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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Bài tập 1: Điền vào giới từ thích hợp bằng in, at, on
1. ...... the afternoon
2. ...... February
3. ...... Christmas
4. ...... 1991
5. ...... Tuesday morning
6. ...... Tet
7. ...... the moment
8. ...... sunrise
9. ...... April
10....... the future
11....... spring
12....... birthday party
13....... Sunday
14....... breakfast
15....... 2nd September 1945
16....... 10th January
Bài tập 2: Điền vào chỗ trống với giới từ in on at
1. ......1600 Pennsylvania Ave
2. ......the gym
3. ......the farm
4. ......the airport
5. ......Ho Chi Minh city
6. ......the bus
7. ......the table
8. ......the party
9. ......London
11.......the bathroom
12.......page 100
Bài tập giới từ 3: Hoàn thành các câu sau với in, on, at.
1. Mary wants to live and work.........New York.
2. My mother is working.........the farm.
3. I am standing.........the crossroad. I don’t know whether to turn left, turn right or go
straight on.
4. .........university, he was an excellent student.
5. My grandparents live.........456 Mountain Street.........Australia.6. There is a funny cartoon.........TV now.
7. At present, I am.........home while my friends are.........school.
8. Everyone, open your book.........page 123 and we start the lesson.
Bài tập giới từ 4: Hoàn thành đoạn văn sau với giới từ in on at
This is Jenny’s room. It is very nice and clean. She often spends a lot of time
(1).........her bedroom but now she is not (2).........home. (3).........this room, she puts
her bed (4).........the left, the sofa (5).........the right and the yellow carpet (6).........the
center. She studies (7).........her table, between the bed and the sofa. (8).........this
table, there is a laptop and a phone. She stores her study materials (9).........the laptop
but she also uses it to watch films and listen to music. (10).........the wall, she hangs a
clock, a picture and a shelf. It looks so great!
Bài tập 5: Hoàn thành các câu sau với giới từ in on at
1. I was born June 16th. I was born.........1949. I am a . I work.........a big hospital. I go
to work.........5:00 a.m.
2. Hi, I am an . I go to work.........the morning. I start work 11:00 a.m. I was
born.........April 10th.
3. Howdy! I was born.........July 2nd, 1978. I am a . I work.........the farm everyday. I
milk the cows.........the morning. I milk the cows.........6:00 a.m.
4. Hey, I am a . I was born.........August 1st. I was born.........1991. I go to
practice.........7:00 a.m.
5. I was born.........1992. I go to work.........night. I go to work 10:00 p.m. I work at
night because I like to take pictures of the stars. I am a .

Chủ đề:


Câu hỏi:

I. Practice:
Exercise 1: Multiple choice
1. I don’t want much sugar in my coffee. Just ……………..,please.
A. few B. little C. a little D. a few
2. On the table there were vegetables, bread and two large………………. .
A. bowl of soup B. bowl of soups
C. bowls of soups D. bowls of soup
3. My brother doesn’t like pork and …………………. .A. either do I B. neither do I C. neither I do D. I don’t
4. Trung…………………..a box of chocolate.
A. often gives Chi B. gives often Chi
C. often Chi gives D. to Chi often gives
5. If he eats all that food, he eats……………………….. .
A. too much B. too many C. quite much D. quite
6. What about ………………..to dinner with me?
A. come B. coming C. to come D. comes
7. I have enough food in the house, so I needn’t ………………to the shops
A. to go B. will go C. go D. going
8. He was only thirteen, but he ate…………………...
A. very much B. more C. than D. as
9. I enjoy …………………..sweets .
A. eat B. eating C. eats D. to
10. May I have …………………….sugar?
A. one B. a C. some D. many
Exercise 2: Simple past tense of verbs
To be:
1) She ____________ sick 2 days
2) They ____________ students 10
years ago.
3) I ____________ busy yesterday.
4) Lan and Ba ____________ at
home last week.
5) Their father ____________ out
last night.
To be:
1) We ____________ free yesterday.
2) He ____________ at work
3) Mr. Kim ____________ very
happy last night.
4) Long and Tan ____________ bad
students 2 years ago.
5) Where ___________ you
Irregular verbs:
1) She ______________ a new cap
yesterday. (buy)
2) They ______________ home late
last night. (go)
3) He ____________a good movie 2
days ago. (see)
4) We ______________ this door
Ordinary verbs:
1) I ___________________ soccer
last month. (play)
2) We __________________ some
flowers in the garden yesterday.
3) My mom __________________
at a local library 2 years ago.green last week. (repaint)
5) She ______________ a meeting
yesterday. (have)
4) She ______ there 20 years ago.
5) They ___________ in Hanoi last
week. (arrive)
Exercise 3: Use the correct form of verbs
1) I ________________ a letter to my friend yesterday. (write)
2) We ________________ a package to Hanoi. (send)
3) We ________________ dinner late last night. (eat)
4) Our friends ________________ us some gifts. (give)
5) She ________________ red clothes yesterday. (like)
6) You should ___________________ to bed early. (go)
7) I hope you ___________________ better soon. (feel)
8) You ought ________________ harder. (study)
9) I prefer ____________ TV to ________________ books. (watch / read)
10) Would you like ________________ dinner with me? (have)
11) Lan ________________ a letter yesterday. (send)
12) Where ______________ you ________________ last night? (stay)
13) I ________________ a letter to my friend yesterday. (write)
14) We ________________ a package to Hanoi. (send)
15) We ________________ dinner late last night. (eat)
16) Our friends ________________ us some gifts last week. (give)
17) She ________________ red clothes yesterday. (wear)
18) My sister wants ___________badminton. ( play )
19) The students should _________their homework everyday. ( do )
20) I want to know how ______________ this task? (do)
Exercise 4: Transformation
1. Why don’t we go to to the movie theater ?
 What about ?
2. Do you want to come to my house for lunch?
 Would you like ?
3. Let’s play soccer.
 How about ?
4. My brother swims very well.
 My brother is a
5. Let’s see a detective film.
 What about ?
6. How much are these envelopes ?
 How much do ?
7. We should get up early every day.green last week. (repaint)
5) She ______________ a meeting
yesterday. (have)
4) She ______ there 20 years ago.
5) They ___________ in Hanoi last
week. (arrive)
Exercise 3: Use the correct form of verbs
1) I ________________ a letter to my friend yesterday. (write)
2) We ________________ a package to Hanoi. (send)
3) We ________________ dinner late last night. (eat)
4) Our friends ________________ us some gifts. (give)
5) She ________________ red clothes yesterday. (like)
6) You should ___________________ to bed early. (go)
7) I hope you ___________________ better soon. (feel)
8) You ought ________________ harder. (study)
9) I prefer ____________ TV to ________________ books. (watch / read)
10) Would you like ________________ dinner with me? (have)
11) Lan ________________ a letter yesterday. (send)
12) Where ______________ you ________________ last night? (stay)
13) I ________________ a letter to my friend yesterday. (write)
14) We ________________ a package to Hanoi. (send)
15) We ________________ dinner late last night. (eat)
16) Our friends ________________ us some gifts last week. (give)
17) She ________________ red clothes yesterday. (wear)
18) My sister wants ___________badminton. ( play )
19) The students should _________their homework everyday. ( do )
20) I want to know how ______________ this task? (do)
Exercise 4: Transformation
1. Why don’t we go to to the movie theater ?
 What about ?
2. Do you want to come to my house for lunch?
 Would you like ?
3. Let’s play soccer.
 How about ?
4. My brother swims very well.
 My brother is a
5. Let’s see a detective film.
 What about ?
6. How much are these envelopes ?
 How much do ?
7. We should get up early every day. We ought
8. What is your weight?
 How ?
9. It takes me two hours to go to Hanoi.
 I spend
10.Would you like to go to the zoo with me, Ba?
 I invite
11.My sister plays badminton skillfully.
 My sister is
12.I don’t like candies either.
 Neither she
13.I like eating sweets, I don’t like drinking milk.
 I prefer
14.You shouldn’t eat too much meat.
 You ought
15.He can swim , too.
 So I
16.I don’t like beef and neither does she.
 I don’t like beef and
17.You should go to school on time.
 You ought
18.I am used to go to bed early.
 I get
19.They shouldn’t drink too much beer.
 They ought
20.She loves roses and I do,too.
 She loves roses
21.Let’s sing a song.
 What about ?
22.Lan always does the housework.
 Lan gets
23.I would rather watch TV than listen to the radio.
 I prefer
24.Mr. Bean is a slow runner.
 Mr. Bean
25.She sings beautifully.
 She is
26.Maradona is a skillful soccer player.
 Maradona
Exercise 5: Write the correct form of the word in parentheses in each sentence1. The train stopped______________ (sudden).
2. I opened the door_____________ (slow)
3. Please listen_______________(careful)
4. Be ______________(careful)
5. It was a __________ game. (bad)
6. Out team played ______________(bad)
7. Sue speaks very ____________(solf)
8. Ben is a __________ runner. (fast)
9. The bus was ____________(late)
10. She works ____________(hard)
11. She speaks English very _________.(good)
12. I went to bed ____________(early)
13. He was driving _____________ (dangerous)
14. I open the door ___________ (quiet)
15. Can you repeat that _____________?(slow)
16. The examination was ___________easy. (surprising)
17. She sings _____________. (beautiful)
18. She sings _____________songs. (beautiful)
19. He is a ______________ cyclist. (safe)
20. He drives his car _____________. (careless)
Exercise 6: Adj  Adv / Noun  Verb
1) He is a good cook.
2) They are skillful tennis players.
3) She is a good teacher.
4) I am a good diver.
5) We are careful drivers.
6) He teaches English well.
7) She speaks French fluently.
8) I cycle my bike safely.
9) They listen to their teacher quietly.
They10) He acts
Exercise 7: Like… better than  prefer …to..
1) I like walking better than taking a bus.
-> I prefer ………………………………………..
2) She likes listening to music better than watching TV.
-> She prefers ……………………………………….
3) We like playing tennis better than skipping.
-> We prefer ……………………………………….
4) They like collecting stamps better than playing sports.
-> They prefer ……………………………………….
5) He likes helping old people better than cleaning the house.
-> He prefers
Exercise 8: should  ought to / shouldn’t  ought not to
1) You should finish your homework before playing video games.
2) You shouldn’t spend much money on video games.
3) You should take part in outdoor activities with friends.
4) You should develop your social skill.
5) You shouldn’t arrive home late at night.
6) You should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.
7) You should help you mom.
8) You should study hard.
9) You shouldn’t be lazy.
10) You shouldn’t play games too

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

. Chuyển các câu sau sang câu bị động 1. Mary types letters in the office. 2. His father will help you tomorrow. 3. Science and technology have completely changed human life. 4. Peter broke this bottle. 5. They are learning English in the room. 6. Nothing can change my mind. 7. No one had told me about it. 8. I don’t know her telephone number 9. My students will bring the children home. 10. They sent me a present last week. 11. She gave us more information. 12. The chief engineer was instructing all the workers of the plan. 13. They can’t make tea with cold water. 14. Somebody has taken some of my books away. 15. They will hold the meeting before May Day. 16. They have to repair the engine of the car. 17. The boys broke the window and took away some pictures. 18. People spend a lot of money on advertising every day. 19. Teacher is going to tell a story. 20. Mary is cutting a cake with a sharp knife. 21. The children looked at the woman with a red hat. 22. They have provided the victims with food and clothing. 23. People speak English in almost every corner of the world. 24. You mustn’t use this machine after 5:30 p.m. 25. After class, one of the students always erases the chalk board. II. Chuyển các câu hỏi dạng đảo Có/Không sang câu bị động 26. Do they teach English here? 27. Will you invite her to your wedding party? 28. Has Tom finished the work? 29. Did the teacher give some exercises? 30. Have they changed the window of the laboratory? 31. Is she going to write a poem? 32. Is she making big cakes for the party? 33. Are the police making inquires about the thief? 34. Must we finish the test before ten? 35. Will buses bring the children home? 36. Have you finished your homework? III. Chuyển các câu hỏi bắt đầu bằng từ hỏi “H/WH” sau sang câu bị động 37. Why didn’t they help him? 38. How many games has the team played? 39. Where do people speak English? 40. Who are they keeping in the kitchen? 41. How can they open this safe? 42. What books are people reading this year? 43. How did the police find the lost man? 44. Who look after the children for you? 45. How long have they waited for the doctor? 46. What time can the boys hand in their papers? 47. Who lend you this book? 48. How many marks does the teacher give you?

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

. The ordinary verb in the past simple tense.
1. Anna (walk) ____________ to class yesterday instead of taking the bus.
2. My brother (arrive) ____________ French for two months last year
3. Two years ago, she (teach) ____________ at a village school.
4. I (meet) ____________ her at the movie theater last night.
5. They (have) ____________ dinner in a small restaurant yesterday evening
6. He (take) ____________ his children to the zoo last Sunday
7. John (drink) ____________ beer so much last night.
8. Last Sunday, we (not go) ____________ to the English Club
9. Loan (not receive) ____________ a letter from her pen pal Tim yesterday.
10. They (not live) ____________ in town in 1990
II. Give the past form of the verbs.
❖ Regular ❖ Irregular
1. To visit 11. To have
2. To look 12. To be
3. To talk 13. To do
4. To stop 14. To take
5. To receive 15. To think
6. To arrive 16. To buy
7. To rent 17. To go8. To help 18. To see
9. To live 19. To wear
10. To return 20. To put
III. Put the following verbs in the correct rows.
wanted played helped fitted liked
visited looked needed stopped started
used learned remembered waited decided
IV. Change into the negative or interrogative.
1. I was in Ho Chi Minh City 5 years ago.
2. Liz and her family were in Nha Trang last week.
3. The children won the first prize yesterday.
4. He watched TV last night.
5. Liz saw the paddies two days ago.