Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 42
Số lượng câu trả lời 6
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 2

Người theo dõi (2)


Đang theo dõi (1)


1. ................sandwiches are there in your bag?

A. How much             B. How often              C. How many              D. How far

2. There ….............bottles of mineral water in the fridge.

A. aren’t some             B. are any                                C. are some                             D. is some

3. On the table there were vegetables, bread and two large _________

A. bowl of soup                      B. bowls of soup                     C. bowl of soups         D. bowls of soups

4. She’s got ……….nice photo of her class.

A. an                                       B. a                                          C. some                       D. any

5. .................. pepper does she want?

A. How much             B. How often              C. How many              D. How long

6. My dad enjoys ________ his bike to work.

A. to ride                                 B. ride                                     C. rides                        D. riding

7. Laughing is good _______ your health.

A. for                                      B. to                                        C. with                                    D. of

8. My friend likes photography, and I like it ………….

A. so                                        B. neither                                C. either                      D. too

9. How about………….. a water puppet show?

A. to watch                             B. watched                              C. watch                                  D. watching

10. Would you like.................................with us, Mai?

A. have lunch              B. having lunch           C. to have lunch                      D. to have a lunch

1.  - ............... do you find making pottery? – I finding making pottery interesting.

A. What                                  B. How                                   C. Why                        D. When

2.  Jenny...................two eggshells and he will continue the third one.

A. carves                                 B. has carved              C. carved                     D. will carved

3.  I have a temperature,………………………………. .

A. but I go to bed early                                              B. so I feel tired

C. or I am putting on weight                          D. and I eat more vegetables


4.  My father hates ………… coffee. He prefers tea.

A. to drink                              B. drink                                   C. drinks                     D. drinking

5.  Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?

A. away                                  B. answer                                C. sunburn                  D. picture

6.  Which word has main stress differently from the others?

A. volunteer                            B. charity                                C. melody                   D. calorie

7.   Beethoven ………….. a lot of songs.

A. composes                B. composed               C. has composed         D. compose

8.   Liz:   I am so nervous that I am putting on weight.

Tony: ……………………….. .

A. Wash your hand more        B. Eat less junk food  C. Sleep more  D. Sunbathe less

9.  Jack  spends almost his time staring at his smart phone, ……..….. is very short-sighted.

A. and                         B.  or                                      C. but                          D. so

10.  My father loved …………. horse-riding when he was young.

A. doing                                  B. going                                  C. playing                    D. taking

11. She feels itchy and her nose is running. She says she has ………….. .

A. headache                            B. toothache                            C. allergy                     D. flu

12. Jenifer says that she ……………. collecting dolls, but she…………… in the future.

A. will like / won’t continue                                       C. likes / continues

B. likes / won’t continue                                                         D. will like / continues

There are many reasons (1) ………. It is important to have a hobby. First of all, a hobby can be a remedy for your (2) ……… . Because it is the activity you choose for yourself, it will always give you pleasure and (3) ……….. you relax. Even if you just spend a little time enjoying your hobby, you can see the difference (4) …………. your spirit. Second, some hobbies can also (5)………….. you financially. Many old people enjoy gardening. They grow a lot of trees and vegetables, so they can sell them for some money. In (6)……….., a hobby can help you connect with other people. If you like collecting stamps, you can (7)………… a stamp club to share your albums with other collectors. If your hobby is carving eggshells, you can give your products to your friends (8)……… gifts.

1/       A. why                            B. for                                     C. because

2/       A. happiest                    B. tiredness                    C. pain

3/       A. do                              B. have                          C. help

4/       A. for                                       B. on                              C. in

5/       A. harm                         B. benefit                       C. give

6/       A. addition                     B. general                       C. conclusion

7/       A. take part                             B. join                            C. do

8/       A. like                            B. for                             C. as