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Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson have two children, Lara 10 and Peter is 16. Mrs. Nelson first discovered that Peter was getting into trouble when school rang her to say that he hadn’t turned up that day, or the day before. She realized right away that he had been truanting. Peter’s behaviour was causing conflict in the house and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson were both concerned. They had different views of how they should deal with Peter’s behaviour and this led to rows that upset the whole family. They decided to prevent Peter from going out with his friends, but this just made him more stubborn and he would continue to miss school and stay outside his curfew. Over the coming weeks, family life became more and more difficult. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson felt that they could no longer do this on their own and asked the school to help. The school arranged for Peter to talk to someone he trusted, and they made an agreement for him to start gradually attending school again. He was also given some time to catch up with the work he had missed. As he started to talk it through, Peter realized that he had been unhappy at school for a while. He admitted that he had felt lonely since his best friend moved away and another group of friends had persuaded him to skip school. As he missed more and more school, it became harder to go back. Peter was encouraged to tell his parents how much he missed his friend and that he wanted to spend time with his dad playing football or fishing. Mr. Nelson thought he had grown out of that a long time ago but was pleased to spend time with Peter again. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson tried to notice every day when Peter achieved his goal of attending school, being on time and remembering to do his homework. It took a little longer for Peter’s friendships to return to normal and Peter has had to leam to prove himself trustworthy to his parents, but gradually Mr. and Mrs. Nelson are learning to trust Peter again.

Question: The conflict in the Nelsons was due to the fact that______.

APeter had been truanting at school

BPeter was getting into trouble at school

Cthey paid too much attention to Lara

D. they didn’t agree on the solution to Peter’s problem