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Số lượng câu hỏi 5
Số lượng câu trả lời 19
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Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following question.

Question 01. Lan’s parents have promised that she _________ a long vacation if she passes the 10th grade entrance examination next month .

       A. has                               B. had                          C. have                        D. will have

Question 02. Please turn _________ the light. It’s getting dark here. 

       A. on                                B. out                          . Off                            D. in

Question 03. You like watching sports, _________, Peter?

       A. do you                         B. aren’t you               C. don’t you                D. doesn’t he

Question 04. You shouldn’t eat too fast . It’s not good for your________.

       A. habbit                          B. health                     C. study                       D. style

Question 05. When I was young, it used to _________ a lot of time to go to school on foot.

       A. spend                           B. use                          C. take                         D. save

Question 06. The little boy was hungry ______ he ate nothing.

      A. although                       B. so                            C. but                          D. and

Question 07. This is the worst food I _________tasted. 

      A. had never                     B. have ever                C. was                         D. have never

Question 08. He has been described as the ________of the technology world.

      A. create                           B. creatively                C. creator                    D. creative           

Question 09. Excuse me, could you please tell me ______________?.

      A. is it what time              B. what time it is         C. It is what time        D. what time is it

Question 10. The boy_____ by the teacher yesterday.

       A. punish                           B. punished                       C. punishing         D. was punished