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Chủ đề:

Ôn thi vào 10

Câu hỏi:

Question 1: We all came to class on time. It rained heavily.

            A. We all came to class on time even despite it rained heavily.

B. We all came to class on time even in spite of it rained heavily.

C. Even though we all came to class on time, it rained heavily.

D. We all came to class on time even though it rained heavily.

Question 2: Mary tried her best to go to school. She felt sick.

            A. If Mary felt tired she tried her best to go to school.

            B. In spite of trying her best, Mary felt sick.

            C. Although Mary felt sick, she tried her best to go to school.

            D.  As Mary felt sick, she tried her best to go to school.

Question 3: We couldn’t go camping last Sunday. The weather was too bad.          

            A. Since we couldn’t go camping last Sunday, the weather was too bad.

            B. We couldn’t go camping last Sunday because the weather was too bad.

            C. We couldn’t go camping last Sunday however the weather was too bad.

            D. We couldn’t go camping last Sunday because the weather was too bad.

Question 4: Mary didn’t go to school yesterday because she was sick.

            A. Mary didn’t go to school yesterday because of her sickness.

            B. Mary didn’t go to school yesterday because her sickness.

C. Since Mary didn’t go to school yesterday she was sick.

D. Mary didn’t go to school yesterday despite of her sickness.