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Số lượng câu hỏi 117
Số lượng câu trả lời 55
Điểm GP 2
Điểm SP 23

Người theo dõi (11)

lê anh tuấn
Luong Duong
Thùy Mai

Đang theo dõi (0)

1. I would like to have rung Peter but I didn’t .
 -> I wanted..............................................................................................................
2. I would like to have talked to the students but I didn’t.
 -> I wanted..............................................................................................................
3. I would like to have attended the conference but there wasn’t any time.
 -> I wanted..............................................................................................................
4. I would like to have tried the beer but I was busy.
 -> I wanted..............................................................................................................
5. I would like to have watched the match but I had no time.
 -> I wanted..............................................................................................................
6. I would like to have visited the museum but there was no time
 ->I wanted..............................................................................................................
7. I wanted to walk round the town but I had to work.
 -> I would like ........................................................................................................
8. I wanted to meet your friends yesterday but I was busy.
 -> I would like ........................................................................................................
9. I wanted to have coffee with some friends but I was busy.
 -> I would like ........................................................................................................
10. I would like to have taken photographs with my relatives but I didn’t.
 ->I wanted.......................................................................................

1.       We will be staying for …………………………. few weeks.

a)      other b) another c) others

2.       They sat for hours looking into one ……………………….. eyes.

a)      other b) other’s c) another’s

3.       They talk to each ……………………….. a lot.

a)      other b) other’s c) another


4.       You take the new ones and I’ll take ____.

a.       others

b.      the others

c.       Either could be used here.

5.       They gazed into each _____ eyes.

a.       other

b.      other’s

c.       others

d.      others’

6.       I’d like _____ cup of tea, please.

a.       other

b.      another

c.       Either could be used here.

7.       They love one ____- they’re such a happy family.

a.       other

b.      another

c.       Either could be used here.

8.       The ____ people were shocked.

a.       other

b.      others

c.       another

9.       Many _____ people have said the same.

a.       other

b.      others

10.   I’ve told Pablo, but I haven’t told the _____ yet. I’ll tell them when I see them.

a.       other

b.      others

11.   I won’t let them do that to me ____ time.

a.       another

b.      other

c.       Either could be used here.

12.   One person’s peach is ____ person’s poison.

a.       another

b.      the other

c.       Either could be used here.

13.   I saw her ____ day.

a.       other

b.      another

c.       the other

14.   I took the ____ book back to the library.

a.       other

b.      others

15.   Some ____ people have taken it.

a.       other

b.      another

c.       others

16.   I go there every ____ day.

a.       other

b.      others

c.       another



III. Read the text below and answer the questions. Write your answer in the box provided. (10 marks)

Does Reading Really Matter?

[1] Some people say that reading is not now as important as it was. These days we have photographs, films, radio, and television. Why read a description of something when you can glance at a photograph? Why read a novel when we can see a film? Why read a newspaper when the latest news is brought to us hourly on radio and TV?

[2] Photography was certainly a wonderful invention. Photographs can give a very accurate idea of places and of people that we have never seen. An encyclopaedia, for example, is always better for good illustrations. But we also need words to explain the photographs and drawings. A photograph of an elephant may give us a very good impression of what an elephant looks like, but it tells us nothing about where elephants are found, what types there are, what their exact size and weight are, how they are useful to man and so on.

[3] In the same way, a good feature film has action, movement, colour and maybe music. These are things we do not find on the printed page. But reading a novel has certain advantages over watching even an excellent feature film. Reading a novel requires imagination and each of us imagines a story differently.

[4] Television news broadcasts can certainly be interesting. But we need newspapers as well. Some important events happen when there are no cameras around. More importantly, a newspaper does not just report the news. It explains what has been happening. It also contains interesting articles on many subjects. Newspapers are an important part of our lives, if we want to understand what is going on in our own community and in other parts of the world.

[5] Reading is thus essential for information and pleasure. We need to be good readers to enjoy a full life as human beings. Moreover, reading is a skill, and like other skills, it needs practice. The more we read, the better readers we become. And the better readers we become, the more we enjoy reading! The secret is to get the reading habit. Read at least a little every day.


1-4. The author disagrees with FOUR of the following views. What are they? 

A)  Reading is no longer important.

1. ______


2. ______


3. ______


4. ______

B)  The radio brings you the latest news more quickly than newspapers.

C)  A good encyclopaedia should have photographs.

D)  An encyclopaedia must have writing.

E)  Photographs of elephants are not very informative.

F)  Films are not worth seeing.

G)  When we read a novel we must use our imagination.

H)  Some important news cannot be shown on television.

I)  We don’t have to read regularly.

5. The author likes photographs, films and television, but he

    A.  also wants to prove that reading is the best form of entertainment.

    B.  doesn’t think that they are important.

    C.  wants us to understand that reading has advantages that these other forms of communication lack.

    D.  says he never likes these forms of communication.

6. In paragraph [1], three questions are asked. Who is supposed to be asking these questions?

    A.  The author himself.

    B.  People who enjoy reading very much.

   C.  People who think reading is not now important.

    D.  People who think reading is a skill.

7.  Paragraph [2] 

    A.  compares photographs with an encyclopaedia.

    B.  explains why photographs cannot replace writing.

    C.  proves that photographs can be most informative.

    D.  is about things we have never seen.

8.  Paragraph [3] 

    A.  points out that a film has many advantages over reading.

    B.  says that there is not good music in a feature film.

    C.  explains why reading a novel can still be enjoyable.

    D.  explains why we watch a film differently.

9.  Paragraph [4] 

    A.  wants to prove that television is better than newspapers.

    B.  explains why we still need newspapers.

    C.  explains what makes television become more important.

    D.  explains why we want to understand our life.

10.  According to the author, the secret of reading is

    A.  to make reading a habit.

    B.  not to read much.

    C.  never to make it a habit.

    D.  not a habit.

I.  Read the text below and select the best option for each blank. Write your answers (A, B, C, or D) in the box provided. (10 marks)


An earthquake is a trembling of the earth’s surface and is caused by natural (1) ______ within the earth itself. About a million earthquakes are (2)______ each year, but the vast (3)______ are small and cause little or no (4)______. (5)______ the energy of a large earthquake can be 10,000 times more powerful than that of the first atomic bomb. The terrible earthquake that (6)______ the cities of Tokyo and Yokohama in Japan in 1923 caused an estimate of 142,807 deaths. Even (7)______ disastrous was an earthquake in China when about 655,000 people died.

Most earthquakes (8)______ under the ocean bed. Many of these are harmless, but sometimes tidal waves are set up on the (9)______. The waves are not high in the middle of the ocean, but they travel quickly, and may be huge as they rush up a shallow shore. Such devastating walls of water can (10)______ widespread destruction.


1.   A. resources B. strength C. forces D. powers

2.   A. shown B. caught C. studied D. recorded

3.   A. area B. majority C. number D. amount

4.   A. hurt B. injury C. damage D. pain  

5.   A. Although B. Yet C. Therefore D. Similarly

6.   A. destroyed B. covered C. threatened D. affected

7.   A. more B. if C. though D. so

8.   A. stay B. occur C. come D. attack

9.   A. ground B. air C. mountain D. surface

10. A. stop B. cause C. influence D. change

II. Read the passage below and choose the answer that best expresses the meaning of the words in bold type.  Write your answer (A, B, C or D) in the box provided. (5 marks)

No one really likes going to the doctor, even though it is the sensible thing to do when feeling ill. Most people tend to postpone making an appointment in the hope that things will get better in a day or two. Yet a common cold or mild case of the flu can sometimes be discussed with a doctor over the telephone. Bed rest and a lot of liquids may be the best treatment. However, the sooner a person reports any abnormal conditions to a doctor, the sooner he or she can intervene and treat the problem. Any illness that lasts longer than a day or includes a fever should be looked at. Early treatment may impede the progress of an illness and curtail its spread to other family members. It is always best to contact a doctor. Doctors should decide whether their patients need appointments.  

1. When people postpone something, they

A. announce it publicly. B. put it off until later.

C. remember to do it. D. refuse to do it later.

2. A lot of liquids means

A. taking a lot of medicine. B. doing a lot of exercise.

C. eating a lot of food. D. drinking a lot of water.

3. An abnormal condition is one that is

A. very common. B. illegal. 

C. not normal. D. expensive to treat.

4. When people impede the progress of something, they

A. blow it up. B. improve it. C. slow it down D. change it.

5. When people curtail something, they

A. spread it quickly. B. give it away.

C. cut it short or reduce it. D. move it about.