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VI. Read the following text and decide which answer best fits each numbered blank. Vietnam is a multi-ethnic country with over fifty distinct groups, each with its own language, lifestyle, and (1)_____________ heritage. Many of the local ethnic groups residing in mountain areas are known collectively (2)_____________ the West as Montagnard or Degar. The largest ethnic groups (3)_____________Kinh (Viet) 85.7%, Tay 1.9%, Tai Ethnic 1.8%, Mường 1.5%, Khmer Krom 1.5%, Hmong 1.2%, Nùng 1.1%, Hoa 1%, with all (4) _____________ comprising the remaining 4.3% (2009 census). (5)_____________Vietnamese term for ethnic group is "người thiểu số" or "dân tộc thiểu số". One distinctive feature (6)_____________ highland ethnic minority groups in Vietnam is that they are colourfully attired (7)_____________ at home, in the farm, traveling or in their home town. Many ethnic groups elsewhere (8)_____________as southern part of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, China, Papua New Guinea, and many other countries do not (9)_____________attractive clothes while engaged in their day-to-day activities. The clothing of one group is quite different (10) _____________ that of other groups and adds colour to the social landscape. 1. A. cultivate B. cultivation C. cultural D. culture 2. A. at B. above C. on D. in 3. A. are B. was C. is D. be 4. A. anothers B. others C. difference D. similarity 5. A. The B. An C. A D. X 6. A. over B. between C. of D. to 7. A. weather B. whether C. neither D. either 8. A. or B. like C. so D. such 9. A. to wear B. wear C. wearing D. wore 10. A. above B. under C. from D. to