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1. …………………….
1. I expect we’ll         again one day, but bye for now.
2. The company’s service didn’t ________ my requirements.
3. You’re going to ________ a lot of problems as you go through life.

2. …………………….
1. My grandmother was strict, but the advice she gave me was always ________, and I did my best to follow it.
2. She tossed and turned for several hours and then towards morning she fell into a ________ sleep.
3. The bodywork of the car appears to be quite ________, but the engine definitely needs replacing.

3. …………………….
1. We are hoping to ________ a good deal of money with this scheme.
2. The purpose of the campaign is to ________ awareness of some very important issues.
3. He speaks quietly simply because he does not wish to ________ his voice.

4. …………………….
1. Everybody who read the articles must have been ________ by the courage shown by the little boy in the face of such adversity.
2. Mr and Mrs Davenport bought a house in France a few years ago and ________ there once they had retired.
3. It was clear from the graceful way in which the girl ________ that she had had ballet training.

5. ……………………
1. The most memorable ________ we visited was the Piazza Navona.
2. I am the only one in my family whose ________ is normal.
3. When the road sign came in ________ I realised I only had a few kilometres of my journey to go.

6. …………………….
1. The refugees are finding it difficult to ________ to their new surroundings.
2. The management has revised company policy to ________ the demands of its workers.
3. The hotel is not large enough to ________ the star and his entourage.

7. …………………….
1. The peacock strutted around proudly, the ________ of his tail a beautiful sight.
2. I’m a great ________ of country and western music.
3. Switch on the ________ if you are cooking in the kitchen.

8. …………………….
1. Could you add this up for me? I’m no good at all with ________.
2. The cocktail party was attended by several well-known public ________.
3. Models have to watch their ________ all the time so they eat very carefully.

9. …………………….
1. Despite one or two problems, Ian’s travels were, for the most ________ thoroughly enjoyable.
2. I accept that it was foolish on my ________ to get involved in something so risky.
3. Ambition played an integral ________ in his downfall.