Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 2
Số lượng câu trả lời 0
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

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1. The librarian will show you how to find a book.


2. John will collect me at the airport.


3. We will grow a lot of trees in the parks.


4. He will solve the problem soon.


5. We can’t wear jeans at work.


6. Parents ought to send their children to school.


7. You should open the wine about an hour before you use it.


8. We can not trust her, she's a liar!


9. They must widen the road soon.


10. Are you going to mail this letter soon?
