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Toyama Kazuha
Jeon Cooky
Park Jimin

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Huong San
Đức Hiếu
Love Seven

Khánh Ly

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Rewrite each sentence without changing its meaning.
1. They haven’t tried shrimp sauce before.
 This ..................................................................................................................................................................
2. It’s four years since they last talked to each other.
 The last ............................................................................................................................................................
3. We haven’t contacted him since we left high school.
 We last .............................................................................................................................................................
4. This is the first time we have been to England.
 We have ...........................................................................................................................................................
5. Did you last meet him when you lived in Hanoi?
 Haven’t ............................................................................................................................................................
6. They last visited their hometown a long time ago.
 It’s ....................................................................................................................................................................
7. He started to play football when he was only three.
 He has ..............................................................................................................................................................
8. The last time I enjoyed myself so much was a year ago.
 I haven’t ...........................................................................................................................................................
9. He last performed on the stage when there was a big event in his hometown.
 The last .............................................................................................................................................................
10. Those cats haven’t been fed for three hours.
 The last .............................................................................................................................................................

Khánh Ly

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Change into reported speech.
1. Tom: “Why don’t you study hard for the coming exam, Ba?” Long asked.
2. “Don’t make noise because I am listening music now.” She said to her friends
3. Maria: “Leave me alone!”
4. "Do you watch television every evening, Van?" - He asked
5. "I spoke to Mr. Brown this morning," said Tom.
6. "Would you like some more beer?" he asked.
7. “We’re having a reunion this weekend. Why don’t you come?” John said to us
8. “What were you doing last night, Mr. John?” asked the police.
9. “Have you heard of her marriage?” John asked his wife.
10. Cindy said: “I haven’t seen John since last month.”
11. Teacher: “Don’t forget your homework.”

Khánh Ly

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Supply the correct forms/ tenses of the verbs in bracket (cho thì hoặc dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc)
1. Almost everybody (leave)................... by the time we (arrive)....................yesterday.
2. He wished he (not forget)..................... to submit his report last week.
3. The secretary is still working on her report. She (not leave)........................ unless she (finish)................... it.
4. What you (use) …………………..your money suppose that you (be) ……………. a billionaire?
5. The boy wished he (become) ……………… a successful person in the future.
6. She already (post)................. the letter when she (realize)................. she (send).................. it to the wrong address.
7. If they (prepare) ………………for their presentation, they (attract) ……………. the audience’s attention at the
meeting last week.
8. If only I (have) ……………… more time a day to work.
9. If he (pay) ………….. the electricity bill last week, he (not suffer) …………….. from power cut now.
10. The famous star hates (ask) ………………….. silly questions by the press.
11. Before we make a decision, anyone (want) …………… (say) ………………. anything else?
12. I didn’t know you were home, otherwise, I (drop) ………………. in yesterday.
13. Before (appoint) ………...................... as director of the publishing division, he was a blue-collar worker. (appoint:
bổ nhiệm)
14. He said he never (see) …………………. her before.
15. Before he (decide) …….. (give) ………….. up the job last month, he (think) ………….…..every carefully.
16. After (admit) ………………. to a famous university, he tried his best to win the scholarship.
17. After she (finish) ……………….. her homework, she went to bed.
18. After she (finish) ………………….. her homework, she goes to bed.
19. When I (be) ………………. young, I (harbor) ……………………. the dream of becoming a famous doctor.
20. John (watch) ………………….. TV at 8 last evening.
21. By the end of last March, I (study) ……………………. here for 5 years.
22. By the end of next March, I (study) …………………… here for 5 years.
23. He (work) ………………. on the report at this time tomorrow.
24. He (work) ……………….. on the report at this time yesterday.
25. You should hurry up, or else you (be) ……………… late for the meeting.

Khánh Ly

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. “Who's that over there?" - "Oh, it's our new teacher, ____ just started work today."
A. that

B. who he

C. which he

D. who
2. "Which CD did you get Marcus in the end?" – "I got him the one ____ said he really wanted to hear."
A. that

B. who he

C. whose

D. which he
3. “Who did you send a Valentine's card to?" - "I'm not telling you, but it was someone ____ name begins with “B”.”
A. which

B. who her

C. whose

D. whose her
4. "Have you seen Jason Green's latest film?" – "Is that the one in ____ joins the FBI?”
A. which he

B. that he

C. whom he

D. which
5. "Why do you like Tania so much?” – “Well, she's one of the few people to ____ I can really talk."
A. which

B. whom

C. that

D. who
6. "Why don't we go to Lionel's for dinner tonight?” - “Is that the new restaurant ____ has just opened on the other side of
A. which

B. where

C. that it

D. which it
7. "Could you lend me some money?" – "I'd like you to give me one good reason ____ I should."
A. that

B. which

C. why

D. who
8. “What do you want to do this summer?” – “I think we should go somewhere ____ has plenty of sun and sand."
A. who

B. where

C. when

D. that
9. Smartphones, laptops and tablets are the modern devices ____ have changed the way we think.
A. what

B. Ø

C. whose

D. that
10. Students use smartphones to record their phone calls, ____ they later share with the class.
A. Ø

B. that

C. which

D. whose
11. A tablet is perfect for people ____ work is to draw and write.
A. who

B. Ø

C. which

D. whose
12. You can access the Internet, download programs and information ____ can help you understand the material and
widen your knowledge.
A. what

B. that

C. Ø

D. who
13. There are sites ____ you can record your own voice and listen to yourself.
A. where

B. when

C. that

D. which
14. My teacher, ____ has been teaching for 25 years, finds it hard to make use of electronic devices in her teaching.
A. she

B. who she

C. who

D. whose
15. That media player, ____ I often use to practice my English, has some great apps.
A. Ø

B. that

C. what

D. which
16. The interactive whiteboard involves students directly in work in front of the board, ____ most of them love.
A. that B. Ø C. which D. whose
17. Qualifications are exam results ____ prove you have reached a certain level.
A. which B. Ø C. that D. Both A and C
18. In the USA, a public school is a state school, ____ is run by the government and is free to attend.
A. that B. which C. who D. Ø
19. This is the book in ____ Foster describes his experience of the war.
A. that B. what C. where D. which
20. Isn't that Tim, the boy ____ father owns a huge yacht?
A. whose B. his C. which D. that
21. Tina gave her ticket to the concert to John, ____ then sold it to Nick.
A. which B. he C. who D. whom
22. “Which cinema did you go to?” – “The one they don't sell any popcorn!"
A. which B. where C. whom D. who
23. That's the actor ____ autograph I got last year.
A. whose B. who C. who’s D. whom
24. The book ____ she's most famous is Dance of the Dinosaur.
A. in that B. to whom C. for which D. that
25. Student social life revolves around the Student Union, ____ is the large yellow building opposite the library.
A.Ø B. which C. that D. it
26. Mr. Forbes teaches a class for students ____ native language is not English.

A. which B. who C. whose D. those who
27. I have just found the book ____.
A. you were looking for
B. which you were looking
C. for that you were looking D. you were looking

28. I don't understand the assignment ____ the professor gave us last Monday.
A. which B. that C. Ø D. All are correct
29. Students ____ get below-average exam results do not have the best prospects.
A. whose B. who C. Ø D. All are correct
30. I live in a dormitory ____ residents come from many countries.
A. where B. which C. in where D. whose

Khánh Ly

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Rewrite the sentences
1. The man that we are talking about is a famous scientist.
The man about... .............................................................................................................
2. The tree that we picked these fruits from is in front of the house.
The tree from... ...............................................................................................................
3. The city that we were born in is very large.
The city in.......................................................................................................................
4. Do you remember the day? We first met on that day.
Do you remember the day on... ......................................................................................
5. The manager has just announced his retirement. We have all depended on him so much.
The manager on... ...........................................................................................................
6. The officer wasn’t very friendly. I spoke to him yesterday.
The officer to... ...............................................................................................................
7. The dog was very frightened. The boys threw stones at it.
The dog at... ....................................................................................................................
8. The road was built in 1980. We are driving on it.
The road on.....................................................................................................................
9. Did you see the letter? It came yesterday morning.
Did you... ........................................................................................................................
10. This is Rex Hotel, and it is the biggest hotel in the city.
This is … ........................................................................................................................