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Người theo dõi (464)

Tihnl n.ab.u
Lê Trang
Nguyễn Minh Huy
Nguyễn Gia Huy

Đang theo dõi (20)

Câu trả lời:

1. A. 'costumeB. di'verseC. 'featureD. 'market
2. A. 'customB. 'livestockC. 'highlandD. bam'boo
3. A. di'versityB. 'pharmacyC. es'tablishD. re'ligious
4. A. over'lookB. plan'tationC. re'ligionD. mi'nority
5. A. 'peoplesB. 'poultryC. pre'serveD. 'worship
6. A. 'mountainousB. 'productC. 'literatureD. unfor'getable
7. A. 'southernB. 'highlandC. 'clothingD. ex'perience
8. A. 'followingB. in'cludingC. 'poultryD. 'worship
9. A. de'liciousB. 'symboliseC. 'stickyD. 'festival
10. A. com'munalB. fes'tivityC. exhi'bitionD. mu'seum
11. A. 'holidayB. 'decorateC. 'offeringD. ad'dition
12. A. 'laughterB. pre'pareC. 'chopstickD. 'heaven
13. A. 'residentB. 'cutleryC. 'ancestorD. per'mission
14. A. dene'rationB. presen'tationC. ne'cessityD. obli'gation
15. A. 'festivalB. con'testantC. 'atmosphereD. 'family
16. A. 'villageB. bam'booC. a'wayD. o'bey
17. A. 'customB. 'worshipC. main'tainD. 'midnight
18. A. res'pectB. 'mentionC. 'expertD. 'worship

19. A. pa'goda

B. 'complementC. so'cietyD. tra'dition
20. A. 'customB. ex'plainC. 'chopstickD. 'manner
21. A. 'famousB. 'commonC. 'stapleD. a'void
22. A. oc'casionB. disa'greeC. tra'ditionD. ex'pensive
23. A. 'harmfulB. main'tainC. 'lifestyleD. 'freedom
24. A. 'healthyB. 'hurryC. on'line (Từ này có 2 cách nhấn, tính từ - nhấn 1;Trạng từ nhấn 2)D. 'modern
25. A. im'proveB. 'habitC. 'nativeD. 'famous
26. A. 'balanceB. 'commonC. cui'sineD. 'diet
27. A. 'onlineB. off'lineC. 'musherD. 'igloo
28. A. ex'perienceB. en'hanceC. main'tainD. 'general
29. A. inde'pendentB. inte'ractionC. tech'nologyD. dedi'cation
30. A. 'hurryB. im'proveC. 'lifestyleD. 'mealtime

Câu trả lời:

IV. First conditional / future simple and simple present

1. I think she_ and join our party

A. won't come B. will come C.came D. comes

2. He'll be late for the train if he _ at once

A. won't start  B. starts C. doesn't start D. didn't start

3. Unless I have a quiet room, I _ any work

A. can't do B. could do C. haven't done D. didn't do

4. If your girlfriend _ , you should  try to help her

A. gets rid of B gets into trouble C. gets down D. gets away

5. If you eat too much fast food, you _ serious health problems

A. have B. will have C had D. would have

6. Will online learning _ our IT skills ? Yes , it will

A improve B improves C improving D improved

7 The patient will not recover unless he _ an operation

A had undergone B would undergo C undergoes D was undergoing

8 If it _ convenient let's go out for dinner tonight

A be B is C was D were

9 If we meet at 9:00 we _ plenty of time to talk

A have B is having C wil, have D had 

10. this beach looks amazing ! I think we _ this place !

A are loving B are going to love C will love

11. I _ you to the airport tomorrow if you need someone to give you a lift

A take B am talking C will take 

12. My plane _ at manchester airport at 8 p.m tomorrow evening

A lands B will land C landed

13. We have some ideas for what we want  to do while we are here in scotland. If the weather is nice, we _ a mountain on one of the days.

A. climb B.are climbing C are going to climb 

14 What shall I do today? I think I _ to the beach while the sun is out !

A go B am going C will go 

15 I'm sorry but I cannot come to meal tonight. I _ work at 8 p.m tonight, so I _ arrive at the restaurant on time !

A. finish- will B will finish- will C finishes- will

16. If you tell me your secret , I promise I _ anyone !

A. am not telling B won't tell C am telling

17. I think the earth _ a lot war,er in 50 years

A is becoming B will become C becomes 

18. I _ my friend in sicily sometime this year, but I'm not sure when

A am visting B am going to visit C will visit

19. I _ a valedictorian next year

A. am going to try B will try C will going to try

20 Hurry up, otherwise you will be late for school

A If you hurry up, you will be late for school 

B Although you hurry up, you are late for school

C. you will be late for school because you don't hurry up

D. If you don't hurry up, you will be late for school

21. Stay away from this area or I'll report the police

A. If you don't saty away this area, I will report the police 

B If you don't saty this area, I would report the police 

C I'll report the police unless you stay away from this area

D Unless you don't stay away from this area, I won't report the police.

22. Alice may miss the train. But she get the next one

A . If alice misses the train, she can't get the next one 

B If alice misses the train, she can get the next one

 C If alice missed the train, she couldn't get the next one

D. If alice issed the train, she could get the next one

23. I think we will get into trouble if we try to drive the car on that danger bridge

A. Unless we don't try to drive car on that danger bridge, we won't get into trouble

B Unless we try to drive the car on that danger bridge, we will get into trouble. 

C. Because we try to drive the car con that danger bridge, we will get into trouble

D. When we try to drive the car on that danger bridge, I think we will get into trouble

24. We'll go camping as long as the weather is good

A. the weather is good when we'l will go camping

B. If the weather is better, we will go camping

C If the weather is fine, we will go camping 

D. We'll go camping immediately the weather is good

Câu trả lời:

IV. First conditional / future simple and simple present

1. I think she_ and join our party

A. won't come B. will come C.came D. comes

2. He'll be late for the train if he _ at once

A. won't start  B. starts C. doesn't start D. didn't start

3. Unless I have a quiet room, I _ any work

A. can't do B. could do C. haven't done D. didn't do

4. If your girlfriend _ , you should  try to help her

A. gets rid of B gets into trouble C. gets down D. gets away

5. If you eat too much fast food, you _ serious health problems

A. have B. will have C had D. would have

6. Will online learning _ our IT skills ? Yes , it will

A improve B improves C improving D improved

7 The patient will not recover unless he _ an operation

A had undergone B would undergo C undergoes D was undergoing

8 If it _ convenient let's go out for dinner tonight

A be B is C was D were

9 If we meet at 9:00 we _ plenty of time to talk

A have B is having C wil, have D had 

10. this beach looks amazing ! I think we _ this place !

A are loving B are going to love C will love

11. I _ you to the airport tomorrow if you need someone to give you a lift

A take B am talking C will take 

12. My plane _ at manchester airport at 8 p.m tomorrow evening

A lands B will land C landed

13. We have some ideas for what we want  to do while we are here in scotland. If the weather is nice, we _ a mountain on one of the days.

A. climb B.are climbing C are going to climb 

14 What shall I do today? I think I _ to the beach while the sun is out !

A go B am going C will go 

15 I'm sorry but I cannot come to meal tonight. I _ work at 8 p.m tonight, so I _ arrive at the restaurant on time !

A. finish- will B will finish- will C finishes- will

16. If you tell me your secret , I promise I _ anyone !

A. am not telling B won't tell C am telling

17. I think the earth _ a lot war,er in 50 years

A is becoming B will become C becomes 

18. I _ my friend in sicily sometime this year, but I'm not sure when

A am visting B am going to visit C will visit

19. I _ a valedictorian next year

A. am going to try B will try C will going to try