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II. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each of the gaps.

Native American Indian groups in North America lived (31) ___________ different cultural regions, each of which developed its own customs and traditions. A custom is the specific way in which (32) ___________ group of people does something. This can include how foods are prepared, what clothing is worn, the kinds of celebrations and much more. The set of customs developed and (33) ___________ by a culture over time is a tradition.

A culture’s customs are often determined by the natural resources found in their environment. In the Desert Southwest region, cloth weaving develop (34) ___________ a custom. The area has fewer large animals whose skins can be used for making clothing or blankets. Cloth weaving was a way (35) ___________ meeting the need for clothing without using animal skins. In the Eastern Woodlands area, however, hunting and fishing were daily activities. Since it was easy to get animal skins, developing skills like weaving were less important.

Question 31. A. in                    B. a                                    C. on                                 D. of

Question 32. A. the                  B. an                                  C. a                                   D. all

Question 33. A. to share          B. sharing                          C. share                             D. shared

Question 34. A. as                   B. for                                 C. by                                 D. in

Question 35. A. by                   B. of                                  C. to                                  D. as


Rearrange the following words to make a meaningful sentence.

Question 36. people / Kinh / in / together / lived / a harmony / the village / under.

=> _______________________________________________________ .

Question 37. villages / the / are / by / surrounded / bamboo groves.

=> _______________________________________________________ .

Question 38. considered / the husband / is / the family / of / the head.

=> _______________________________________________________ .

Question 39. to / went / live / the bride / with / husband’s / her / family.

=> _______________________________________________________ .

Question 40. my / grandfather / water pipes / smoking / enjoys / drinking / tea / and.

=> _______________________________________________________ .

duy   đab
duy   đab



I. Choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D).

Question 15. ___________ the tortoise was slow, he was very steady and he could win the race.

A. Because                               B. When                            C. Although                      D. Despite

Question 16. In most fairy tales, good characters often ___________ a happy life after a lot of challenges.

A. make                                    B. go                                 C. do                                 D. lead

Question 17. The hunter saved her life, so she wanted to do something for him in ___________.

A. again                                    B. back                              C. return                            D. turn

Question 18. It is easy for the little girl to fall ___________ sleep when her mother tells her the favorite fairy tale.

A. in                                          B. into                               C. to                                  D. over

Question 19. Folk tales are very good for kids’ personality development because they ___________ kids with many moral lessons.

A. give                                      B. help                               C. provide                         D. tell

Question 20. I prefer reading stories with happy endings ___________ ones with unhappy endings.

A. than                                      B. to                                  C. from                             D. rather

Question 21. I was glad when the ___________ step – mother had to live a miserable life until death.

A. merciful                               B. gentle                            C. cunning                        D. helpless

Question 22. I remember that I first ___________ that story when I ___________ 6 years old.

A. reads – am                           B. read – was                    C. readed – was                D. read – were

Question 23. When our elder brother ___________ us a frightening story, suddenly there ___________ a big knock on the door.

A. was telling – was                 B. were telling – was        C. told – was                    D. tells – is

Question 24. The Giong festival is held to ___________ Saint Giong who defeated the invaders.

A. remember                             B. commemorate               C. miss                              D. remind

Question 25. The lion and dragon dances performed at the opening ceremony of the festival was very ___________.

A. impressed                             B. impress                         C. impressive                    D. impressing