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Đến từ Lâm Đồng , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 16
Số lượng câu trả lời 6
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Điểm SP 2

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tan nguyen
CTV tương lai

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:


1- We can’t take a trip around Europe because we don’t have enough money. => If we ………………………………………………………………………………………

2.Heinrich Hertz disvovered Radio Waves. => Radio waves.........................................................................................................................

3. The wind blew our tent over in the night. => Our tent................................................................................................................................

4. People played chess for around two thousand years. => Chess....................................................................................................................................... 5. Have you won the gold medal? => Has the gold medal............................................................................................................?

6.I am not a president so I can’t do anything to help the people in the disaster. => If I were............................................................................................................................

7. I am not his mother , I can’t ask him to tidy his room everyday. => If I.......................................................................................................................................

8. The beach isn’t clean, so there aren’t more tourists here. => If the beach...............................................................................................................................

9. The polluted from the air makes people were ill. => Because people breath...........................................................................................................

10. The fumes from cars make people cough. => Because people breath............................................................................................................

11. I am not you so I can’t buy this house. => If I........................................................................................................................................

12. Eating too much sugar can result in health problems .( lead to) =>.............................................................................................................................................

3- Since some people have drunk contaminated water, they need medical help  Some people have drunk contaminated……………………………………………………

14. All flights had to be cancelled as a result of the pilot’s strike . ( so) =>..............................................................................................................................................

15. If you could swim , you would go scuba diving with Terry. ( because) => .......................................................................................................................................... (Because I can’t swim, I am not go go scuba diving with Terry)

16. The storm had weakend when the rescue workers arrived in the area. => After....................................................................................................................................

17.The water temperature increases. Some aquatic creatures are unable to reproduce. =>............................................................................................................................................... ( Combine each pair sentences to make a conditional sentence Type 1)

18.People get more diseases. The air is polluted. =>.......................................................................................................................................... ( Combine each pair sentences to make a conditional sentence Type 1)

19.Students are more aware of protecting the environment. Teachers teach environmental issues at school. => ............................................................................................................ ( Combine each pair sentences to make a conditional sentence Type 1)

20.There are so many billboards in our city. People can’t not see clearly. => …………………………………………………………………………………………… ( Combine each pair sentences to make a conditional sentence Type 2)

21. We turn on the lights all day. We have to pay a lot of money for electricity a month. =>…………………………………………………………………………………………. ( Combine each pair sentences to make a conditional sentence Type 2)

22.People throw litter on the ground. Many animal eat litter and become sick. ( because) =>......................................................................................................................................

23. He can’t see the stars at night.There is too much light pollution. ( due to) =>...................................................................................................................................................

24- My father finished repairing our roof, then he went to help our neighbors after the storm last night. Before my father …………………………………………………………………………….

25. The oil spilled .Many seabirds were dead. ( because of) =>...................................................................................................................................................

26.We have decided to cancel our picnic. It’s forecast to rain tommorrow. ( since or because) =>............................................................................................................................................

27. Acid rain is dangerous. Trees’ leaves are damaged. ( because of) =>...........................................................................................................................................

28.The area is uninhabitable. The Chernobyl nuclear accident happened. ( Make) =>...........................................................................................................................................

29.Noise pollution happens. There is a change in animals’ living pattern. ( causes) =>.........................................................................................................................................

30. They quickly send food and medical supplies to the victims of the typhoon  Food and medical ………………………………………………………………………

31. I am poor so I can’t buy this expensive car. =>.......................................................................................................................................... ( Combine each pair sentences to make a conditional sentence Type 2)

32. They are going to service our car by a mechanic tomorrow morning. =>Our car is going.................................................................................................................

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

I. Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into the first conditional.

1. The bell ………………(ring)if there ……………..(be) a fire.

2. The bike (break) if all three of you (get)…………….on it!

3. If you (not learn) how to use a computer, it (be)…………. hard to find a job.

4. We (also cut) down the amount of pollution we create if we (cut) down the use of fossil fuels.

5. If we (reuse)……………… things, this ……………..(minimize) the dependence of making new things.

6. We (reduce)……………….. noise pollution if we (grow)……………….. more trees since they absorb sound.

7. If we (recycle)……………………glass, we (reduce)……………….air pollution by 20 percent.

8. You (save)……………………. 40 watt-hours a day if you (turn)………………….off your computer before bedtime.

9. If you (hear).............................loud noise too often, you (have)...........................hearing loss.

10. I (have)...........................no money left if I (buy)....................................that expensive book.

VII. Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into the second conditional.

1. If my grandfather(be)……………………. still alive, he would be a hundred today.

2. I……………………….(offer) to give you a lift if I had my car here.

3. Where (you/choose) if you could live anywhere in the world?

4. If you (drive) from London to Glasgow, which way would you go?

5. If l………………….(live) out of town, I...........................................(take) up the garden.

6. we………………………(not have) any money if we.....................................(not work).

7. I………………………(not mind) living in England if the weather..........................(be) better.

8. If you were a king, what you (do) ………………..……….………………..……….?

9. You would feel better if you (take) ………………..……….a short rest.

10. If she (be) ………….two years older, she (take) ………………..….part in the contest. 11. They (be) ………………..……….angry if you didn’t inform them.

12. The teacher (not be) ………………..……….disappointed if I (not be) ……………… …………….lazy like this

13. What (happen) ………………..……….if the moon disappeared?

14. If cat had wings, they (be) ………………..……….able to fly.

15. If the streets here were wider, there (not be) ………………..……….so many accidents.

16. If you broke the traffic laws like him, you (get) ………………..……….a fine.

17. He (look) ………………..……….better if he didn’t have his hair dyed.

18. If you (find) ………………..……….a wallet in the street, what would you do with it?

19. I………………..……….(help) you if I could, but I’m afraid I can’t

20. If I were you, I (not wait) ………………..………. I (go) ………………..……….now.

21. I think there are too many cars. If there (not be)………………..………. so many cars, there (not be) ………………..………. so much pollution. 22. I am not an astronaut. If I (be) ………………..……….an astronaut, I (take) ………………..………. my camera with me on the rocket ship next month.