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Read the passage and then decide whether the sentences are True(T) or False(F)


Every year on February 14th, couples exchange flowers, candy and cards to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day. How did this tradition begin? No one knows for sure, but there are several legends that have been passed from generation to generation. The most popular one is about a Catholic saint who lived in the third century.

St. Valentine was a priest in Rome. The Roman Emperor of that time, Claudius II, believed that unmarried men were better soldiers than those with wives. He made marriage illegal for young men. Valentine strongly opposed this decision, so he continued to perform weddings for young couples in secret. After a while, Emperor Claudius learned of Valentine’s actions and sent him to prison. According to the story, the priest then fell in love with a girl who visited him there!

In the end, Valentine was put to death on February 14th. Before he died, he had written a letter to the girl he loved and signed it, “From your Valentine.”

                                                                      (Source: Adapted from Easy content reader 3)







The history of St. Valentine’s Day is known by everyone.




St. Valentine is said to live in the third century.




The priest believed that men without wives were not as good as those who are married.




Because weddings for young couples were held illegally by St. Valentine, he was imprisoned.




St. Valentine wrote a letter to a girl who visited him on February 14th.




Fill each of the numbered blanks in the passage with one suitable word.


Warwick is one of the most beautiful towns in England but one that few people visit. Warwick Castle, belonging to the Earls of Warwick, whose influence on English history has been felt (5) …………………………  the Middle Ages, welcomes thousands of visitors every year but hardly any of them go into the town; (6) ………………………… is a pity because it is not a long way away and has much to recommend it. If you have time to see the town, you should (7) ………………………… of all visit the old courthouse, (8) ………………………… there is an information center giving advice on local amenities. (9) ………………………… particular the town is renowned for its architecture, much of (10) ………………………… dates from the sixteenth century. Perhaps the most impressive building is Lord Leicester’s Hospital, founded in 1571 by the Earl of Leicester, Queen Elizabeth I’s closest friend, (11) …………………………, it is said, she once planned to marry. It costs (12) ………………………… than £3 to go in, (13) ………………………… is a bargain because, (14) ………………………… from allowing you to see the chapel and the great hall, it gives access to an excellent kitchen, where you can obtain a snack or a light meal. Elsewhere in the town St Mary's church is well (15) ………………………… a visit. It was almost all (16) ………………………… down in the Great Fire of 1694 but still contains a monument to the (17) ………………………… notorious of the earls of Warwick, (18) ………………………… achievements included being responsible for creating a saint without meaning to. This was the man who burnt Joan of Arc as a witch in 1431.


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