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Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.

1. A. exhibition B. disappointed C. entertaining D. interesting

2. A. vehicle B. resident C. skyscraper D. convenience

3. A. negative B. indicator C. determine D. skyscraper

4. A. expensive B. restaurant C. difference D. fascinate

5. A. recreational B. multicultural C. metropolitan D. fascinatingly

6. A. forbidden B. determine C. populous D. delicious

7. A. variety B. determine C. metropolitan D. reliable

8. A. oceania B. metropolitan C. multicultural D. affordable

9. A. traffic B. vehicle C. climate D. construction

10. A. affordable B. environment C. indicator D. variety

11. A. intelligence B. development C. education D. facility

12. A. negative B. fabulous C. urban D. multicultural

13. A. forbidden B. negative C. attraction D. determine

14. A. affordable B. downtown C. forbidden D. Oceania

15. A. pagoda B. convenient C. determine D. fabulous

16. A. elsewhere B. increase C. seminar D. machine

17. A. factor B. conductor C. skyscrapper D. conflict

18. A. index B. metro C. asset D. transport

19. A. financial B. neighbour C. progress D. famous

20. A. access B. wander C. asset D. conduct

21. A. multicultural B. metropolitan C. cosmopolitan D. communication

22. A. galleries B. museum C. neighborhoods D. cultural

23. A. urban B. conduct C. metro D. asset

24. A. ancient B. comfortable C. delicious D. fascinating

25. A. organisation B. international C. individual D. entertainment

26. A. facility B. population C. recreational D. overcrowding

27. A. affordable B. acceptable C. reliable D. fashionable

28. A. stressful B. frightening C. populous D. exhausted

29. A. annoying B. forbidden C. exciting D. rural

30. A. financial B. skyscraper C. fabulous D. populous

31. A. drawback B. feature C. conduct D. ancient

32. A. conflict B. factor C. downtown D. medium

33. A. organisation B. metropolitan C. university D. multicultural

34. A. fabulous B. variety C. reliable D. forbidden

Chủ đề:

Chuyện người con gái Nam Xương- Nguyễn Dữ

Câu hỏi:

Bài tập 2:Cho đoạn văn sau:

“Đoạn rồi nàng tắm gội chay sạch, ra bến Hoàng Giang ngửa mặt lên trời mà than rằng:  – Kẻ bạc mệnh này duyên phận hẩm hiu, chồng con rẫy bỏ, điều đâu bay buộc, tiếng chịu nhuốc nhơ, thần sông có linh, xin ngài chứng giám. Thiếp nếu đoan trang giữ tiết, trinh bạch gìn lòng, vào nước xin làm ngọc Mị Nương, xuống đất xin làm cỏ Ngu Mĩ. Nhược bằng lòng chim dạ cá, lừa chồng dối con, dưới xin làm mồi cho cá tôm, trên xin làm cơm cho diều quạ, và xin chịu khắp mọi người phỉ nhổ”. (Theo Ngữ văn lớp 9, tập một, NXB Giáo dục, 2010) 1. Trong tác phẩm, lời thoại trên là độc thoại hay đối thoại? Vì sao?

2. Lời thoại này được Vũ Nương nói trong hoàn cảnh nào? Qua đó nhân vật muốn khẳng định những phẩm chất gì? 

3. Xét về cấu tạo ngữ pháp, câu văn  “Kẻ bạc mệnh này duyên phận hẩm hiu, chồng con rẫy bỏ, điều đâu bay buộc, tiếng chịu nhuốc nhơ, thần sông có linh, xin ngài chứng giám” thuộc kiểu câu gì?

4. Hãy trình bày một biện pháp nghệ thuật được sử dụng trong đoạn văn bản trên và cho biết ý nghĩa của biện pháp nghệ thuật ấy.

5. Trong “Chuyện người con gái Nam Xương”, bi kịch gia đình đã xảy ra xuất phát từ sự nghi ngờ mù quáng, thiếu lòng tin. Từ văn bản đó kết hợp với những hiểu biết của bản thân, em hãy trình bày suy nghĩ của mình (khoảng 2/3 trang giấy thi) về vai trò của niềm tin trong cuộc sống. 

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer in each of the following questions.

1. Your city is developing ________ my city.

A. so fast B. as fast as C. faster than D. the fastest

2. The new student was very shy at the beginning, but then he ________ well with everyone.

A. got over B. cheered up C. went on D. got on

3. We are looking for someone who is ________ and hard-working.

A. smooth B. hopeful C. reliable D. lacked

4. I wish I had such ________ parents!

A. easy-going B. polluted C. historic D. forbidden

5. The noise was ________ .

A. cosmopolitan B. unemployed C. frightening D. delicious

6. When you want to relax, you’ll have one of the world’s ________ cities at your feet, with more than 40% green space and open water to enjoy.

A. green mostly B. greener C. mostly green D. greenest

7. You're not a safe driver! You should drive ________.

A. most carefully B. careful C. careless D. more carefully

8. Ha Noi City now is ________ than it was 10 years ago.

A. much large B. as large C. the largest D. more large

9. Savannah is one of the best ________ cities for job growth.

A. full B. part C. whole D. medium-sized

10. We were shown ________ the town by a volunteer student.

A. in B. off C. around D. up

11. She lives in one of the most ________ parts of the city. There are lots of luxury shops there.

A. boring B. comfortable C. fashionable D. historic

12. About 85 per cent of city ________ breathe heavily polluted air.

A. members B. livers C. dwellers D. villagers

13. We expected her at nine but she finally ________ at eleven.

A. turned up B. came over C. grew up D. turned out

14. We ________ for London just after ten.

A. show round B. get on C. grow up D. set off

15. London is probably most famous for its museums, galleries, palaces, and other sights, but it also includes a ________ range of people, cultures and religions than many other places.

A. wider B. big C. greater D. wide

16. I don’t think Fred gets ________ with Daniel. They always argue.

A. over B. through C. on D. with

17. Tower blocks from the 60s and 70s could be ________ after Grenfell Tower fire.

A. turned down B. pulled down C. let down D. got down

18. The street food in Hoi An is delicious and ________.

A. fabulous B. fascinating C. affordable D. available

19. Factories and offices should be built in ________ areas only.

A. coastal B. rural C. urban D. cultural

20. They see the outdoors as a ________ activity, not a job opportunity.

A. recreational B. volunteering C. international D. exhausted

Giúp mình với 

Mark letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the best sentence that can be made from the words given in each of the following questions.


Father/ always/ teach/ him/ not/ look down/people/ less.


A. Fathers always taught him not to look down those people with less.


B. His father always teaches him to look down for those people with less.


C. Her father is always teaching him to look down in those people with less.


D. His father always taught him not to look down on those people with less.


I/ run/ Amir/ today/ supermarket.


A. I ran across Amir today at the supermarket.


B. I have ran to Amir today before the supermarket.


C. I would run together Amir today at the supermarket.


D. I ran into Amir today at the supermarket.


 I/ tired/ Sophie/ show/ engagement ring/ all/ time.


A. I so tired of Sophie showing off her engagement ring all the time.


B. I’m not tired about Sophie showing her engagement ring all time.


C. I’m so tired of Sophie showing off her engagement ring all the time.


D. I’m such tired for Sophie to show off her engagement ring all the time.




A. The police would not give tolhe kidnapper’s demands.


B. The police would not give up the kidnapper’s demands.


C. The police would not give away the kidnapper’s demands.


D. The police would not give in to the kidnapper’s demands.


It/ important/ show/ time.


A. It’s important to show up on time.


B. It’s more important to show off in time.


C. It’s the more important to show of in time.


D. It’s the most important to show around before time.


We/ go/ have/ put/ trip/ Spain/ until/ September.


A. We're going to have to put up our trip to Spain until September.


B. We go to have to put of out trip to Spain until September.


C. We go to have put our trip to Spain until September.


D. We're going to have to put off our trip to Spain until September.


Hard/ he/ try, satisfied/ he/feel.


A. Harder does he try, satisfied does he feel.


B. Hard as he tries, the most satisfied does he feel.


C. The hardest he tries, the most satisfied he feels.


D. The harder he tries, the more satisfied he feels.


Course/ action/ efficient/previous.


A. These courses of action are more efficient as the previous one.


B. This course of action is more efficient than the previous one.


C. Those courses of action are the more efficient in the previous day.


D. This course of action is most efficient than the previous one.


He/ take/ hat/ show/ me/ new haircut.


A. He is taking of hat to show me new haircut.


B. He took off his hat to show me his new haircut.


C. He takes on his hat to show for me his new haircut.


D. He has taken out his hat to show me new haircut.


First poem/ good/ second.


A. First poem is best than the second.


B. The first poem is the best for the second.


C. First poem is good than second.


D. The first poem was better than the second.

21. ________we were waiting, a woman with a phone on her hand asked us what we were doing.

A. In order that B. Although C. That D. While

22. The artisan is delighted to ________ to you the craft of creating prints in an old-age style.

A. provide B. demonstrate C. express D. explain

23. Have you ever ________ to Tay Ho village in Hue? It's the place where people make the famous Bai tho conical hats.

A. gone B. go C. went D. been

24. ________ I fell he was wrong, I decided to trust him.

A. If B. As C. When D. Although

25. The bronze casting craft in Viet Nam dated back from the age of King An Duong Vuong ________ ancient bronze arrowheads were made.

A. although B. so C. because D. when

26. I want to be well-groomed ________other people think nice things about me.

A. so as not to B. as soon as C. so that D. in order to

27. Anna went to Hue city ________ she could take some beautiful photos.

A. so that B. although C. when D. while

28. She is skilled at ________ cloth.

A. weaving B. giving C. carving D. doing

29. It's a nice place for ________ who love nature and quietness.

A. there B. this C. those D. that

30. She is very good at knitting. She ________ herself this sweater. It looks very nice.

A. is knitting B. knits C. knit D. knitted

31. I'm looking ________ to the weekend.

A. down B. forward C. up D. on

32. She'd been seeing the boy for a while, but didn't want her parents to find ________.

A. up B. for C. out D. against

33. Situated on the bank of the Duong River, the village was famous for the ________ of making Dong Ho paintings.

A. activity B. manufacture C. production D. craft

34. David Ferris’s father was a bank manager living ________the outskirts of the Lancastrian town of Preston.

A. on B. of C. in D. at

35. The flower was ________ out of a single piece of valuable wood.

A. moulded B. carved C. given D. cast

36. In 1990, due to the change of the economic situation, many Dong Ho cooperatives had to ________.

A. shut B. close C. close in D. close down

37. Do you think that the various crafts remind people ________ a specific region?

A. of B. about C. in D. for

38. Don't give ________ singing. You are very talented.

A. down B. in C. up D. on

39. Do you know who’s ________ his pottery workshop?

A. taking over B. bringing out C. passing down D. turning down

40. ________ he isn't available, we'll look for another consultant.

A. In the case that B. Unless C. While D. When