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Chủ đề:

Unit 9 : A First- Aid course

Câu hỏi:

I. Combine each pairs of these sentences, using in order to / so as not to :

1. I have to go to the bank. I want to change some money.

2. He left his rifle outside. He didn’t want to frighten his wife.

3. Nguyen is studying English. He wants to go to an American university.

4. He read only for short periods each day. He didn’t want to strain his eyes.

5. They got up very early. They wanted to get to the top of the hill before sunrise.

6. We must keep our gloves on. We don’t want to get cold.

7. Nam knocked on the door. He wanted to wake me up.

8. He studied hard. He didn’t want to repeat classes.

9. I am buying paint. I want to repaint the gate of my house.

10. I took off my shoes. I didn’t want to make any noise.

11. I am saving money. I want to go to Canada to visit my cousin.

12. He was playing softly. He didn’t want to disturb anyone.

II. Combine these two sentences, using the cues given in brackets :

1. She said nothing. She didn’t want to wake the baby up. (so as not to)

2. I’ll write to Mai. I want to invite her over on my birthday party. (so as to)

3. I’m learning English. I want to read books in English. (in order to)

4. Name does morning exercises regularly. He wants to keep fit. (so as to)

5. You should practice speaking English every day. You can improve it rapidly. ( in order to)

6. Mrs. Hoan gave up the job. She could have more time with her children. (so that)

7. You have to wear warm clothes. You won’t catch a cold. (so as not to)

8. He buried up to the station. He didn’t want to miss the train. (in order not to)

9. He locked the door. No one could disturb him. (so that)

10. Mr. Tan saves money. He can buy a new house. (so that)