Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 92
Số lượng câu trả lời 2157
Điểm GP 23
Điểm SP 1341

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Câu trả lời:


1. Johnny asked his father if he could continue with his study overseas

A, "Do you think I can continue with my study overseas" said Johnny

B. "Is it possible for me to study overseas?" Johnny asked his father

C. "Can I continue with my study overseas?" Johnny said to his father

D. "Will I continue to study overseas?" Johnny said

2. She asked me ..... I liked pop music

A. when B. what C, if D, x

3. Her friend will come to see her (she hoped)

A, she hoped her friend will come to see her

B, She hoped her friend would come to see her

C. She hoped her friend comes to see her

D. She hoped her friend came to see her

4. "I'll come with you as soon as..." she replied

A. I was ready B. I am ready C. I ready D. am I ready

5. "How long....here?", asked Jane

A, you have been B, you had been C. had you been D, have you been

6, "Buy some meat in the shop" said my mother to me

A. My mother said to me to buy some meat in the shop

B. My mother told said to me to buy some meat in the shop

C. My mother told me to buy some meat in the shop

D. My mother said me to buy some meat in the shop

7. The doctor said to Peter "Don't go for a walk today"

A. The doctor said Peter not go to for a walk today

B. the doctor told Peter "Don't go for a walk today"

C. the doctor said to Peter not to go for a walk today

D. the doctor told Peter not to go for a walk today (câu trực tiếp => gián tiếp: today => that day nên không có đáp án đúng nhé)

8. I said to Nick:" Where are you going ?"

A. I asked Nick where was he going

B, I asked Nick where he was going

C. I asked Nick where is he going

D, I asked Nick where he is going

9. She asked me:" Why didn't you come here yesterday?"

A. She asked me why I hadn't gone there the day before

B. She asked me why I didn't go there the day before

C. She asked me why didn't go there the day before

D. She asked me why hadn't I gone there the day before

10. I couldn't move the piano alone, so I asked Tom...

A. giving a hand B, gave a hand C, to give a hand D, give a hand

11. The last time I saw Linda, she looked very relaxed. She explained she'd been on holiday the .... week

A, ago B, following C, next D. previous

12. "Would you like to have lunch with me on Sunday?" He said to me

A. He invited me to have lunch with him on Sunday

B. He offered me to have lunch with him on Sunday

C, He suggested me to have lunch with him on Sunday

D. He reminded me to have lunch with him on Sunday

13. "Remember to switch off when I'd finished", he said

A. He reminded me to switch off when I'd finished (I phải chuyển thành he nhé,xem lại đề hộ mình pls)

B. He offered me to switch off when I'd finished

C. He suggested me to switch off when I'd finished

D. He reminded me to switch off when I have finished

14. " Answer this letter for me, will you?" he said "And remember to keep a copy"

A, He warned me to answer that letter and reminded me to keep a copy

B. He told me to answer that letter and suggested me to keep a copy

C. He told me to answer that letter and reminded me to keep a copy

D. He suggested answering that letter and reminded me to keep a copy

15. The doctor.... him to take more exercise

A. told B, tell C, have told D, are telling

16. Judy.... going for a walk, but no one else wanted to

A. admitted B, offered C, promised D, suggested

17. Peter said he was leaving for Paris.....

A. next week B. The week previous C. following week D. the following week

18. "Will you be here tomorrow?" she asked= "Yes" I answered

A. She asked if I would be there the next day and I said that I would

B. She asked if I will be there the next day and I said that you would

C. She asked if you would be there the next day and I said that you would

D. She asked if I would be there the next day and I said that I will

19. When I rang Tessa some time last week, she said she was busy... that day ??

A, that B, the C, then D. this

20. "Could you tell me how to fet to the airport?"

A. he asked me how to get to the airport

B, He said if I could tell him the airport

C. he told me how to get to the airport

D. He asked me to tell how to get to the airport

21. They said they.... us if we needed

A. help B. helped C, would help D. had helped

22. He begged them....

A, help him B, should help him C. to help him D, help to him

23. The teacher advised us...

A. to be careful when doing these exercises

B. be careful when doing these exercises

C. careful when doing these exercises

D. are careful when doing these exercises

24. John said " You had better not lend them any money, Daisy"

A. John said Daisy not to lend them any money

B. John advised Daisy should not lend any money

C. John said to Daisy not lend them any money

D, John advised Daisy not to lend them any money

25. Claire wanted to know what time....

A. do the banks close

B, the banks closed

C. did the banks close

D, the banks would close

26. He said he would do it ....

A. yesterday

B the following day

C. the previous day

D. the day before

27. Peter asked Jane why.... the film on TV the previous night

A. didn't she watch B. hadn't she watched

C. she doesn't watch D. she hadn't watched

28. "I.... late again", she promised

A. am not B. won't be

C. wouldn't D, was not late

29. "... the door", he said

A. please open B. open pleased C. please to open D, please, opening

30. "I don't usually drink milk when ...." Mrs. Pike said

A. she was hungry

B, I was hungry

C. I am hungry

D. I will be

Câu trả lời:


1. You could make better progress if you...attended (attend) class regularly

2. If I .knew... (know) his telephone number, I'd give it to you

3. If he worked more slowly, he..wouldn't make. (not make) so many mistakes

4. I shouldn't drink that wine if I.were.. (be) you

5. If someone (give)..gave.. you a boat, what would you (do)...do.?

6. If you are kind to me, I (be).will be.. good to you

7. He (come).would come... if you waited

8. If you (ring) rang..the bell, the servant would come

9. It is (not, rain)... a lot, the rice crop wouldn't grow -> sai đề rồi

10. If today (be) were..Sunday, we wouldn't have to work


1. Keep silent or you'll wake the baby up

-> If...you don't keep silent,you'll wake the baby up...........

2. Stop talking or you won't understand the lesson

-> If....you don't stop talking,you won't understand the lesson.......

3. I don't know her number, so I don't ring her up

-> If..I knew her number,I would ring her up...................

4. I don't know the answer, so I can't tell you

->...If I knew the answer,I could tell you......................

5. We get lost because we don't have a map

-> If....we had a map,we wouldn't get lost...............

6. Susan felt sick because she ate four cream cakes

->If...Susan hadn't eaten four cream cakes,she wouldn't have felt sick...........

7. If anyone didn't come, we would phone you at once

-> Unless...anyone came,we would phone you at once..............

8. If we had enough rain, we couldn't grow rice

-> Unless...we had enough rain,we couldn't grow rice.................

(nhưng câu 8 cũng sai đề rồi :))) phải là if we didn't have enough rain,we couldn't grow rice thì đáp án mới như trên)