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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

IV. Fill in each of the blank a suitable preposition
1. I am grateful __________ your help. I would have failed to do the task.
2. He is 20 and he is now independent __________ his parents.
3. I apologized _______ my friend __________ breaking a promise.
4. My brother and I have nothing __________ common.
5. She is always ___________ contact with us via messenger.
6. You are doing an exam so you have to work ___________ your own.
7. We have a spare house but we use it ______ rent.
8. When we were abroad, we paid all things ____________ credit card.
9. We are heavily ________ debt. We have to pay back all next month.
10. Excuse me, would you like to pay ________ cheque or __________ cash, please?
11. I didn’t mean to meet him again. I met him _________ chance
12. Can you check the washing machine? I think it is ________ ________ order..
13. We got lost, but _______ the end we met a local man who took us out of the forest.
14. _______ my opinion, you should start your own business.
15. I am sorry for breaking your vase, but I didn’t do it ________ purpose.

V. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary

6. What he said is _____________. Don’t believe him. (TRUE)
7. These twins so are ___________ that we cannot tell them apart.(IDENTICALLY)
8. The telephone was one of the greatest ____________ of the 20th century. (INVENT)
9. Can you names some _____________ of the 20th century? (DISCOVER)
10. _____________ advances allow us to live better life. (TECHNOLOGY)
11. He is a great chemist who have discovered a new ____________ element. (CHEMIST)
12. Although he is a __________, he has a series of poems. (SCIENCE)
13. To make tea, you need _____________ water. (BOIL)
14. Remember to drink _____________ water or you can catch diseases. (BOIL)
15. In _____________, you have to submit your work on time. (CONCLUDE)

VI. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. Write between two and five words.
1. Smoking is not allowed in any corner of the school.
You ___________________________________ in any corner of the school. (MUSTN’T)
2. It is not necessary to clean the floor. I did it yesterday. HAVE TO
You ______________________ clean the floor. I did it yesterday.
3. I really need to get a new job to earn more money to support my kids. OUGHT TO
I ______________________________________
4. Your sister has gone out. He just asked you about food for dinner. MIGHT
My sister __________________________________________________________
5. The cat is lovely. My friend gave it to me some days ago. WHICH
6. The man called the police. His car was stolen some minutes ago. WHOSE
7. We live in a building. There is a gym in that building. (WHICH)
8. They returned to their school. They had many memories in this school. (WHERE)
9. I called the manager. I sent him a letter 2 days ago. (WHOM)
10. We came to visit an island. It rains a lot here during the last months of the year. (WHERE)

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