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Unit 10 : life on other planets

Câu hỏi:

Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence.
1. Experiencing microgravity on a ______ flight is a part of astronaut training programmes.
A. orbit B. ship C. mission D. parabolic
2. As soon as the spacecraft _____ into space, the crew started to observe the sun.
A. has travelled B. had travelled C. travelled D. was travelling
3. A _____ is an enormous system of stars in outer space.
A. comet B. galaxy C. universe D. solar system
4. In July of 1975, the first US-Soviet joint ______ so occurred with the Apollo-Soyuz object.
A. company B. relation C. mission D. performance
5. He‟s so brilliant and he can do anything - _______.
A. out of this world B. the sky's the limit
C. it‟s over the moon D. once in a blue
6. Dan: Do you like to drink tea? Ben: I love coffee, but I only drink tea ______ in a blue moon.
A. one B. once C. first D. only
7. Yuri Gagarin became the first person to eat and drink in ______.
A. weightless B. gravity C. specific gravity D. microgravity
8. I passed all my exams - I‟m ________!
A. out of this world B. the sky‟s the limit
C. over the moon D. once in a blue moon
9. Vinasat-1 is Viet Nam‟s first telecommunication ______, which was launched in 2008.
A. spacesuit B. astronomy C. microgravity D. satelite
10. The first ______ was done by Alexei Leonov, a Russia cosmonaut on March 18th

, 1965. It was 10

minutes long.
A. spaceward B. spacesuit C. spacewalk D. spaceship
11. At night the ISS can easily be seen from the Earth, as it flies at the ______ of 20 kilometres above us.
A. attitude B. height C. level D. altitude
12. She‟s very intelligent and knowledgeable. She can ______ everything under the sun.
A. talk to B. talk about C. talk with D. talk of
13. The Milky Way is just a _____ in the universe and it contains our Solar System.
A. galaxy B. planet C. comet D. meteorite
14. Virgin Galactic is the world‟s first commercial _______.
A. spaceship B. exploration C. space D. spaceline
15. If you ______ the stars, all of your dreams will come true!
A. reach at B. reach for C. reach in D. reach for
16. Christer Fuglesang said he enjoyed floating around in the ______ environment.
A. weightless B. quiet C. homesick D. heavy