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Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Fill in the words in the appropriate space to complete the sentence

take a look at ; film sections ; a horror film ; cocount ; a romantic comedy ; male # feamle ; (get) shipwrecked ; desert ; a deserted island ; fall in love with ; criticize ; critics ; criticsm

1. In such hot weather like this, drinking........... water is recommended

2. The film 'love Actually' is one of my favourite ..................

3. My father said that he............ with my mother immediately when he first saw her at school party.

4. The new movie released last week received positive.................... from critics and audience nationwide.

5. Annabelle and I.T are the most..................that I have ever watched.

6. The movie is about a group of sailors who......................... on a desserted island and have to overcome the tough conditions in the island to survive.

7. Most of ................. say that movie is meaningful, educating, funny and entertaining. What are your comments for this movie?

8. A: What movies are on tonight?

B: I don't know. Let's me have a look at the............ There is 'Gia đình là số một' on tonight. Would you like to watch it?

9. The........... professor didn't like the male film star at first. However, after overcoming a lot of diffculties together, she gradually fell in love with him.They had avery happy ending. You should watch it.

10. Sahara....................... is the largest hot desert and the third largest hot desert and the third largest one in the world after Antartica and the Arctic.

11. Can I borrow your newspaper? I want to.................. the film section of the paper. Tonight I'm going to take my children to the cinema.

12. Children are very sensitive, so parents should offer them constuctive and positive..................... to encourage them to change for the better.

13. I feel afraid to go past the................. land next to my house.