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Chủ đề:

A bad toothache

Câu hỏi:

1.Farmers are very busy during the _______________. * A. harvest B. harvest time C. harvest day D. A&B are correct. 2.She always do the housework for her mother. She’s very _______________. * A. helpful B. useful C. careful D. All are correct. 3.When you arrive in a new country, everything seems _______________. * A. familiar B. strange C. normal D. difficult 4.My cousin is very _______________. She always helps everyone. * A. helpless B. glad C. kind D. type 5.Most students feel _______________ before the final examination. * A. pleased B. worried C. nervous D. B&C are correct. 6.The young children are _______________ to go out alone at night. * A. scare B. afraid C. worry D. A&C are correct. 7.Don’t eat too ___________ candy. It’s bad for your health. * A. much B. many C. a lot of D. more 8.Sorry! I’m busy tonight. I have an ___________ with my co-workers at 7. * A. opportunity B. occasion C. appointment D. date 9.She looks tired. What’s the ___________ with her? * A. matter B. happen C. wrong D. right 10.Is your decaying tooth very _______________? * A. paintful B. painless C. painful D. painting 11.He ___________ to the zoo last Sunday. * A. goes B. went C. is going D. will go 12.I’m scared of ___________ (hear) the ghost stories. * A. hear B. hearing C. to hear D. of hearing 13.I was busy last night, so I (miss) ___________ a good film on TV. * A. miss B. missed C. did miss D. misses 14.Remember (brush) ___________ your teeth after meals. * A. brush B. brushing C. to brush D. brushes