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Practice on word formation

1. I don’t find this book very ---------- .In fact, the plot is quite bad. (read)/readable

2. This course is for ---------- who have never learned English. (begin)/beginer

3. The ---------- of our economy used to depend ---------- on agriculture. (develope/large)/development/largely

4. Don’t worry. I’ll see to all the --------- for the meeting tonight.(arrange)/ arrangements

5. It seems that your room is ---------- decorated. It looks so beautiful now. (differ) /diffirently

6. You should learn how to---------these iteams. (difference)/ differentiate

7. As the lecture was ----------, we left for a coffee. (interest) / uninteresting

8. She had an unhappy---------, so she really wants to help all the uncsred-for --------(child)/ childhood/children

9. They are a --------- couple and wish to adopt child.  (child)/ childless

10. What a ---------- village! I’ve never seen such  a beautiful one before.  (picture)/ picturesque

11. The child was so --------- after his parents’ death in the accident.  (help)/helpless

12.  Although this is a ----------- computer, it is very helpful to me. (use)/used

13.  The evening was ---------- spent chatting and playing game. (enjoy)/enjoyablely

15.  -------- people, the victims of the earthquake, are temporarily spending the right in a school. (home) homeless

16.  That boy has such an ---------ability to predict things before they actually happen. We all show our great ----------- for him. (admire)/ admirable/admiration

17. We enjoy sitting on---------beaches, listening to the waves breaking upon the shore. Or taking ----------- bicycle trips to the countryside. (sand/leisure)/ sandy/leisurely

18. What should we do to ----------our school?   (beauty) / beautician

19. I think our school is already----------- decorated.  (beauty)/ beautifully

20. As a(n)--------, I would like to help people look more beautiful. (beauty)/beautician

21. Scoland is a-----country with lots of mountains and hills. (mountain)/ mountainous

22. Is this water----------enough to drink?

      I am not sure about its---------. You’d better-----------it before drinking to make sure  there are no---------in it.  (impure)/pure/purity/purify/impurities

23. Join this----------club to be-----------.   (healthful)/health/healthy

24. Smokeing and drinking a lot is a(n)----------lifestyle.  (health)/unhealthy

25. Would you like to receive your salary------------or-----------?  (week/month) / weekly/monthly

26. Are you well----------for the exam? Your good-------------for this exam may bring you a good result.  (prepare)/ prepared/ preparation

27. This book on history was written by a very famous-----------.   (history)/ historian

28. How many---------will join this competition?   (participate )/ participants

29. SARS is ---------- alarming. The whole world is worried about this.  (nation)/  internationally

30. That John didn’t invite Jane to his birthday party hurt her-----------.  (proud)/pride

31. May Day is the day of -------solidarity of all working people.(nation)/international

32. Her--------results in her loneliness. If she is ----------, she may have more friends.        However, I enjoy the ----------- I share with her. (friend)/ unfriendliness/friendlier/ frienship

33. Thousands of --------- marched on the street yesterday. The purpose of this --------was to show their opposition to the new policy.(demonstrate)/demonstrators/ demonstration

34. This sign--------- the unity of all the members in the party. (symbolize)/ symbolizes

35. Vietnam is a -------- country following-----------. (society)/ socialist/ socilism

36. He comes here --------- to visit his grandma. His ---------- visits make her very happy. (irregular)/ regularly/regular

37. It’s hard to imagine the--------of had phones nowadays. Years ago, it was so--------, and people found it crazy to use hand phones. It is----------used all over the world. (popular)/ popularity/ unpopular/ popularly

38. The Internet is believed to---------- friendship of people living far away from one another.  (strong)/ strengthen

39. The match was so----------- that all the fans cheered loudly. This--------quickly spead to all the stands. Some fans were so ------------that they threw things at one another. (excite)/ exciting/excitement/excited

40. After the first-----------attempt, Dave tried again and was completely------------ in the second attempt. (succeed)/ unseccessful/ successful

40. Life in big cities is very---------. Its---------- may sometimes make people stressful. (compete)/ competitive/competitiveness

41. I would like to become a ----------- when I finish university. (correspond)/ correspondent

42. The board of management was very pleased with the --------- organized conference.  (care)/ carefully

43. These athletes’ performance expressed the----------.  (sportsman)/sportmanship

44. Touch this fragile vase----------- or you may break it. (gentle)/gently

45. This worker is------------ because he has just worked for a few days. Please don’t complain about his ---------- any more. (experience)/ inexperienced/ inexperience