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Số lượng câu hỏi 4
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My school is very big. It is in Madrid.
→ My school ................................................................................................................ is very big.
2. Robert Pattinson is an actor. He plays Edward Cullen in the Twilight saga.
→ Robert Pattinson is ......................................................................................................................
3. Robert Pattinson is a British actor. He plays Edward Cullen in the Twilight saga.
→ Robert Pattinson ............................................................................................. is a British actor.
4. I bought this cake yesterday. It tastes delicious.
→ The cake ............................................................................................................ tastes delicious.
5. Michael is a policeman. His father is a judge.
→ Michael ............................................................................................................. is a policeman.
6. I bought a computer last month. It doesn’t work properly.
→ The computer ......................................................................................... doesn’t work properly.
7. Prince Charles will be the King of England one day. His mother is Queen Elizabeth.
→ Prince Charles, ............................................................... , will be the King of England one day.
8. I was given a dog. It is very friendly.
→ The dog ............................................................................................................. is very friendly.