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16. The woman asked __________get lunch at school.

A. can the children                                      B. whether the children could                                               

C. if the children can                                   D. could the children

17. Laura said that when she_________ to school, she saw an accident.

A. was walking              B. has walked                    C. had been walking         D. has been walking

18. He asked, “Why didn’t she take the final exam?” – He asked why __________ the final exam.

A. she took                    B. did she take                    C. she hadn’t taken          D. she had taken             

19. Ba said he__________ some good marks last semester.

A. gets                           B. got                                     C. getting                               D. have got

20. They told their parents that they___________ their best to do the test.

A. try                                B. will try                               C. are trying                           D. would try

21. She asked me where I___________ from.

A. come                           B. coming                               C. to come                              D. came

22. She_________ me whether I liked classical music or not.

A. ask                               B. asks                                    C. asked                                 D. asking

23. He asked me who____________ the editor of that book.

A. was                              B. were                                   C. is                                        D. has been

24. He wants to know whether I ___________ back tomorrow.

A. comeB. came                                  C. will come                           D. would come

25. I wonder why he___________ love his family.

A. doesn’t                           B. don’t                                  C. didn’t                                D. hasn’t

26. They asked me how many children___________.

 A. I had                           B. had I                                  C. I have                                D. have I

27. Thu said she had been___________ the day before.

A. here                             B. there                                  C. in this place                       D. where

28. The student said that the English test_______ the most difficult.

A. is                                  B. was                                    C. will be                                D. have been

29. He wanted to know _______ shopping during the previous morning.

A. if we had been going                                    B. that if we had been going

C. we were going                                               D. that we were going

30. He asked me _______ Robert and I said I did not know _______.

A. that did I know / who were Robert                 B. that I knew / who Robert were

C. if I knew / who Robert was                             D. whether I knew / who was Robert