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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

I. Choose the word or phrase which best complete each sentence.

1. Mr. Ba will have his house……yellow next Sunday.( to repaint/ repaint/ repainted/ repainting)

2. The girl……to the hospital after the accident is my closest friend.(taking/ take/ to take/ taken)

3. Can you deliver this letter…….by hand.(by/ with / in/ to)

4. The coastguard boarded the ship and found........( four injured alive men/ alive four injured men/ four injured men alive/ injured four alive men)

5. He turned off the light…….waste electricity (not to/ without/ so that he doesn’t/ so as not to)

6. Not they but Tom…….the reward.(receives/ receive/ receiving/ to receiving)

7. It’s difficult to pay one’s bills when prices keep…….(growing/ gaining/ rising/ raising)

8. She’d prefer to go out……….home (than to stay/ than staying/ rather than staying/ rather than stay)

9. Either Peter and his brothers………the keys to the car.(has been taken/ has taken/ have taken/ have been taken)

10. There is a fault at your television station. Please do not……..your television set (change/ adjust/ repair/ switch)

II. Give the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets.

1. Brian had no money, so he sold his car. A few days later he won some money in a lottery. He (not/ sell) .........his car.

2. He tried (take)………a couple of tablets, but they didn’t help his headache.

3. He sat by the phone, wishing it (ring)……..

4. Present day problems demand that we (be)……….ready for any emergency.

5. You always (complain)………..about my cooking.

6-7. Tom: “It is time we (do)……….something to protect our environment”

David: “Yes, Ok. I think it (destroy)……..seriously in the last ten years.”

8-9. He became addicted to (play)…….games. He really regretted (not take)…….his father’ advice.

10. What tune (play)……..when we came in?