Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 1
Số lượng câu trả lời 0
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

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1.    homeless (people)


vô gia cư

2.    pay for sth (paid – paid) payment



trả (tiền) cho cái gì đó

sự chi trả

3.    (do) charity

charitable (organization)



(làm) từ thiện

(tổ chức) từ thiện

4.    individuals


các cá nhân

5.    have (a good) effect on sb/sth


có tác dụng (tốt) đối với

ai đó/ cái gì đó

6.    face-to-face

=in person


mặt đối mặt

trực tiếp

7.    related (words)


(những từ) có liên quan

8.    go back and forth


đi lui đi tới

9.    flood

flooded (area)



lũ lụt

(vùng) bị lũ

10. elderly people


người cao tuổi

Điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu

1.        People in the                                are suffering a lot from lacking food, fresh water and home because of the continual heavy rain.

2.        Protecting the environment is not the task of  a single                        , but it is the duty of all people in a community, a society and a nation.

3.        I will give you a key word such as ‘community’, you have to think of as many

                                    as possible without repeating the other’s words.

4.        My mother is very kind; she usually spends part of her income doing                         to help others in need. I really admire her kindness.

5.        Although she is not very rich, she usually donates  money to                                _ organizations to help children in remote and mountainous areas.

6.        Teenagers are encouraged to do more voluntary work to help the                      

because these people usually find it hard to travel and commute.

7.        Let me                        the bill this time.

8.        Keep the words going                                    as quickly as possible until the teacher says ‘stop’. Now think about the topic and the related words, please.

9.        Volunteers feel willing to do voluntary work and help others without any

                       . That means they earn no money for their efforts.

10.    The heavy rain during the storm has led to severe                        in the area.

11.    The worst effect of using the Internet is that people find it harder and harder to communicate with others                        .

12.    If you are trying to make a difference, that means you are trying to have

                              a person or a situation.

13.    I wonder how                           live when they have no houses to stay and no jobs to do. I think that we must do something for them.

14.Shut down your laptop, log out your facebook, and go outdoors and meet your real friends           instead of chatting, or surfing the Internet all the time like that