Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 36
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Kim Ngân

Chủ đề:


Câu hỏi:

Choose the word or phrase, (A,B,C,D) which best completes each of the sentences below. Put a circle round the letter(A,B,C,D) you choose:

34/ The Chinese and the Vietnamese traditional celebration....... New Year's Day

A calendar. B parting

C meeting D lunar

35/ The Lunar New year holiday is the most important........for Vietnamese people

A special. B celebration. C happening. D season

36/ Everyone in our class likes him because of his .........

A active. B character C sense of humor . D eyes

38/ If we keep our .......clear and clean . We'll enjoy happier and healthier life

A school. B environment C beach. D gasoline

40/ They had waited for the for along time; '.........she didn't come

A besides. B moreover . C however . D because

42/ this is the wallet which she is........

A looking up B looking after. C looking for. D looking at

46/ By........ , it is enjoyable for many Americans to buy a Christmas tree and decorate it

A tradition B celebration C priority. D memory

48/ There is a(n) ............ need for greeting cards when Christmas day comes

A considerate B considerable. C ancient. D terrific

50/Than was an effective......... in that volunteer program. He dedicated most of his time to fixing houses for poor people

A active. B activist. C activity . D actor

52/ People in Ireland dance ....... Easter Day to win prize cakes

A at. B for. C in. D on

54/ Anna Jarvis was the woman.........first thought of Mother's Day

A that. B who she. C she. D whose

56/ January 1st ........widely recognized as New Year's Day in the 1500a

A becomes B become C has become. D became

57/In homes ,presents ....round the Christmas tree on Christmas day

A place. B is placing C are placed. D placed