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Số lượng câu hỏi 30
Số lượng câu trả lời 7
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 3

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Chủ đề:

Unit 3: Peoples of Viet Nam

Câu hỏi:

XVII. Make sentences from the given cuss and explain why ?

1. which ethnic group/ second largest population/ Vietnam?

2. Sap dance/ typical dance/ Muong people/ the north.

3. Most/ ethnic minorities/ Vietnam/ live/ mountainous areas.

4. Thai ethnic minority/ well known/ beautifully woven garments

5. The New Year celebration/ Lao ethnic group/ lunar April

6. Thai people/ account/ approximately 1.8%/ Vietnam’s population.

7. Tay/ live/ fertile plains/ they/ cultivate/ rice/ keep/ cattle and poultry beautiful!

8. How long/ the Ede/ lived / the high plateau region/ central Vietnam?


XVII. Write the second sentence so that it means the same thing as the first sentence. Use the words in brackets and explain why ?

1. Your village is so beautiful.


2. How long is it since you built this stilt house?


3. Living in a big city is more convenient than living in a village.


4. Where does he live?


5. Although the villagers are quite poor, they live a happy and healthy way.

In spite of

6. What did the local people say?

Could you tell me

7. Romantic films interest me more than war films.

I find

8. A lot of people take the train from Oxford to London every day.

A lot of people travel

9. How about asking the local people for help?


10. Is there an ancestral altar in the La Chi’s largest apartment?


11. They are too young to join the army.

They are not

12. We can’t hang the picture on the wall. It is heavy.

The picture

13. Your work is better than mine.

My work

14. Dick is the youngest in the family.


15. The question is so difficult that all the students can’t answer it.

It is such

16. It is 5 years since Tom and Mary got married.

Tom and Mary

17. They built a new bridge over the river.

A new bridge

18. I last wrote to my pen-pal two months ago.

I haven’t

19. Although the weather was bad, it did not delay the traffic.

In spite of

20. I fed the chickens this morning.

The chickens        

giúp mik 

Có hai hạt mầm nằm cạnh nhau trên một mảnh đất màu mỡ. Hạt mầm thứ nhất nói: Tôi muốn lớn lên thật nhanh. Tôi muốn bén rễ sâu xuống lòng đất và đâm chồi nảy lộc xuyên qua lớp đất cứng phía trên...

       Tôi muốn nở ra những cánh hoa dịu dàng như dấu hiệu chào đón mùa xuân... Tôi muốn cảm nhận sự ấm áp của ánh mặt trời và thưởng thức những giọt sương mai đọng trên cành lá.

Và rồi hạt mầm mọc lên.

Hạt mầm thứ hai bảo:


- Tôi sợ lắm. Nếu bén những nhánh rễ vào lòng đất sâu bên dưới, tôi không biết sẽ gặp phải điều gì ở nơi tối tăm đó. Và giả như những chồi non của tôi có mọc ra, đám côn trùng sẽ kéo đến và nuốt ngay lấy chúng. Một ngày nào đó, nếu những bông hoa của tôi có thể nở ra được thì bọn trẻ con cũng sẽ vặt lấy mà đùa nghịch thôi. Không, tốt hơn hết là tôi nên nằm ở đây cho đến khi cảm thấy thật an toàn đã.

Và rồi hạt mầm nằm im và chờ đợi.

      Một ngày nọ, một chú gà đi loanh quanh trong vườn tìm thức ăn, thấy hạt mầm nằm lạc lõng trên mặt đất bèn mổ ngay lập tức.

       Trong cuộc sống sẽ luôn có những cơ hội cho những ai dám chấp nhận mạo hiểm, trải nghiệm những thử thách, mạnh dạn vượt qua những khuôn khổ lối mòn để bước lên những con đường mới.

(Theo Hạt giống tâm hồn, Fisrt New và NXB Tổng hợp TP HCM)

Nêu nội dung chính của văn bản trên?

Chủ đề:

Unit 6: The first university in Viet Nam

Câu hỏi:


IX Read the passage and answer the questions below.

            The Temple of Literature is about 10 minutes away from Swordlake. It was constructed in 1070 under Ly Thanh Tong’s dynasty. In 1076, King Ly Nhan Tong continued the work and built it as the first university of Vietnam.

            The temple is divided into five courtyards, each with its own significance and history. There are a total of 82 tombstones, with names and origins of 1307 doctors, corresponding to 82 examination courses from 1442 to 1779. Ifyou visit the temple at the beginning of the year or in May when many important examinations take place, you will catch sights of numerous students who come and rub the tortoise head. Such an action is believed to bring them luck to pass the test.

            If you are keen on architecture, Temple of Literature has one of the most typical architecture style for centuries in Vietnam, composed of wood and tiles. Along the pass way are hundred-year-old trees that have witnessed ups and downs of history.

Answer the following questions. 

       1.   When was the Temple of Literature constructed? -> Văn Miếu được xây dựng khi nào ?

            It was constructed in 1070 under Ly Thanh Tong's dynasty 

      2.   Who continued the worked and built it as the first university of Viet Nam?    


      3.   Is the temple divided into four courtyards? -            .........................................................................................................................................

      4.   How many tombstones are there? 

            There are 82 Doctor's stone tablets in total.  

      5.   When do important examinations take place?             .........................................................................................................................................

Chủ đề:

Review 2 (Units 4- 5- 6)

Câu hỏi:




 I Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

      1.   A. ocean                      B. special                     C. century                    D. musician

      2.   A. guitar                       B. gallery                     C. gangster                   D. general

      3.   A. naughty                   B. mop                         C. caught                     D. bought

      4.   A. call                          B. car                           C. tall                           D. walk

      5.   A. January                   B. encourage                C. ginger                      D. goodbye

 II Put the words into the correct column according to the underlined part.

jealous             machine     jungle        sure           watcher      sugar

      bridge        delicious    choose       villager      chicken      chopstick

/ tʃ /

/dʒ /











 III Choose the word with the different stress pattern.

      1.   A. toyshop                   B. decide                     C. birthday                   D. village

      2.   A. mountain                 B. butter                       C. repair                       D. merry

      3.   A. alive                        B. ago                          C. carpet                      D. agree

      4.   A. reply                       B. answer                     C.happen                     D. mother

      5.   A. father                      b. garden                      C. doctor                      D. compare


V Fill in the blank with a suitable question word.

      1.   …………………. is this packet of chips?- 15 thousand dongs.

      2.   …………………. is it from HoanKiem Lake to the Temple of Literature?

      3.   …………………. does she eat seafood?- Twice a year.

      4.   …………………. kinds of drink are there in your fridge?- Three.

      5.   …………………. is the name of the first university in Viet Nam?

      6.   …………………. pieces of music did he write?- More than 600.

 VI Put into the correct form of the following words.

1.   Can you find me the ……………… of these two instruments?

2.   Hue Imperial City is considered as the ………… heritage ofViet Nam.

3.   My ……………… drinks are lemonade and milkshake.

4.   He is a ……………… actor.

5.   The Temple of Literature is surrounded by old trees and many……………… things.







 VII Look at the pictures and complete the sentences using the words below.

Text Box: 	instruments 	university 	seafood	stone tablets

1. Some people easily get allergy when eating ……………..

2. She has a large collection of musical ……………..

3. After finishing ……………… he will try to find a good job.


4. People erected …………. on the backs of tortoises.

 VIII Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

      1.   “What would you like to drink now?” - “……………….”

            A. Yes, please                                                  B. No, thanks  

            C. Tea, please                                                  D. I like nothing to do

      2.   All the food ……………… and all the drinks ……………… at the party last night.

            A. eaten/drunk                                                 B. has eaten/ has drunk

            C. was eaten/ were drunk                                 D. were eaten/ was drunk

      3.   Have you ever visited Minh Mang Tomb?- Yes, I have. It ……………… in 1841 and completed three years later.

            A. was constructed                                          B. constructed 

            C. is constructed                                              D. was construction

      4.   We didn’t buy  ……………… potatoes for lunch.

            A. much                       B. any                          C. some                       D. little

      5.   ……………… kilos of beef do you want, Sir? -I need only one.

            A. How many              B. How much              C. How big                  D. How large

      6.   John loves classical music because he is good at ……………… it.

            A. play                         B. playing                   C. played                     D. to play

      7.   The dancers in my schools learn the dance steps and how to move their …………    

            A. trousers                   B. hat                           C. bodies                     D. eyes

      8.   Classical music is not   ……………… pop and rock.

            A. as exciting so                                              B. as exciting as

            C. more exciting as                                          D. the most exciting as

      9.   Not many people find Art and Music  ……………… at school.

            A. important                B. import                     C. importance              D. unimportance

      10. I don’t like eating fish and ……………… she.

            A. so does                    B. so doesn’t                C. neither does             D. either does

      11. Dong Ho paintings are made on ……………… papers with beautiful natural colours.

            A. tradition                  B. culture                     C. cultural                    D. traditional

      12. The party last night ……………… with so many delicious food and drinks.

            A. served                     B. is served                  C. was served              D. were served.

      13. You had better ……………… the camera with you because The Great Wall is a very nice and interesting place.

            A. take                         B. taking                      C. took                         D. to take

      14. Water puppetry is a traditional performance and it ……………… in a pool.

            A. perform                   B. was performed        C. is performed            D. performing

      15. The person who take photos is called  ………………

            A. a portrait                 B. taker                        C. artist                        D. photographer



IXComplete the passage with the words given.

 competition           support            dancing           imitated           skillfully


            Mary’s hobby is dance sport. She enjoys (1) ………………. very much. She could dance herself when she was small. She always saw clips of dancers on television and she (2) ………………. them. She has danced more (3) ………………. since her mother let her learn in a dancing club near her house. She is twelve years old now. Mary is going to take part in a dancing (4) ………………. organized by the Melody Center this Saturday. Her family is going there to (5) ………………. her.

 X Read the passage and circle T(True) or F (False)

            People drink a lot of tea. There are many kinds of tea. There is black tea. There is red tea. There is yellow tea. People drink a lot of tea in China. Some people drink it because it is good for them. It makes them healthy. Many people drink it because it tastes very good. It is delicious. People drink a lot of green tea in Japan and in Korea, too. In Viet Nam, some people especially old people like green tea. They buy green tea leaves in the market, wash them in the water and then boil them with water. People drink it when it is cold or even hot.

      1.   People drink a lot of tea.                                                 T/F

      2.   Chinese people don’t drink tea.                                      T/ F

      3.   They drink tea because it is harmful for their health.      T/ F

      4.   Japanese and Korean both drink tea.                              T/ F

      5.   Green tea leaves are bought from the market.                 T/ F


 XV Make meaningful sentences based on the words given below.

      1.   You/ need/ know/ recipe/ before/ cook/ dish.


      2.   No/ dishes/ Vietnam/ as/ famous/ Pho.


      3.   Temple of Literature/ be/ build/1070/ Ly Thanh Tong/ dynasty.


      4.   You/ need/ least/ 20 minutes/ cook/ it.


      5.   Her/ cooking style/ much/ different/ mine.


 XVI Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words.

      1.   The shirt costs $ 19. The pants cost $22.

      →  The shirt doesn’t cost.................................................................................................. (as)

      2.   Jane is 18 years old. I am 18 years old, too.

      →  Jane is.................................................................................................................... (same)

      3.   I think this dish is very delicious, but she doesn’t.

      →  Her taste is.............................................................................................................. (from)

      4.   The novel was written just within 2 weeks by a disabled writer.

      →  A disabled writer..............................................................................................................

      5.   People raised this fund to help orphanage children in the city.

      →  This fund..........................................................................................................................


Chủ đề:

Unit 8: Films

Câu hỏi:

I. Put the words into the correct column depending on how the ending -ed is pronounced.

















































II. Choose the word that has the ending pronounced differently.

1. a. escaped                    b. liked                             c. decided                         d. washed

2. a. moved                      b. gripped                         c. remembered                 d. encouraged

3. a. matched                   b. dressed                         c. starred                          d. decreased

4. a. excited                     b. annoyed                       c. bored                            d. terrified

5. a. borrowed                 b. explained                     c. tried                              d. succeeded

III. Complete the sentences with the types of film in the box.




science-fiction (sci-fi)



romantic comedies




1. A...........................................................is an exciting film, especially about murder or serious crimes.

2. ...........................................................films feature lots of monsters such as Frankenstein, or Dracula that make you scream and be afraid, very afraid!

3. .................................................are sweet films that include romance, but also lots of funny moments as well.

4. In general, .................................................make you laugh – a lot!

5. ...........................................................films are about imaginary events in the future or in outer space.

6. A...........................................................is a film that investigates some real-life story.

7. In...........................................................films the heroes have lots of battles, do incredible stunts and drive fast.

8............................................................films use computer graphics to make elaborate stories.

9......................................films have a main character who’s usually either on a conquest or exploration.

10. ...........................................................films are stories of people finding each other and falling in love.

IV. Match the words to their definitions.

1. gripping

a. funny and interesting


2. scary

b. extremely good


3. violent

c. causing strong feelings of sadness or sympathy


4. boring

d. very surprising, and difficult to believe


5. moving

e. not surprising


6. entertaining

f. frightening


7. predictable

g. using or involving force to hurt or attack


8. hilarious

h. very exciting


9. shocking

i. not interesting


10. incredible

j. extremely funny


Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives above.

1. The film was so..................................................that Mrs. Brown cried at the end.

2. Romance movie plots have become so..................................................that you can tell exactly what’s coming.

3. My mother can’t stand war films because they’re too...................................................

4. It was an action film, but it was so..................................................that I fell asleep in the middle.

5. We laughed all the way through the film. It was so...................................................

6. That thriller was so..................................................I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen for a second.

7. Sam always has nightmares after watching..................................................movies.

8. The ending of The Sixth Sense was really................................................... It surprised me a lot.

9. The Meyerowitz Stories is getting some..................................................reviews and should be one to add to your watch list.

10. Most historical movies are both educational and...................................................

V. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.






special effects





1. In our.................................................., we ask you to vote for your favorite film.

2. The..................................................of the film was too complicated - I couldn’t understand it.

3. Manohla Dargis is one of the chief film..................................................for The New York Times.

4. My younger brother enjoys watching..................................................about wild animals.

5. Bruce Lee’s martial arts movies made him an international film...................................................

6. The Godfather is one of..................................................films for movie lovers.

7. James Cameron’s film about the Titanic..................................................won 11 Oscars.

8. I read a..................................................of that film and it sounds really interesting.

9. The..................................................were amazing! The spaceships all seemed real!

10. The..................................................shouted ‘Action!’ and the actor started running.

VI. Complete the sentences with the correct adjective form of the words in brackets.

1. I find horror films really..................................................and not at all fun to watch.                         (frighten)

2. I get really..................................................when I can’t express myself well in English.                   (frustrate)

3. That film was so..................................................! There was no happy ending for any of the characters. (depress)

4. If I feel...................................................., I find watching a romance comedy is often......................................................                                                                                                                                                        (stress – relax)

5. The news was so..................................................that she burst into tears.                                                (shock)

6. Kathy was..................................................when she saw the dinosaur bones at the museum.              (amaze)

7. The teacher was really..................................................so the lesson passed quickly.                            (amuse)

8. Whenever Adrian gets, ..................................................he goes fishing.                                                   (bore)

9. We all were..................................................with the results of the test.                                             (disappoint)

10. Of course, action movies are................................................... That’s why I like them.                       (excite)

VII. Underline the correct form.

Alice     : That was a very (1) excited / exciting movie. What did you think?

Jake     : To be honest I found it kind of (2) bored /boring. I’m not (3) interested /interesting in science fiction.

Alice     : Really? I find it (4) fascinated /fascinating. What kind of movies do you enjoy?

Jake     : Mostly comedies. Have you seen Home Again?

Alice     : Yes, but I wasn’t (5) amused / amusing at all. In fact I thought it was (6) horrified / horrifying.

              The storyline was (7) confused / confusing, and I couldn’t find any humour in the characters’

              problems. When I left the theater, I felt rather (8) depressed/ depressing.

Jake     : I’m (9) amazed/ amazing that you felt that way! I thought it was very (10) amused/ amusing.

Alice     : Well, I guess it’s a master of taste.

VIII. Choose the correct answers.

1. I got really............................when I saw the main character being killed.

   a. confused                                    b. frightened                              c. bored                                          d. amused

2. The film was so............................that the two girls next to me couldn’t stop crying.

   a. moving                                       b. thrilling                                  c. exciting                                      d. fascinating

3. Critics were............................at John Travolta in Pulp Fiction. He was unexpectedly good.

   a. worried                                      b. interested                               c. disappointed                             d. surprised

4. It is a............................tale of a haunted house and the ghosts there in.

   a. amusing                                     b. shocking                                c. thrilling                                     d. pleasing

5. We were............................that we couldn’t get tickets to see the film.

   a. terrified                                      b. satisfied                                  c. relaxed                                       d. disappointed

6. The ending of “American Psycho” was so............................. It left viewers with questions.

   a. confusing                                   b. exhausting                             c. horrifying                                  d. moving

7. My brother was............................so he couldn’t watch the film.

   a. overwhelmed                            b. scared                                     c. annoyed                                     d. excited

8. The Adventures of Marco Polo (1938) was highly............................, but lacked historical accuracy.

   a. disgusting                                  b. encouraging                          c. entertaining                              d. exhausting

9. James finds sci-fi movies really............................. He enjoys watching them.

   a. terrifying                                   b. embarrassing                        c. concerning                                d. fascinating

10. Whenever I feel............................, I watch a comedy that makes me laugh and feel better.

   a. depressed                                   b. amused                                   c. exhausted                                  d. thrilled

IX. Complete the sentences, using although + a clause or despite / in spite of+ a noun phrase from the box.

Ben Stiller was the star of this movie

The fact that they split up over forty years ago

Those poor reviews

Meryl Streep is most well known for her many Oscar-worthy performances

I didn’t find the film at all frightening

Being a well-reviewed hit

Knowing it is not true

Most critics agreed that the film was her best ever

1. .................................................................................................... , my brother was so scared that he couldn’t watch it.

2. I was rather disappointed by her performance.................................................................................................................. .

3. Courage Under Fire didn’t win an Oscar............................................................................................................................... .

4. .............................................................................................................................................. , it was Ferrell who stole the show.

5. The movie had a successful box-office performance................................................................................................... .

6. ................................................................................................................................ , the Beatles are still incredibly popular.

7. ......................................... , her status was reaffirmed after the huge box-office success of Mamma Mia!.

8. We jump or yell when we see a horror movie.................................................................................................................... .

X. Join the two sentences using the word in brackets.

1. Glenn Close hasn’t won a single Oscar. She has been nominated six times.                      (although)


2. Brian Stone is a famous singer. He can’t sing folk songs.                                                        (despite)


3. Some people said the film was terrible. I found it quite gripping.                                          (Though)


4. It was a horror film. It wasn’t frightening at all.                                                                     (in spite of)


5. The movie was a box-office failure. It had an all-star cast.                                              (even though)


6. The film had good reviews. It was entirely ignored by awards bodies.                                  (despite)


7. People criticized the movie for being too violent. The movie was a commercial success. (in spite of)


8. I liked it a great deal. I will likely never watch it again.                                                         (although)


9. The film had largely negative reception. Penn was nominated for Best Actor.                    (despite)


10. Critic reviews were favorable. The film was pulled early from theaters due to low ticket sales. (although)


Chủ đề:

Unit 6: The first university in Viet Nam

Câu hỏi:

I.  Put the words into the correct column according to the underlined part.

     joke             chicken       watch          college         cheap          cello

     question      juice            july             sandwich    giraffe         garage

     engine         exhaustion  gymnastic   natural        enjoy           furniture

     language     statue













 II .  Write the name in English of some historic places in Vietnam.

1.             Van Mieu             ___________________

2.             Chua Huong         ___________________

3.             Chua Mot Cot      ___________________

4.             Den Hung             ___________________

5.             Hoang Thanh Hue___________________          

6.            Khue Van Cac___________________ 

 II. Fill in each blank with a suitable word.

1.  The Imperial _______________ was built by Emperor Ly Nhan Tong.

2.  The _______________ of Literature was founded in 1070.

3.  Quoc Tu Giam, the first _______________ of Vietnam, was established in 1076.

4.  The 82 Doctors’ stone _______________ were recognised by UNESCO in 2010.

5.  In 2003, four _______________ of Ly Thanh Tong, Ly Nhan Tong, Le Thanh Tong and Chu Van An were built.

6.  In the centre of the third courtyard is the Thien Quang _______________.

7.  The teachers of the Imperial Academy were very famous _______________.

8.  Tourists can see many beautiful Cham _______________ in Binh Dinh Province.

 III.    Complete the passage using the past participle of the verbs in the box.

Rounded Rectangle: destroy	build (2)	locate	name	surround	consider	rename

     Xuan Huong Lake is (1) ______________ in the center of Dalat City. It is (2) _____________ the most charming lake of the foggy land.

     In 1919 and 1923, two dams were (3) ______________   on a branch of Cam Ly River to create two small lakes. Unfortunately, during a severe storm in 1932, both dams were (4) ____________. Between 1934 and 1935, a larger dam was (5) ______________ of boulders below the sites of the two previous dams to create one large lake. At first, the dam was (6) ______________ Grand Lac (large lake) by the French, but in 1953 it was (7) ______________Xuan Huong Lake to dedicate to Xuan Huong, a famous Vietnamese poetess in the 19th century. The lake is fully (8) ______________ by pine forests, meadows and flower gardens.

 IV.    Use the prompts to write sentences, putting the verbs in the present simple passive.

1.  Cheese/ make/ from milk.


2.  The Temple/ visit/ thousands of people/ every year.


3.  Toyota cars/ produce/ Toyota Motor Corporation.


4.  German/ also/ speak/ at EU meetings.


5.  Most newspapers/ print/ on recycled paper.


6.  The Imperial Academy/ consider/ the first university in Viet Nam.


7.  Three milliliters of water/ add/ to the mixture.


8.  The letters/ deliver/ the postman/ at 8 o’clock.


 V. Complete the sentences using the past simple passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1.  The Temple of Literature _________________ (construct) in 1070 under Ly Thanh Tong’s dynasty.

2.  The statues ___________ (build) by the Ha Noi People’s Committee in 2003.

3.  The Doctors’ stone tablets _____________ (recognise) by UNESCO in 2010.

4.  The construction of TuDuc Tomb _________________ (complete) in 1876.

5.  The students of the Imperial Academy _________________ (select) from regional examinations.

6.  Originally, the Po Nagar tower _________________ (make) of wood in order to worship Goddess Po Nagar.

7.  Between 1442 and 1779, eighty-one exams _________________ (hold) by the Le dynasty.

8.  Chu Van An _________________ (bear) in Van Thon village, Thanh Dam district.

 VI.    Complete the sentences with the passive form of the verbs In the box.

Rounded Rectangle: locate	erect	celebrate	recognise	build
write	surround	display	regard	reconstruct


1.  Lunar New Year ________________ in January or February.

2.  The Taj Mahal ________________ in the 17th century.

3.  The Independence Palace ________________ on Nam KyKhoiNghia Street.

4.  The novel Oliver Twist ________________ by Charles Dickens.

5.  In 2000, Ha Long Bay ________________ by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

6.  Many precious relics ________________ in the Temple of Literature.

7.  The first Doctors’ Stone Tablets ________________ in 1484.

8.  Many old buildings in the Temple of Literature ________________ in 1999.

9.  Van Mieu ________________ by three main roads of Hanoi.

10.     The three Ivory Cham Towers ________________ as one of the best Cham tower complexes in Vietnam.

 VII.   Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1.  People use the Internet all over the world.


2.  Did the police find the missing girl?


3.  Large numbers of tourists visit these tourist attractions annually.


4.  They built Po Nagar Cham Towers to honour the goddess Po Nagar.


5.  Tourists don’t visit this museum very often.


6.  She bought all this cheese in France.


7.  They didn’t invite me to their New Year party.


8.  Do they sell mineral water in plastic bottles?


9.  People consider the Imperial Academy the first university in Vietnam.


10.     When did UNESCO recognise Ha Long Bay as a World Heritage Site?


VIII.  Choose the bestanswer a, b, c, or d to complete each sentence.

1.  British author George Orwell ___________ the novel Animal Farm.  

     a. writes               b. wrote                c. is written          d. was written

2.  My passport ___________ last year while I was on vacation.   

     a. stole                  b. has stolen         c. was steal           d. was stolen

3.  Breakfast ___________ in this hotel until 7a.m.     

     a. served               b. didn’t serve      c. isn’t served       d. isn’t serving

4.  Most email accounts at my company ___________ by virus two days ago.

     a. affected             b. were affected    c. was affected      d. are affected

5.  Someone ___________ this mirror last night.         

     a. breaks               b. is broken          c. broke                d. was broken

6.  Look at this beautiful lace! Where ___________?   

     a. was it made      b. does it make     c. did it make        d. is it made

7.  The school ___________ two examinations every year.   

     a. holds                b. held                  c. is held               d. was held

8.  The Temple of Literature ___________ in 1070 by Emperor LyThanh Tong.

     a. found                b. has founded      c. was found         d. was founded

9.  The committee ___________ a public transportation proposal.

     a. consider            b. is considering   c. considered        d. was considered

10.     Everybody ___________ by the terrible news yesterday.     

     a. shocked            b. has shocked      c. was shocked     d. were shocked

IX.    Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition.

1.  We are preparing ___________ a trip to the Temple of Literature.

2.  She’s very keen to learn ___________ Japanese culture.

3.  The Temple of Literature was built ___________ Ly Thanh Tong’s dynasty.

4.  What do you plan to take ___________ you on the trip?

5.  The Imperial Academy was regarded ___________ the first university in Vietnam.

6.  The Po Nagar Tower Complex consisted        ___________ six towers.

7.  The One Pillar Pagoda was built ___________ the year 1049.

8.  The 82 Doctors’ stone tablets were recognised ___________ UNESCO.

9.  Thong Nhat Palace is located ___________ 106 Nguyen Du Street, District 1.

10.     Khue Van Pavilion is the symbol ___________ Hanoi.

I.  Make questions for the underlined parts.

Mai:  (1)_________________________________________                   

Huan:          Yes, I’ve been to the Temple of Literature twice.

Mai:  (2)_________________________________________                   

Huan:          I last went to the Temple of Literature in 2017.

Mai:  (3)_________________________________________                   

Huan:          The Temple of Literature is located on Van Mieu Street.

Mai:  (4)_________________________________________                   

Huan:          The Temple was founded by Emperor Le Thanh Tong.

Mai:  (5)_________________________________________                   

Huan:          No, not in 1076. It was built in 1070.

Mai:  (6)_________________________________________                   

Huan:          The Imperial Academy was established in 1076.

Mai:  (7)_________________________________________                   

Huan:          Chu Van An was the first principal of the Imperial Academy.

Mai:  (8)_________________________________________                   

Huan:          There are 82 Doctors’ Stone Tablets in the Temple of Literature.

II. Put the dialogue into the correct order.

___ I’m going to the Temple of Literature and the Imperial Academy first.

___ The mausoleum might be closed for maintenance sometimes so check before you go.

___ It sounds very interesting! Have a good trip.

_1_ Hi, you look quite busy. What are you doing?

___ Ok, I will. In the evening, I’ll walk round HoanKiem Lake and enjoy Trang Ten ice cream.

___ Wow! What is your plan?

___ I’m making a plan for my trip to Hanoi.

___ Then I’m going to visit Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum and Ba Dinh Square.

___ Oh, I see. It’s a famous historic and cultural place in Hanoi.

___ Yes, sure. Thank you.

I.  Fill in each blank with a word from the box.

Rounded Rectangle: destroyed	temples	statues	worship
as	located	about	until

     (1) ___________ in the mountainous border DuyXuyenDistrict of Quang Nam Province, My Son Sanctuary is Viet Nam’s most important site of the ancient kingdom of Champa.

     My Son is a complex of Hindu (2) ___________ that were constructed by the Champakingdom, which ruled the Central and Southern part of Vietnam, from the 3rd century (3) ___________ 1832. The first temples of My Son were constructed with wood during the 4thcentury. After they were (4) ___________ by fire, the kings of the Champa kingdom decided to build the next structures with red bricks. The Cham people used the temples as a (5) ___________ place, and also buried some of their kings there. Although the majority of the ruins were destroyed, and some (6) ___________ of the gods are missing, there are still some impressive ancient decorations that survived the bombing: snakes, elephants, scenes of battles, and priests.

     Recognized (7) ___________ a Cultural Heritage site by UNESCO in 1999, My Son is anattractive destination for tourists to visit and learn (8) ___________ the culture, history, and architecture of Champa Ancient Kingdom.

II. Read the text carefully, then do the tasks.

     The Temple of Literature (Van Mieu) was constructed in 1070 under the reign of King Ly Thanh Tong. The temple was originally dedicated to Confucius as well as other scholars and sages. Six year later, the Imperial Academy (Quoc Tu Giam), Vietnam’s first university, was founded by King Ly Nhan Tong on the grounds of the temple. Initially, the Imperial Academy was the school for princes and sons from royal families and then expanded to admit brilliant students from all over the country. In 1484 Emperor Le Thanh Tong ordered the erection of the first stone tablets that were carved with the names, places of birth and achievements of doctors. The university operated for more than 700 years, from 1076 to 1779.

     Nowadays, the Temple of Literature – Imperial Academy (Van Mieu – Quoc Tu Giam) is one of the most famous historic and cultural heritages of Vietnam. And the Doctors’ stone tablets were recognised by UNESCO as World Documentary Heritage in 2010.

*   Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

1.  The Temple of Literature was built to honour Confucius.

2.  The Imperial Academy was founded in 1070.

3.  The Imperial Academy was established within the Temple of Literature.

4.  The Imperial Academy was originally established to educate students from all over the country.

5.  The first Doctors’ stone tablets were erected under the Le Dynasty.

6.  The Temple of Literature was recognised by UNESCO as World Heritage.

 *   Answer the questions.

7.  When was the Imperial Academy founded?


8.  How long did the Imperial Academy operate as a university?


I.  Write sentences from the cues given.

1.  The Temple of Literature/ build/ the year 1070.


2.  There/ four tall pillars/ front/ the Temple of Literature.


3.  The Doctors’ stone tablets/ erect/1484/ Emperor Le Thanh Tong.


4.  The Imperial Academy/ consider/ the first university/ Vietnam.


5.  Thien Quang Well/ locate/ the middle/ the third courtyard.


6.  2010/ the 82 Doctor’s stone tablets/ recognize/ UNESCO/ a Memory of the World.


7.  Chu Van An/ regard/ one of the most famous teacher/ the Imperial Academy


8.  Lots of souvenirs/ sell/ inside the Temple of Literature.


II. Write the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first one.

1.  Thousands of people visit the Temple of Literature every day.

→ The Temple of Literature________________________________________

2.  In 1484, King Le Thanh Tong ordered the construction of 116 stelaes.

→ The construction ______________________________________________

3.  You should take warm clothes because it’s very cold in Sa Pa.

→ You had_____________________________________________________

4.  Do you want to visit Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum first?

→ Would you___________________________________________________

5.  It’s not necessary to book a hotel In advance.

→ You don’t___________________________________________________

6.  It’s a good idea to rent a bike or motorbike to travel around the city.

→ You________________________________________________________

7.  Let’s pay a visit to Huong Pagoda.

→ Why don’t___________________________________________________

8.  Khue Van Pavilion was chosen as the official symbol for Vietnam’s capital Hanoi.

→ They________________________________________________________