1. -hardly had Ha had time to settle down when he sold the house
- no sooner had Ha had time to settle down than he sold the house
2 - hardly did it begin to rain when i got outside
- no sooner did it begin to rain than i got outside
3 - hardly had he arrived home when he began to make trouble
- no sooner had he arrived home than he began to make trouble
4 - no sooner did the ship touch the shore than the solder leaped into the water
5 - hardly had i solved one problem when i was faced with another
6 - hardly had he returned home when the teacher started to write the lesson right
7 - hardly did he he just arrive at the station,when the train was starting to move
8. hardly had he arrived when things went wrong
9 no sooner had the new editor had his appointment to the post than he fell ill
10 Not until he came into light did i recognize him
11 Not until John received the offer of promotion in writing did he celebrate