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An Trần

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:


1.The players were ____________________ by the referee’s decision. (FURY)

2. The magazine offers tips on cutting your house ____________________ costs. (MAINTAIN)

3. A UN force has been sent in to try and ____________________ the area affected by the war. (PEACE)

4. We are all ____________________ to you for your help. (DEBT)

5. They’ve got a model village that you can visit, with all the buildings and roads in ____________________. (MINI)

6. They claim that the fall in unemployment is based on a(n) ____________________ manipulation of statistics. (FRAUD)

7. The streets were ____________________ with strings of coloured lights. (LUMINOUS)

8. If you are sweating a lot you should wear a(n) ____________________. (ODOUR)

9. Falling coffee prices have ____________________ many Third World economies. (POOR)

10. ____________________ patients are often given exercises to help prevent their muscles from becoming stiff. (BED)

II. Choose the best answer to fill in the blank.

1. How can you treat your brother like that? He's your own flesh and _____.

A. skin B. blood C. bone

2. I can't come to the meeting, but I need you to keep me in the ______.

A. pan B. race C. loop

3. You knew you could get in trouble for this. Now you have to _____ the music.

A. play B. enjoy C. face 4. The faith healer can't really cure people. It's all just smoke and _____. A. mirrors B. ashes C. smog 5. The way she looked at me sent ______ down my spine. A. chill B. malice C. shivers