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Số lượng câu hỏi 49
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huong luu


2.Jennifer decided to break up with Peter__________he didn’t spend much time with her. ( as / as soon as / so )

3.Danny bought  a new car___________his old car was still in good condition. ( therefore/ although / since)

4.I will be in great trouble_____________ my mother knows my final test scores.( because / while / if)

5.Janice will have finished the report_______ the time her company has an imortant meeting. (after / and / before)

6.The concert will be canceled__________no more tickets are sold. ( so / so that / though)

7.Children are not allowed to enter this place_________ they are accompanied by adults.( unless / however/ so)

8.You should bring think coats_________ the temperature falls at night.( therefore / in case / moreover)

9.___________ my sister doesn’t like eating salad, she eats it regularly to keep fit.( if / when / eventhough)

10 ___________ you are ready, we shall go ( unless / as soon as / since)

11. I could not wake up yesterday morning _________someone knocked the door . ( until / as / so that )

12.I won’t come to Jim’s party___________ he invites me. ( if / because / unless)

13. You should tell me the truth________ I can help you. ( so that / so / nevertheless)

14._______ the fire fighters arrived, the fire had already been put out by the local residents. ( after/ if / before)

15.You can leave early ________________ you want to. ( unless / so that / if )

16. We wore warm coats ___________keep warm ( so that / because / in order to)

17. They went skiing__________heavy snow ( though / because of / in spite of)

18. She is a young  woman,____________, she has got great success . ( so / because / however)

19. My father is a generous, humorous person________he is very kind and brave. ( moreover / but / nevertheless0

20. We did not have enough time to finish the test ________we have to do it again ( as / when / therefore)

huong luu


1.My mother used to tell me stories_______________ I went to bed.

     A. since                 B. until             C.before               D.so   

2.You better take the keys_______________________ I’m not at home today.

    A. as                    B. therefore         C. moreover         D.but

3.My brother like eating fried chicken______________ it’s very bad for his health.

    A.because             B. and                C. when               D.though

4.Yesterday, Jim was playing the piano_____________his sister was playing the flute

   A. if                      B. while                C.as soon as        D.however

5. .You shouldn’t spend too much on computer_____________ it is harmful to your eyes.

A. because


C.although           D. or

6.I will phone you ___________________ I get there.


B.as soon as

C.untill                 D. since

7.James decided to save money from now______ he has enough money to travel this summer

A.so that


C.when                       D. in order to

8.________ we have been friends for only one year, we deeply understand each other.

   A. although               B. If                            C. because                  C. so that

 9. Mr Smith doesn’t like dogs,_____________ his wife love them.

   A. and                            B. however                      C. so                             D.as

 10.          his broken leg , he could not run as fast as others .

 A. despite                       B. so                           C. because                    D.because of

11. We set off the trip to Con son Pagoda early _________it wasnot fine yesterday.

 A. in spite of                B. since                   C. eventhough             D. nevertheless

12.________drinking some wine , she cried a lot then went to beb.

 A. when                      B. after                   C. until                D. despite

13. Do you like eating out _________at home tonight?

 A. or                           B. so                      C.while               D.as

14.I was cycling home yesterday_________ I saw Jim standing near the foundtain.



C.since                   D. though

15. I almost missed my flight              there was a long queue in the duty-free shop.

     a. although            b. since                 c. despite              d. because of

16. I want to be well-groomed    other people think nice things about me.

     a. in order to         b. so as not to        c. so that               d. as soon as

17.               she is young, she is very independent.

     a. Although           b. Because            c. In order that      d. In spite of

18. She went back to live with her mother      she did not earn enough money to live in her own house.

     a. although            b. so that               c. in order to         d. because

19. Mr Nam is still working for a foreign company ___________his old age

     A. because of                   B. insipte of                   C. though                      D.however

20. ___________I love her so much , I  buy roses for her everyday

  A. so that                            B. although                    C. and                         D.since

21. The boy took off his shoes ___________ run faster and comfortably.

 A. so that                             B. because                     C. in order to                D. as

22. Jane  didn’t realize her mistakes_______ her mother pointed it out for her

 A. moreover              B.until                 C. as                      D. but

23. My mother often shops at the local supermarket………. it is distant from our house____

   A. because             B. although           C. so            D. as soon as

24. .I try to study hard………..I will have decent job in the future

   A. so                     B. since                C. so that        D. if_

25. .This couple had been in New York City for two years………they moved here.

   A. before                C. as                C. moreover          D. though