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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:


I.     Choose the correct options.

1.  Let's go and see the drum........... and dragon dancing held at Saint Giong festival next Sunday.

performance                        perform                       production                   beating

2.  Ho Quy Ly was the........ and the first emperor of the Ho Dynasty of Viet Nam.

finder                                   founder                        foundation                   discoverer

3.  Vietnamese people often make......... of food, fruits, fresh flowers and incense to their ancestors during

Tet holiday.

offering                                offers                           offer                            offerings

4.  When praying, you should......... your hands and bow down to Buddha's statue.

clasp                                    clap                             press                           raise

5.  We often release........... into the sky because it's believed to bring bad luck away.

birds                                     mouses                       lanterns                       flowers


Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

2. He is surprised                        that there are 54 ethnic groups in our country.

A. to understand                                                    B. to study

C. to know                                                            D. tind

3. The Viet (or Kinh) hai'c                   numbel’ of people, accounting tor aboul 86% of the population.

A. large                     B. the largc                       C. the largcst                        D. largcr

4. Nick was told that cthnic minority peoples havc their own ways                                liłc and traditions.

A. or“                         B. on                                  C. in                                  D. at

5. Thc tcrraccd łìclds of Sa Pa havc cntc1'cd                              thc Top 11 most bcautiłiil tcrraccs in thc world according to Touropia.

A. in                          B. on                                 C. at                                 D. of

6. Gathcring and hunting still play an important rolc in the                    of thc Laha.


A. economic               B. economy                       C. cconomical

7.                    cthnic group has a largcr population, thc Tay or thc Edc?


D. cconomizc


A. What                    B. Why                             C. Which                          D. Who

S. Ethnic pcoplcs in thc mountains liavc a simple way ot íarlning. Thcy use basic tools to                                         thc łărlr work.

A. chcck                    B. work                            C. inakc                            D. do

9.   Many ethnic minority students havc to                              a lolig way to their schools cx cry day.

A.   travcl                    B. 14dc                                C. pass                             D. gct

10.   People                    some far-away mountainous regions still keep their traditional 'ay of litc.

A.   on                         B. in                                 C. of’                                D. at


Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Exercise 3

1.            My father usually helps me                 English.


a.   to learn               b. learn

2.            He was heard              shout.


c. learning             d. both a and b


a.   to                    b. of                  c. by                    d. at This student expected               the first winner of the Grand Prix.

                a. be                     b. being             c. to be                d. will be                                     

4.            I told her    about her wedding; everything will straighten out.

a.   don't worry      b. not to worry       c. no worry            d. not worry

5.            May I suggest you let               

a.   Mary doing so    b. Mary do so         c. Mary does to      d.        to do so

6.            5he             him when he called her.


a.   pretended not hear

c. pretended not to hear

7.            The doctor advised               late. me not staying up

c. me not to stay up


b.   pretended she heard not

d. did not pretend hear

b. me not stay up

d. I did not stay up


8.            The school superintendent told me               

a.   hurrying up        b. to hurry up        c. hurry up            d. hurried up


9.            "          us face the enemies", shouted the soldiers.

a.   Make               b. Let                 c. Leave

10.        Mr. Brown told the schoolgirls               in class.

a.   don't ear          b. not to eat          c. eat not

11.        I have heard Dang Thai Son              the piano.



d. Keep

d. not eat


a. played             b. plays               c. play                  d. to play

12.        The young teachers wanted a Foreign Language Teaching workshop                   in Ho Chi Minh City.

a.   to be holding       b. should hold      c. to be held          d. to bnld

13.                    able to take part in the international math contest two years from now, Son works very hard in his math lass.

a.   In order to be      b. Being              c. Been                d. So that he be

14.        Try             so many mistakes.

a.   not to make      b. not make          c. to make not        d. make not




Let me              from you soon.

a. to hear               b. hear               c. hearing


d. heard


16.        John is too stupid               understand this.

a.   to                    b. not to              c. to not


d. for




The wind is            to blow the roof off.

a. strong enough     b. too strong         c. quiet strong        d. very strong


18.        My father is            to stay up late.

a.   too tired             b. enough tired     c. tired enough       d. so tired John wanted me                        him.

a. to be helping       b. help               c. to help              d. I help




I Want                     early toalorr.OW nlOrRiRg•

a. to leave           b. leaving            c. me leave            d. me leaving


Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

1.             He kept on             

a.   worked          b. work              c. working           d. works

2.              She went to market without                 anything.

a.    buy                b. to buy          c. bought             d. buying

3.            This article is worth                 into your notebook.

a.   copying         b. copy              c. to copy             d. to be copied

4.                        The boy denied             the glass window.

a.   to break          b. breaking        e. broke              d, to break

1.           These workers are accustomed to                  at night.

a.   work              b. working         c. works              d. be working

6.           The criminal admitted                 this innocent child.

a.   killed             b. to kill           c. killing            d. had killed

7.           Mrs. Ramsay was accustomed                  in this rickety house.

a.    by living          b. to living         c. With living          d. living

8.           She has avoided               to me so far.

a.  being talked   b. talk              c. talking             d. to talk

9.           We should avoid                personal questions.

a.  asking            b. ask               c. to ask             d. at asking

10.       It is no use                over spilt milk.

a.   for cryiiig         b. in crying        c. to cry               d. crying

11.        I intended to revenge him but my father prevented me                     SO.

a.   from doing     b. not to do      c, not do            d. not doing

12.        You should remember                 for me.

a.   post                b. posting         c. to post             d. to have posted

13.        We object to                her like this.

a.    treat               b. being treated c. treating             d. be treated

14.       I can't help                anxious about the economic situation of our country.

a.    be                   b. feeling           c. feel                 d. to feel

15.        The nurse denied                the injection.

a.   give               b. giving          c. gave                d. to give

16.        Don't stay in this bush to avoid                   by snakes.

a.    bitten             b. to be bitten      c, being bitten      d. bitting

17.       I am looking forward to                 my classmates again.

a.   seeing            b. to be bitten     c. being bitten      d. see

18.        It is necessary that you avoid                  him during the working session.

a.   disturb           b. to disturb        c. disturbing        d. disturbs

19.       Are you considering                  with us?

a.    to go              b. going             c. to have gone    d. go

20.        Your hair needs               

a.   cut                 b. cutted            c. cutting           d. be cut


Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

1, I really miss (play). ... .... ...............,......,.......... tennis like I used to

2      "*                             <J)    - . - ..  . . , .. .........................a retum tj   ket,

3.   Have you ever considered (work).... ...... ... ,................................ as a teacher?

4.   If you've go1 a headache, try (take) ,........................................ ,. an aspirin.

5.   A witness reposed (see).. ... ,.......................... Terry at the scene of the crime

6.   SometimesI regret (move).................................... to this part of the country

7.   One of the boys admitted (start).. , ... . , . ,........................... the fire

8.   We really can't go on (wasie)... ... ,................................. so much money like this

9.   Did you notice anyone (wait). ....... ...,, . ,.......... ........,. outside when you left?

\ 0.Try to avoid (make)..................................... him any

11 .He is thinking of(leave).... , . . ....... ........ , .. ,... ,his job

12. Please let me (know)............................................... your decision

3. It's no use (wait)  .................................................

l4. i hate (see) . .. .                 . ... .. .. ... .. , . .. a chiid ( ry) .. .. . . . .. .. . ... . .. ... ..

15. Gravity keeps the moon (travel).............................................. around the earth instead of

(shoot)................................ off into space

16. It's difficult (get)... . ....... ... ..................used to (eat)... . . . ...... , . ............. . . ......with chopsticks 17. I used’(smoke)........................ 40 cigarettes a day

18. I'd like (have).... ......  ...........,....... a look at your new ear.

19.I’m looking forward to (see)... ,............................... you

20.Would you mind (show)... ... ... ............ .....me how (work)... ,............................ the lift?

21.   If you go on (let)... . .. ...... .. ..the dog (rim)............................... after cars, he'll end by


Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

IV. Choose the appropriate sentences to complete the conversation. (1,5 points)

A:  (1)___________________________.
B:  No, I don't like them very much. I think they're so violent . (2) ___________________________
A:  They 're OK.  (3)  ___________________________
B:  Well, I like romantic films and science fiction films . 
A:  (4) ___________________________ 
B:  Well, it's difficult to say. But I suppose I prefer romantic films. 
A: (5) ___________________________
B:  Julia Robert. I really like her. 
A (6) ___________________________
B:  He's OK. But my  favorite actor is Mel Gibson. 
A: Me too. There's a new Mel Gibson movie at the Elmwood Theater. Let's go to see it tonight.
B:  Great! 


A. Do you like films?             B. Do you like action films?

C. Which film do you like?    D. How do you like action 


A. Do you?           B. Like you?          C. How are you?           D. How do


A. What film do you like best?              B. What would you like?

C. What kind of film do you like?         D. What sort of film you like?


A. Do you prefer romantic films or science fiction film?

B. Which you like best: romantic films or science fiction film?

C. Which do you prefer: romantic films or science fiction film?

D. Do you like romantic films or science fiction film?


A. Who's your favorite actress?           B. Who are the best actress?

C. Which actress you like best?           D. What's your favorite actress?


A. Have you ever seen Tom Cruise?    B. Do you like Tom Cruise?

C. Is Tom Cruise the actor you like?   D. How about thinking of Tom Cruise?


Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

    All over the world people listen to classical music. Classical music is cult to describe. It means different things to different people.

     Some famous classical composers were Bach, Vivaldi, Haydn and Mozart. In their music, they did not tell a story or show strong emotion. They wanted to make a beautiful, interesting design. They wanted to write lovely sounds.

    Then composers started to interpret ideas. They told stories about wars, armies and soldiers. They wrote about religion. Sometimes they composed music for holidays. They told love stories and showed strong emotion. Some of these composers were Beethoven, Schumann Chopin, Mendelssohn, Wagner, and Tchaikovsky.

    Classical music stays with people a long time. Bach wrote about 300 years ago, Beethoven wrote about 200 years ago, and Tchaikovsky wrote over 100 years ago.

    Sometimes people close their eyes to listen to classical music. When they close their eyes, they can see the design. They can listen to the same classical music many times and enjoy it.

    Sometimes it is difficult to understand. The listener has to think about it. However, we can all learn to enjoy some classical music. It is very important to people.

1. Classical music is famous ______

A. in the Western    B. in Europe    C. in the United  States    D. all over the world

2. The first classical composers wanted to ______

A.  tell stories about religion   B. write lovely sounds  C. show strong emotion  D. b and c

3. What kind of stories did some composers not tell in their music? 

A. Love           B. Wars           C. Religion           D. racial integration

4. Beethoven ________.

A. composed his music a long time ago.B. just wanted to make an interesting design.

C. did not tell a story.               D. wrote sonic music that was difficult to understand.

5. People sometimes close their eyes when they listen to classical music in order to ________.

A. understand it clearly.                                      B. think about the design.

C. form the picture of the design in their mind. D. hear the same classical music many times.