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Người theo dõi (118)

Huy Jenify
Ken Handsome
ngọc hân

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Câu trả lời:

EX14: Read the passage and answer the questions

Land pollution is another term for soil contamination (for example, by factory chemicals or sewage and other wastewater). It means any kind or long – term land damage, destruction, degradation or loss.

Air and water pollution disappear, but land pollution doesn’t. It stays exactly where it is. Radiation can contaminate for thousands of years. That means radioactive waste dumps remain that way indefinitely.

The biggest problem comes when contaminated land is returned to use as buildings or agriculture land. People might get their water from rivers. Diseases might happen over years for this reason.

We should try to find a way of stopping or reducing land pollution. We should recycle old things to reduce our need for new ones. Also, we need to clean up many contaminated sites.

1. What’s another term for land pollution?

soil contamination is another term for  land pollution

2. What causes land pollution?

by factory chemicals or sewage and other wastewater...

3. Is long – term land damage a form of land pollution?

Yes, it is

4. How long can radiation contaminate land?

Radiation can contaminate for thousands of years. 

5. When does the biggest problem happen?

The biggest problem comes when contaminated land is returned to use as buildings or agriculture land.

6. What should we try to find?

We should try to find a way of stopping or reducing land pollution. 

7. Why should we recycle old things?

We should recycle old things to reduce our need for new ones.

8. What do we need to do?

we need to clean up many contaminated sites