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Chủ đề:

Unit 5 : Study Habits

Câu hỏi:

III. Change these sentences to the reported speech :

1. He said to her : “Don’t let me down”

2. She asked : “Have a cup of tea.”

3. He asked me, “Don’t do it.”

4. “ Don’t be a baby, Sue ”, David said.

5. She said to me : “ Don’t be stupid. ”

6. Their mother said : “ Stop fighting, now. ”

7. Tim’s mother said : “ Don’t cry, son. ”

8. Tom’s mother said : “ Don’t stay up late. ”

9. The teacher said to us : “Close your books, please ! You’ll have a 15-minute test.”

10. Daisy said : “ Please lend me your history book, Joana. ”

11. Her teacher said : “ You should revise your lesson carefully before examination. ”

12. The police said : “ Don’t touch anything in this room, everybody. ”

13. His father said : “ Get up early to learn your lesson, John. ”

14. “Could you buy me a ticket ”, Trang said to Nhung.

15. Mrs. Green said to her friend : “ Can you help my son with his literature ? ”

16. “Don’t spend all your money on clothes ”, my mother said.

17. “Please turn off the light and lock the door carefully ”, Mr.Smith said to his son.

18. The teacher said to her students : “ Don’t talk in class during the test ”

19. “Shut the door behind you ! ”, his aunt said to him.

20. “Can you explain this word for me ”, Tan said to Nga.

21. “Don’t leave your coat on your chair ”, his wife said to him.

22. They said to me : “ Don’t ask these people about their salary ”.

23. “You shouldn’t translate each sentence into Vietnamese ”, his brother said.

24. Nhat said to Tan, “May you help me with my English pronunciation ?”

25. The old man said to the boy, “Can you help me carry my bags ?”

26. The tourist asked the guide, “Could you show me the way to the nearest post office ?”

27. Ms. Hoang said to Lan, “Don’t sit in my bedroom”

28. Mary said to John : “Can you carry my suitcase, please ?”

29. The teacher said to us : “Close your book now, please”

30. Tom said to me : “Can you help me solve this math problem ?”

31. Daisy said : “Please lend me your history and geography book.”