Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Hà Nội , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 2
Số lượng câu trả lời 28
Điểm GP 2
Điểm SP 15

Người theo dõi (1)

Chu Diệu Linh

Đang theo dõi (1)

Chu Diệu Linh

Câu trả lời:

II. Choose A, B, C, or D for each gap in the following sentences:

1. Phong is usually early ________ school because she gets up early.

            A. on                          B. for                          C. at                            D. to

2. “What would you like to drink now?” –“______________________”.

  A. No, thank you   B. Yes, please.          C. I like to do nothing            D. Orange juice, please.

3. We usually play football in winter ____________ it’s cold.

            A. When                    B. Where                  C. so                           D. time

4. Kien often ________ his bike to visit his hometown.

            A. drives                    B. flies                        C. rides                      D. goes

5. “How are you going to get to Hung King Temple next weekend?” – “_________________”.

            A. By bus                   B. For two days       C. Sometimes            D. Very much

6. It’s cold. The students __________ warm clothes.

            A. wear                      B. wears                    C. wearing                D. are wearing

7. Phuong is very good ________ English and History, but she doesn’t like Maths much.

            A. with                       B. for                          C. to                           D. at

8. The children look very ____________ while playing games during break time.

            A. excite                    B. excited                  C. exciting                 D. excitement

9. Look! The girls are _________ rope in the playground.

            A. dancing                B. playing                  C. skipping                D. doing

10. - “What are you doing this afternoon?”

      - “I don’t know, but I’d like to ___________ swimming.”

            A. have                      B. do                          C. play                        D. go

Câu trả lời:

Marie Curie, the Polish-born French (1) ________, was a courageous, and determined woman. She left her home for Paris to (2) _________ her interest in science. Living in (3) _______, she still (4) _________ to graduate at the top of her class. She met Pierre Curie (5) ________ after graduation and (6) __________ him a year later.

            Together, Pierre and Marie (7) ________ the most famous husband-and-wife (8) ________ in science history. They (9) __________ the Radioactive elements, Polonium and Radium. They (10) _________ the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903.

1. a. biologist                       b. mathematician                            c. chemist                      d. physicist and chemist

2. a. follow                          b. take                                              c. pursue                        d. satisfy

3. a. poverty                        b. loneliness                                    c. wealth                        d. difficulty

4. a. made                            b. managed                                   c. harboured                  d. worked

5. a. immediately                 b. soon                                                 c. shortly             d. rightly

6. a. married                        b. left                                              c. divorced                    d. devoted

7. a. built                      b. organized                                       c. established                      d. formed

8. a. couple               b. partnership            c.scientists              d.partners

9. a. discovered           b. invented                        c.built                           d. made

10. a. had awarded             b. awarded                    c. were awarded                   d. were awarding


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