Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 17
Số lượng câu trả lời 5
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 1

Người theo dõi (0)

Đang theo dõi (1)

Đỗ Thanh Hải

1.           By next October, my parents (live) ____ here for 30 years.

2.           My father (work)  for the same company for 40 years before he (retire) _________ last year.

3.           My bus (arrive) _________ at half past six.

4.           You (pass) _________ the exam. Don’t worry !

5.           This time next year, he (work) _______in Hồ Chí Minh City.

6.           I (learn) _________ English for six years now.

7.           I (live) _________ here since 1979.

8.           Last year, she (marry) _________ a Russian dancer.

9.           A : _________ you (be) _________ to Hồ Chí Minh City ?

     B : Not yet.

10.      I’m sorry I (not meet) _________ you yesterday.

11.      When we reached the station, the train (already/start) _________.

12.      She (just/hang) _________ up the receiver.

13.      How long _________ you (study) _________ here by the end of next year ?

14.      The teacher (already/come) _________ into the room.

15.      I (cycle) _________ to school when I (meet) _________ him last month.

16.      I (live) _________ here since I (be) _________ young.

17.      She (bear) _________ on June 26th, 1995.

18.      We (go) _________ to the cinema last night.

19.      The grocer’s shop (close) _________ since the supermarket (open) _________.

20.      Up to now, we (learn) _________ about two thousand English words.

21.      Last Monday (be) _________ a holiday, so my brother (not have to) _________ go to work

22.      Yesterday afternoon I (see) _________ you on Hang Dao street. You (talk) _________ to some foreigners.

23.      My brother (like) _________ collecting stamps. He (have) _________ a big collection. He often (exchange) _________ stamps with his friends.

24.      I (know) _________ her for several years, but I (never/like) _________ her very much.

25.      Alexander Graham Bell first (introduce) _________ the telephone in 1876.

26.      Pierre (learn) _________ French for several years.

27.      When we came home, everyone (go) _________ out. No one was there.

28.      I feel terrible. I think I (be) _________ sick.

29.      I (not go) _________ to school yesterday.

30.      The computer (be) _________ the most wonderful invention in the 20th century.

31.      How often _________ you (go) _________ to the library ?

32.      They used to be the good friends when they (be) _________ young.

33.      People (show) _________ more than 50 films in Hà Nội since June.

34.      They (invite) _________ the wheel thousands of years ago.

35.      We (not go) _________ to the cinema last night.

36.      I (not have) _________ any news of Liz since 2003.

37.      My aunt (be) _________ in Hồ Chí Minh City since 1995.

38.      There (not be) _________ a winter like his past one since I (be) _________ young.

39.      Who (win) _________ the Nobel Peace Prize in 2001 ?

40.      Bangkok (be) _________ the capital of Thailand.

41.      The teacher (already/come) _________ into the room.

42.      When water freezes, it (turn) _________ into ice.

43.      Last Tuesday, Mr.Hoang (not go) _________ to work because of his illness.

44.      John (not write) _________ to me since he (come) _________ back to his town.

45.      We (have) _________ a small party next Sunday.

46.      “When _________ your pen pal (arrive) _________ ?” – Last Monday.

47.      Viet (spend) _________ 2 hours a day practicing his piano lesson.

48.      We (not meet) _________ each other since we (leave) _________ school.

49.      Yesterday she (burn) _________ her aunt while she (cook) _________ dinner.

50.      She usually (go) _________ by bus.

51.      I lost my pen. I (look) _________ for it for all the morning.

52.      Last night, we (come) _________ to the show late because the traffic was horrible.

53.      My mother (read) _________ the newspaper now.

54.      Those children (sleep) _________ for two hours every afternoon.

55.      We (study) _________ the use of verbs in English at the moment.

56.      Cuckoos (not build) _________ nests. They (use) _________ the nests of other birds.

57.      By next June he (write) _________ his second novel.

58.      Look at those black clouds ! It (rain) _________.

59.      My uncle (not visit) _________ us since he (move) _________ to the new town.

60.      Last week I (walk) _________ home after playing tennis when it (start) _________ raining very heavily.

61.      In 1981, a tornado (lift) _________ a baby into the air and (put) _________ it down safely 100 meters away.

62.      My father always (go) _________ to bed by bus.

63.      Listen ! Someone (knock) _________ at the door.

64.      Yesterday (be) _________ the first day of the new school year.

65     While she (run) _________, she fell.