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Người theo dõi (3)

Mr 9323
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Đang theo dõi (2)

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Diệu Huyền

Read the following passage and mark the letter (A, B, C, or D) on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions​: 

          Dolphins are extraordinarily garrulous. Not only do they whistle and click, but they also emit loud broadband packets of sound called burst pulses to discipline their young and chase away sharks. Scientists listening to these sounds have long wondered what they might mean. Yet despite a half-century of research, we are none the wiser. Virtually no evidence supports the existence of anything resembling a dolphin language, and scientists have been known to voice exasperation at the continued quixotic search. However, other researchers see circumstantial evidence that the problem simply hasn't yet been looked at with the right set of tools. Only recently have high-frequency underwater audio recorders been able to capture the full spectrum of dolphin sounds. In the past couple of years, new data-mining algorithms have made possible a meaningful analysis of those recordings. Ultimately dolphin vocalisation is either one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science or one of its greatest blind alleys.


Question 29: According to the passage, it is clear that the scientific community's efforts to understand the meaning behind these sounds ___________ .
A. have led to obvious evidence of a complex language similar to human communication
B. have been met with consistent frustration over the unproductive search
C. may now potentially be aided by recent technological advancements
D. are unanimously seen as an impossible task without any future prospects

Question 30: All of the following statements are true regarding the study of dolphin vocalisation EXCEPT _________ 
A. Scientists have expressed frustration over the elusive nature of understanding dolphin language.
B. High-frequency underwater audio recorders have recently allowed for the full spectrum of dolphin sounds to be captured.
C. Previous research has conclusively proven the existence of a complex dolphin language similar to human languages.
D. New data-mining algorithms have enabled more meaningful analysis of dolphin sound recordings in recent years.