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Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.

Different relationships  affect teenagers in various ways. Friends impact teenagers almost the same amount as their parents. Teenagers go to their friends for help or to ask questions that they could not ask their parents about. Most of the time their friends give them good advice. In most cases they tell their friends how to dress and act when being around certain people. Love relationships just make it even harder for a teenager to get a good education. Some start to fail in school because they are hanging out with their boyfriend or girlfriend instead of doing their work. Parents have a big influence on teenagers because their children look up to them and the majority of them grow up to act and do things just like their parents did with them. Children who have experienced a family break-up may have lower achievements than children brought up in an intact family. As previously stated, teenagers are affected by many relationships which involve their friends, family, and their love relationships. The relationships affect them so much that most teenagers change their ideas about how they should live their lives in a different way and to change their future goals. They should be influenced to help themselves or to help others.

Question: Relationships can_______.

Ahelp others to form relationships

B. help teenagers to decide the future goals in love relationships

Cinfluence teenagers in many aspects of their lives

D. help teenagers to follow their future goals with their friends and family