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a. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.  

1. A. traffic            B. pavement           C. plane                  D. station

2. A. healthy                     B. ahead                 C. bread                 D. seatbelt

3. A. attended                   B. shocked             C. visited               D. started

4. A. looked           B. walked               C. stopped              D. terrified

5.A. plane              B. station               C. mistake             D. plant

6. A. waited           B. bored                 C. hated                 D. needed

b. Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from the others.

1. A. railway           B. helicopter         C. across                 D. safety

2. A. disaster           B. comedy             C. romantic             D. surprising

3. A.enjoy             B.money                C.relax                   D.receive

4.A. rename           B.artist                   C.famous               D. picture

5. Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from the others.

A. director               B. producer           C. critic                   D. review

. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers.

                                                  The Injury

I’ve just returned(21) _____the doctor’s office, and he told me that because of my injury I will have to miss the next two weeks of basketball. I’m really(22) _____! Last night, I hurt my ankle during a very exciting game against West High School. It was five minutes before(23) _____end of the game, the score was 60-60, I had the ball, and I heard my coach shouting (24) _____me to shoot. So I started to jump, but suddenly I found myself lying flat on my back on the court! A West High player had accidentally knocked me(25) _____. I tried to stand up, but my ankle hurt(26) _____much that I was unable to walk. Two of my teammates had to help me leave the court. My ankle started to swell up, so the team doctor brought me a(27) _____of ice to put(28) _____it. The ice was cold, but it felt good on my ankle.

When the swelling on my ankle reduced a little, my coach(29) _____the doctor if he thought I would be able to play any more. But the doctor replied that I would have to sit out the rest of the game and come to see him the next day. (30) _____did I receive an injury, but we also lost the game by a score of 68-66. What a disappointing night!


21.  A. from

22.  A. disappoint

23.  A. some

24.  A. for

25.  A. with

26.  A. so

27.  A. can

28.  A. in

29.  A. asked

30.  A. Hardly

B. at

B. disappoints

B. the

B. on

B. down

B. very

B. box

B. of

B. said

B. Because

c. on

c. disappointed

c. a

c. in

c. off

c. such

c. bag

c. at

c. ordered

c. Although

D. for

D. disappointing

D. an

D. at

D. through

D. too

D. bottle

D. on

D. allowed

D. Not only

I. Choose A, B, c or D that best completes the sentences.

Question 1. James’s hobby is______ robots. There are many robots in his room.

A. collected             B. collecting            C. collect             D. collects

Question 2.His parents will give him a bicycle on his birthday because he really loves____

A. gardening            B. shopping              C. cycling            D. dancing

Question 3.They like______ photos because they take photos in anywhere they have come.

A. taking                     B. take                  C. took                 D. taken

Question 4.Timmy spends all day watching birds. His hobby is______.

A. bird - watching B. watching - bird C. bird - watch D. birding - watch

Question 5: I have known her___________ two years.

         A. with

     B. forh

 C. since

 D. in

Question 6: He ___________  many old books for 5 years.

         A. recycled

    B. is recycling

C. has recycled

D. will recycle

Question 7: They have decided to clean up the neighborhood………it is full of rubbish.

           A.so                         B. but                          C. because                      D. although

Question 8: There are many …………why it is important to have a hobby.

A.    facts                     B. reasons                    C. details                       D. answers

Question 9: Nam doesn’t love ……………. models because it is very difficult.

A. makes                    B. making                   C. make                        D. to make

Question 10: Students find swimming   __________ because it can help them to keep fit.

A. interesting              B. is interesting          C. it is interesting        D. to be interesting.

Question 11: I feel sick yesterday, __________ I didn’t go to school.

A. too                       B. and                             C.so                            D. or

Question 12: If you enjoy planting trees and flowers, your hobby is __________

A. gardening           B. playing soccer.          C. collecting              D. making pottery

Question 13: Have you ever___________ to Sapa?

          A. seen                       B. been                          C. visited                   D. gone

Question 14: Traditional volunteer activities include _____________   money for people in need, cooking and giving food.

      A. getting                       B. rising                        C. raising                    D. taking

Question 15: My father’s hobby is _______ flowers. He takes care of the flowers every day.

A. planting                       B. taking                     C. making                   D. to plant

Question 16:  Wash your hands_______. It helps you to avoid catching viruses.

           A. more                        B. less                         C. much                      D. few

Question 17: His health will be better if he eats less _________ food.

A. healthy                   B. unhealthily             C. health                     D. unhealthy  

Question 18: - Vicky: “It’s raining outside but I must go out now.”             – Jane: “______.”

            A. Wear a hat              B. Wear a raincoat      C. Take off your coat   D. Take off your hat

Question 19: Vicky: “I had an allergy last week.”                            – Jane: “______!”

            A. Oh, good                B. Oh, how interesting   C. Oh, dear. I didn’t know that   D. Oh, really

Question 20: People who do not have houses to live are called ______ people.

A. home                      B. homely       C. housework              D. homeless

II. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the sentences.

 1. Mai loves cooking a lot because she often______   food for her family and

feels great to see other people enjoy her food.

A. prepare B. preparing C. to prepare D. prepares


2. Next week, Nancy’s parents______  her a new bicycle.

A. will give             B. gives                   C. give                  D. will giving

3. They really like______  photos of sightseeing site.

A. take                    B. taking                  C. will take           D. takes

4. Louis finds dancing______  because moving his body to music makes him relaxed.

A. boring                 B. easy                     C. interesting       D. expensive

5. I hate______  guitar because my fingers always get hurt.

A. play                    B. plays                   C. playing            D. will play

VI. Choose the sentence which is closet in meaning to the sentence above.

1.I haven’t eaten this kind of food before.

A.     This is the first time I eat this kind of food.

B.      This is the first time I have eaten this kind of food.

C. This is the last time I have eaten this kind of food.

D. This is the last time I eat this kind of food.

2.     The last time I saw her was a week ago.

A.     I haven’t seen her for a week.

B.      I haven’t seen her a week ago.

C. I didn’t see her for a week.

D. I didn’t see her a week ago.

3.     I couldn’t read the letter because it was dark.

A.      I couldn’t read the letter because the darkness.

B.      I couldn’t read the letter because darkness was.

C. I couldn’t read the letter because of darkness.

D. I couldn’t read the letter because of the darkness.

4.     I can’t sleep because of the hot weather.

A.     I can’t sleep because the weather is hot.

B.      I can’t sleep because the weather was hot.

C. I can’t sleep because the hot weather is.

D. I can’t sleep because the hot weather.

5     They last saw me five years ago.

A.      They haven’t seen me since five years ago.

B.      They haven’t seen me since five years

C. They haven’t seen me for five years

D. They haven’t seen me for five years ago.

   6.  My brother likes listening to pop music.

A.     My brother is interesting in listening to pop music.

B.      My brother is interesting on listening to pop music.

C. My brother is interested in listening to pop music.

D. My brother is interested on listening to pop music.

  7. It is very challenging for someone to climb the mountain alone.

A.     Someone find climbing the mountain alone challenging.

B.  Someone finds climbing the mountain alone challenging.

C. Someone finds it is challenging to climb the mountain alone.

D. Someone find it challenging to climb the mountain alone.

8. This is the first time I have watched “Iron man ”

A.     I watched “Iron man ” ago.

B.     I have watched “Iron man ” before.

C. I have ever watched “Iron man ” before.

D. I have never watched “Iron man ” before.

9.  Ann thinks arranging flowers is much more interesting than bird-watching.

A.     Ann thinks watching birds is more interesting than arranging flowers.

B.      Ann doesn’t think arranging flowers is much more interesting than bird-watching.

C. Ann doesn’t think bird-watching is as interesting as arranging flowers.

D. Ann thinks arranging flowers and bird-watching are very interesting.

10.  Phong started to collect old coins five years ago.

A. Phong has collected old coins for five years.

     B. Phong has started to collect old coins for five years.

C. Phong likes collecting old coins.

D. Phong collected old coins five year ago.