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Câu hỏi:

VI. Complete each sentence with the correct word from the box: (1,0p) lightning eruption volcano thunderstorm avalanche flood sandstorm drought earthquake typhoon 1. I saw on TV that yesterday there was an........ .on an island in the Pacific and. hot lava came down the volcano. 2. My little sister is afraid of......... so when there is a bad storm she always hides. 3. Last Sunday we wanted to go skiing, but we couldn't because in the mountains there waws an..... 4. All people in the village rushed into the public shelters as soon as the....... ... ... ...erupted. 5. Several people were going along when suddenly there was a.. crashing down the hillside and blocked the road in front of them. 6. Tankers full of water were sent, but it was too late to save many of the animals and crops there. The....... made the whole area like a vast desert. 7. When the.....happened last year, the river overflowed in several places and huge areas of farming were several meters under water. Boats were being used to rescue people in nearby village. 8. The .............swept onwards, covering everything in its path. The travelers had to get off their camels and lie down until it had eventually passed. 9. Suddenly the ground shook beneath our feet and tall buildings opposite my college began to sway. I immediately realized that it was an.... 10. The: .........already strengthened considerably and the sea was very rough. As a result, ferries across the harbor stopped sailingg and all large ships put out to the sea.
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Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Đọc và trả lời câu hỏi Space pollution The launch of sputnik i and Yuri Gagarin,the first buman being in space,markd the beginning of space exploration and the beginning of a new and unfamiliar type of pollution.Satellites,si lar panels,rocket bories and fragments from space shuttles that are floating in space and are no longer functional are considered space debris.This pollution of man-made objects in space affects us Earth as well and well continue to affect us in future travel.In 1978,the Soviet Union kosmos 954,which contained a nuclear power souree,reentered over Canada and left di rin over an area the size of Austria.In 1969,five japanese sailors were injured by pieces of space debris that hit thẻo ship.The largest piece,weighing one thousand pousand landed in Australia in 1979.Many solutions are being considered by scientists and engincers.However,the challenge to finding a dolution lies within all of the nations which rake part in space exploration. 1.what are some exaples of space pollution? =>............................................. 2.what are the effects of pollution? =>....…………………………………… 3.what did kosmos 954 cause to Canada? =>………………………………………… 4.why were japanese sailors injured in 1969? =>………………………………………… 5.is it easy for all of the nations taking part in the space exploration to find solutions? =>…………………………………………
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Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

VII. Read the passage and choose the best answer: (1.0p) The Dos and Don'ts in Canada Pushing in is seen as extremely rude in any public place in Canada. You should wait at the end of a queue, if there is one, for your turn. This is also true on public transportation, where you should wait until everyone has gotout ofdoor before you enter. When on sidewalks or in a grocery store’s aisles, keep to the right (like you would when driving in Canada). Don't block the path by walking side by side with your companions or by putting a shopping cart across the aisle. When opening a door, hold it for the person behind you. Don't let the door shut in his or her face. Always leave an appropriate tip for the service person in a hotel or a restaurant. If you don't do so, other dinner guests at your table will feel extremely uncomfortable. When visiting someone's home, the serving of coffee at the end of an evening is a signal that it is time forvisitors to prepare to leave. 1. “Pushing in' means..... A. you cut in the queue in front of the people coming before you B. You stand at the end of a queue, waiting for your turn C. you push people standing around you in a queue 2. “sidewalks' are... A. paths at the sides of a public building B. paths which are reserved for walkers C. people who walk alongside you 3. An example of a way to 'block the path' is.... A. walking on the right B. walking side by side on a sidewalk C. using a shopping cart 4. "his or her' refers to... A. the door B. The queue C. the person behind you 5. A 'tip' is... A. a present you give to someone you love B. the money you pay for a service C. the money you give to a service person as a reward