners no (10) ..................... with these matters. Teachers ask students to (11) ..................... pages from books, or tell them to write ten pages, but don’t explain (12)………..….… to do it. Learning by (13)……….……… can be useful, but it is important to have a genuine (14) ………..…… of a subject. You can (15) ……………… a lot of time memorizing books, without understanding anything about the subject! 

B. Recent years have seen the appearance of different (1) ........................... of communication. More and (2) ............................ people have a computer (3) ........................... home and they use it to play games, find information (4) ................................ the Net and also to communicate. You can send e-mails, write your own blog and (5) ................................… to other people. It is amazing how easily you can communicate (6) .................................. someone on the other side of the world. It has brought happiness (7) ................................. reassurance to many, knowing that a friend or member of their family is only a click of the mouse away. Some people say it has become (8) ..................................... aid in education and even brought more equality, as most children become computer literate. But it has also (9) ............................ concern. Who takes the responsibility of making (10) ............................ that the Net doesn’t give false facts? (11) ................................ there enough protection from fraud and misinformation? Do young people rely too much (12)................................ computers for their entertainment? (13)................................ it destroy our creativity? The experts (14)............................... now trying to find answers to these (15) ................................. 

Part 5: Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first one, by using the word given.( Do not change the word given.) ( 10 points)

1. I haven’t decided yet whether to move or not. (mind)

I haven't …………………………………………...........................................

2. The weather is fine, but my flowers haven’t come out. (of)

My flowers ………………………………………….........................……….…

3. Are you interested in sports? (tell)

Can you……………………………………………………………....................

4. I like going sailing more than swimming. (rather)

I’d ..……………………………………………………….........................……..

5. “You’ve passed your driving test, Ron. Well done!” said Carol. (on)

Carol congratulated………………….......................…………………………

6. I was never allowed to walk barefoot when I was a child. (let)

My parents………………………………........................……………………..

7. They have collected the tests and checked the answers (been)

The tests .………………………………………..........................……………

8. No one gave us instructions and showed us what to do. (not)


9. The boy said that he hadn't done anything wrong. (denied)

The boy.....…………………………………………...........................…….....

10. Amanda has improved a lot this term. (progress)

Amanda ...........………………………..........................……………………..

11. There was too little time to go back home for my umbrella (not)


12. What interests youu about this city? (find)


13. I'm sure you were proud of your son's success (must)


14. I regret not studying harder at school (only)


15. Could you come and collect me from the station? (up)

Would you mind.......................................................................................

16. I probably forgot to mention that the deadline is Tuesday (may)


17. They had extinguished the fire by the time the fire brigade arrived (put)

The fire.....................................................................................................

18. It was neccessary to book concert tickets well in advance (be)

Concert tickets.........................................................................................

19. I started studying English three years ago (for)


20. The football players's training is still going on (finished)

The football players.................................................................................