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“A Kid in King Arthurs Court” is directed by Michael Gottlieb. The main (1)___ in the film is a teenager called Calvin Fuller. Calvin is (2)_____ Thomas Ian Nicholas. This film is a modern retelling of Mark Twain’s (3)___ book Connecticut Yankee.

Calvin lives in California, USA. He is a very shy boy and he is not very good at sports. At the beginning of the film, Calvin is playing baseball when there is a (4)____ earthquake. A hole opens in the ground and Calvin falls through it. He lands in the past, in the (5)____ of King Arthur.

Calvin meets King Arthur and Merlin, the wizard. King Arthur is played by joss Ackland and Merlin is played by Ron Moody. They think that Calvin is (6)____ because he plays them modern music on his CD player and he show them (7)_____ to make rollerblades and a mountain bike. Calvin is trained to be a knight and he becomes more (8)____ . Calvin helps King Arthur to beat his enemy, Lord Belasco, and then Merlin sends Calvin back to the future. Calvin finds himself back in the baseball game, (9)____ this time he wins the game.

The special effects in A Kid in King Arthur’s Court are very good. Michael Gottlieb is a great director and the actors’ performances are good. The film is funny and (10)_____ . It’s a comedy, a drama, and an action film all in one.

1. A. author B. name C. character D. actress

2. A. played B. did C. made D. created

3. A. classify B. class C. classic D. classical

4. A. terrify B. terrible C. terrifying D. terribled

5. A. period B. decade C. moment D. time

6. A. amazed B. amazing C. amaze D. amazes

7. A. what B. whatever C. how D. which

8. A. confident B. confidence C. confide D. confided

9. A. although B. but C. despite D. even

10. A. excite B. excited C. excites D. exciting