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  Up to now, there are still many people thinking films are things that are made to be shown on screen for entertainment. It is not right. There are many other kinds of film that are made for other purposes. For example, educational films are made for school. They are about the certain subjects that students are learning. Especially, when a person who learn a foreign language, educational films in the target language are very useful. Industry needs training films which introduce about machinery and equipment, and how to operate and work on them. Documentary films present factual events and circumstances of a social, political or historical nature. It is films that help us widen our knowledge of countries, cultures and people. Sitting on the arm chair in front of a TV set, a viewer can enjoy the beauty of nature all over the world, see many historic spots, and meet a lot of interesting people. A film, either good or bad, is the result of the collaboration of many individuals with many different specific skills and talents. And we, the viewers, should choose only suitable films to enjoy.

26. According to the passage, all films are made ______.

A. only for entertainment B. to be shown in theaters

C. to help students study foreign language D. for many purposes

27. Educational films are made ______.

A. for training manual workers B. to enter students

C. for teaching and learning D. for schools and for industry

28. Making a film ______.

A. requires a lot of money and efforts                  B. involve the talents and skills of many people

C. can take a lot of time                                     D. is a collaboration between filmmakers and viewers

29. Which of the following sentences is not mentioned in the passage?

A. Not all films are made to be shown in theaters.

B. You can learn a lot about other countries by seeing films

C. Foreign films are essential for people who learn foreign language.

D. The ending film should be happy.

30. What does the word they in the passage refer to?

A. people B. kinds of films C. purposes D. educational films