Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Hà Nội , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 33
Số lượng câu trả lời 4
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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Exercise 12. Read the text and choose the best answer, A, B, C or D.

Weather around the world In the (1.) ……, it’s hot and (2.) …… . There’s a lot of vegetation and wildlife. We saw dolphins in the Amazon (3.) …… and red Uakari monkeys in the (4.) …… . In the (5.) ……, it’s hot and (6.) …… during the day, but it can be very (7.) …… at night. It doesn’t (8.) …… in the desert, and the lack of water means there’s always a risk of (9.) …… . The Caribbean is an area where (10.) …… are common. These storms move across the sea, so islands and coastal towns are in danger from (11.) …… as well as strong winds. There are no roads in the (12.) ……, so we travelled across the (13.) …… on sledges pulled by husky dogs. It’s always (14.) …… cold, but a (15.) …… is really frightening - you can’t see anything except snow, and the win pushes the snow in your face and clothes.

1. A. rainforest B. desert C. Arctic D. mountains

2.A. dry B. humid C. boiling D. soaking

3. A. jungle B. glacier C. river D. flood

4.A. river B. glacier C. desert D. jungle

5. A. mountains B. rainforest C. desert D. Arctic

6. A. dry B. wet C. humid D. boiling

7.A. hot B. cold C. wet D. dry

8.A. snow B. thunder C. rain D. blow

9.A. drought B. heatwave C. thunderstorm D. snow

10.A. heatwaves B. droughts C. hurricanes D. glaciers

11.A. lightning B. floods C. electricity D. storms

12.A. rainforest B. jungle C. glacier D. Arctic

13.A. river B. snow C. mountain D. desert

14.A. freezing B. boiling C. snowing D. raining

15.A. thunderstorm B. heatwave C. blizzard D. hurricane