Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 58
Số lượng câu trả lời 183
Điểm GP 10
Điểm SP 492

Người theo dõi (26)

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hồ hoàng mai

Đang theo dõi (4)

You really saw a UFO, Mr. Brown, (weren’t/didn’t/don’t/aren’t) you?

12. I wish this exam (is/will be/would/were) easier.

13. Tom (used to/is used to/has used to/was used to) go fishing with his uncle when he lived in the countryside.

14. If I had John’s address, I (write/will write/would write/wrote) her letter.

15. We haven’t seen Liz (since/for/until/before) two months.

16. You shouldn’t eat (quick/quickly/fastly/slow) It’s no good for your health.

17. I like the books (whose/whom/which/who) To Huu wrote.

18. I suggest (going/go/to go/went) to the movies.

19. She would come to see you if she (have/had/has/having) your address.

20. Minh got wet (so/because/and/therefore) he forgot his umbrella.

11. I can’t understand the French visitors. I wish I ( knew / will know / know / have known ) French.

12.The church ( is built / was built / will be built / has been built ) about 100 years ago.

13. People in Israel are going to celebrate their festival ( whom / who / which / they ) is called Passover.

14. ( even though / so / therefore / because of ) I was really tired , I couldn’t sleep.

15. I suggest ( raise / to raise / raised/ raising ) some money for poor children.

16. She asked me if I( buy/ will buy/ bought / would buy) a computer the following day.

17. I ( would / have to / will / shall ) telephone her if I knew her number.

18. Honda motorbikes ( produce / will produce/ are produced / would be produced ) in Viet Nam.

19. Your sister works in a hospital , ( isn’t / didn’t / wasn’t /doesn’t ) she?

30. If he ( isn’t coming / doesn’t come / won’t come / didn’t come ) soon, he might miss the train.

II/Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence: (2pts)

  1.Did he ……………to live in the country when he was young ?

     A. use                   B. used                           C. get used                  D. be used

  2. I wish I …………get good marks for the coming exam.

    A. can                    B. could                         C. should                     D. were

  3. It rained heavily………..while I …………last night.

    A. sleep                 B. slept                           C. sleeping                  D. was sleeping

  4. My brother is very ………..wearing jeans.

     A. likes                 B.loves                            C.enjoys                     D.fond of

  5. My father………….for the national bank from 1999 to 2003.

     A. works                B. worked                        C. has worked            D. work

  6.LevisStrauss…………jeans for women.

    A. has invented       B. invented                     C. invent                     D. invents

  7. English ……….in many countries in the world.

    A. speaks                 B. is speaking                 C. is spoken               D. has spoken

  8. My sister likes sweets………….from chocolate.

    A. made                   B. making                       C. to make                 D. that make


1. Mai worked hard , ______ she passed her exam .a. so b. although c. because d. though

2. _____ she was very tired , she helped her brother with his homework .

a. Because b. whether c. Although c. so

3. It’s raining hard , _____ we can’t go to the beach . a. or b. but c. so d. though

4. Nam was absent from class yesterday ____ he felt sick .a. so b. because c. although d. but

5. Tom has a computer , _____ he doesn’t use it . a. or b. as because d. but

6. The boy can’t reach the shelf ____ he’s not tall enough.a. because b. although c. even though d. and

7. The film was boring , ____ we went home .a. so b. when c. but c. if

8. The girl bought the shoes _____ they are very expensive .a. but b. if c. so d. although

9. He used to smoke a lot ______ now he doesn’t smoke any more . a. still b. therefore c. but d. as

10. She couldn’t unlock it ______ she had the wrong key . a. while b. but c. though d. because

11. ____ it rained , the boys played football .a. Even b. Even though c. However d. In spite of

12. It was still painful , ____ I went to see a doctor .a. so b. however c. but d. or

13. Lan likes oranges _____ her sister doesn’t .a. but b. as c. so because

14. Nam failed the final exam _____ he was lazy .a. while b. though c.because d. but

15. He’s tired _____ he stayed up late watching TV.a. and b. or c. if d. since

16. Jim can speak English _____ French fluently .a. also b. but also c. and d. so

17. _______ the traffic , I arrived on time .a. Though b. Although b. Even though d. In spite of

18. ______ they live near us , we can see them very often .a. So b. As c. Though d. Even

19. ______ I was really tired , I couldn’t sleep . a. If b. Although c. While D. However

20. We watched TV the whole evening ______ we had nothing better to do .

a. because b. though c. so d. but