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Câu trả lời:


     A.Choose the word which does not belong to each group.

                1.     A. robot           B.dishwasher       C. travel               D.telephone  

                2.     A. kitchen                 B. motorhouse     C.houseboat                   D.palace

                3.     A.boring          B. interesting        C. exciting            D. fantastic

                4.      A. telephone   B.kitchen              C. computer                   D. radio

                5.      A. relax          B. rest                  C. play                 D. study

                6.      A. kick            B. sporty              C. play                 D. hit

                7.      A. volleyball   B. football            C.chess                 D. basketball

                8.       A. net            B. racket               C. bicycle             D.ball

                9.       A. director     B. viewer              C. audience           D. watcher

               10.      A. hate           B. love                  C. enjoy                D.like

B. Choose the best answer ( A,B,C or D)

            1. ……. is the weather forecast programme on ?  - At 7.30 pm everyday.

                    A. What               B. How                 C. When               D. Where

            2. What is your………TV programme ?

                    A. best                 B. favourite          C. good                D. like

            3.The football match is on at 2 am…….I can not watch it.

                    A. so                    B. because            C. but                             D. then

            4. Are there any good programmes…….. teenagers on TV tonight ?

                   A. to                     B. of                     C. with                 D.for

            5. Both my sister ……I dream of becoming a TV MC.

                  A. but                    B.so                      C. and                  D. because

            6. My brother wants to become a……..to tell TV viewers what weather is like .

                  A. newsreader                 B. weatherman     C. producer          D. director

             7.My father likes watching sports………….on VTV3.

                  A. matches            B. channels           C. athletics           D.events

             8. ……..do you like the animal programme ? – Because I love animals.

                 A. Why                            B. What                C. How                 D. When

             9. Nam is  very fit . He is good …. playing sports.

                  A. with                            B.of                      C.at                      D.for

             10. Our school football team…….the match with Nguyen Du school last week.

                  A. wins                           B.won                  C. scores              D.scored

              11. Football is regarded…… the most important part in our life.

                   A. as                     B.for                     C. like                   D.of

              12. …… draw on the walls and the tables, please.

                  A. Do                    B. Should             C. Shouldn’t                  D.Don’t

              13. Yesterday, I…….fishing with my uncle in the afternoon.

                  A.go                      B.went                  C. goes                 D. going

              14. We should use ……….. water bottles to school

                  A. plastic               B.hot                   C.old                     D.reusable

              15.My sister often………badminton in her free time.

                  A. play                            B. plays                C. playing            D.to play

              16. ……you play any sports last weekend ?

                 A. Can                    B. Do                             C.Did                             D. Does

17. I have ……….. orange shirt too.

A. the                       B. a                   C.an                        D. big

18.That city is the most famous…….. its fashion shops.

                    A. to                    B.for                     C.with                  D.of

19. Green bags are better ………… plastic bags.

A.  than                B. more                C.for                     D.of

20. ……is the most famous tower in England.

A. Merlion      B. Eiffel Tower       C. Big Ben      D. Sydney Opera House

21. Which………..is Britain in ?  - Europe.

A. country            B.continent           C. city                  D.area

22. If more people cycle, The air ………….. cleaner

A. are                   B.will be               C.was                             D.were

23.  People in Tokyo are very polite…….friendly.

A. or           B.so                     C.but                    D.and

24. I have been……..many beautiful places in Viet Nam.

A. at           B.to                      C.in                      D.on

25. We might have a…………..TV to watch TV programme from space.

A. wireless  B. remote             C.automatic                   D. local

26.The robot will take care…… the flowers in the garden.

A. of           B. at                     C.for                     D.with

27. Our house in the future will use……energy  and they are very friendly to the


A. Sun            B.sunny                C.solar                 D. lunar

28.We  also watch films…….. smart phones..

A. in                 B. on                  C. at                     D.to

29. Will you have a fridge  that can……..your meal ?

A. take           B.have                  C.cook                  D. send

30. What can we do ………air pollution ?

A. to reduce    B. reduce              C.reducing            D. to reducing

31.We ………… travel to the Moon in the future.

     A. might          B can                    C.don’t                D,could

 32. This newspaper is made of…………paper.

A. recycle       B.recycled            C.old                    D.waste

33. If we recycle waste paper, we……….save a lot of trees.

A. must          B. are                             C.will                             D. should

34. If  we pollute the air, we will have ………………

                         A. breathing problem                            B. noise pollution

     C. hearing problem                      D. floods

35.If we only……….the water we need, more people will have fresh water.

A. will use      B.use                    C.can use              D.uses

36.It is a good idea to…….your clothes with your friends and cousins.

A. change       B.turn                            C.send                  D.swap

37. ……you walk when you were two ?

A. Could                  B.Can                            C.will                             D. will be

38. Robot ………….many things like humans in the future.

A. might do    B.would do                      C. could do                  D. must do

39. The Moon is the …………. natural object to the earth in the solar system.

A. closer                  B.closest               C. close                D.closes

40. Young people are interested…… home robot.

A. in               B.at                      C.with                  D.on