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1.​My dad doesn’t mind​​my mom from work every day. ​A. pick up​B. picked up​C. picking up​D. picks up 2.​Using computers too much may have harmful effects​​your mindsand bodies. ​A. on​B. to​C.with​D. onto 3.​I love the people in my village. They are so​​and hospitable. ​A. friendly​B. vast​C.slow​D.inconvenient 4.​Among the​​, the Tay people have the largest population. ​A. groups​B. majorities​C. ethnic minorities​D. ethnic cultures. 5.​People in the countryside live​​than those in the city. ​A. happy​B. more happily​C. happily​D. less happy 6.​Viet Nam is​​multicultural country with 54 ethnic groups. ​A. a​B. an​C.the​D. A and C 7.​Ann finds books ……………. because she can learn many things from them. ​A. are useful​B. be useful​C. useful​D. being useful 8.​Louise are very fond ……………. going camping with friends at weekends. ​A. about​B. of​C. in​D. with 9.​She has decided to ……………. swimming because it is very good for her health. ​A. take in​B. take up​C. take to​D. take with 10.​It is very ……………. to watch these movies. I think you should watch them. ​A. entertaining​ B. entertained ​C. entertainment ​D. entertain 11.​I don’t feel like ……………. shopping now. I need to have some sleep to feel better. ​A. going​B. to go​C. go​D. to going 12.​That dress looks so ……………. I want to buy it. Do you think it is nice? ​A. fancy​B. funny​C. crazy​D. noisy 13.​I love being outdoors, but today I ……………. staying at home. ​A. want​B. don’t mind​C. like​D. prefer 14.​Teenagers often prefer travelling with their friends ……………. travelling with their parents. ​A. from​B. than​ C. as​D. to 15.​She loves winter sports, so I think she should go ……………. this winter. ​A. swimming​B. hiking​C. ice-skiing​D. jogging 16.​About favorite leisure activities, she and I share many things in …………….​ ​A. similarity​B. general​C. common​D. the same

1. Be calm or you’ll make a wrong decision. →​If ​ 2.​A great poet wrote these wonderful poems. →​These wonderful poems​ 3.​Jane didn’t go fishing yesterday because it rained heavily. →​Because of ​ 4.​Khue Van pavilion is used as a symbol of Hanoi by Vietnamese people. →​Vietnamese people ​ 5.​His idea is different from mine. →​His idea is not ​ 6.​These Dong Ho paintings are more expensive than those modern paintings. →​Those modern paintings are not ​ 7.​What is your favourite food? →​What food ​ 8.​Chefs use these machines to mix the ingredients. →​These machines ​ 9.​I’ve never seen such a boring movie. →​It is ​ 10.​There are a few eggs in the fridge. →​There are not ​ 11.​They have lived there for two years. →​They started ​ 12. This is the first time I have drunk cocktail. → ​I have never ​ 13. This exercise is easier than the last one. →​This exercise is not ​ 14. I’m bored of playing computer games. →​I find __​ 15. The new building is as high as the old one. →​The new building is the same ​ 16. She had no eggs, so she didn’t make an omelette. →​She didn’t have ​ 17. He didn't arrive until 9 o'clock although he promised that he wouldn't be late. (using in spite of) Despite ______________________________________________________________ 18. I didn't listen to Western music some years ago. (used to) _____________________________________________________________________ 19. My mum was a chef in Cham restaurant, but now she is retired. (used to) _____________________________________________________________________ 20. There was a market here in 2003. (used to) _____________________________________________________________________ 21. The new restaurant looks good. It seems to have few customers. (however) ________________________________________________________________ 22. They didn't know how to drive a car, but now they can drive well. (used to) ________________________________________________________________ 23. We planned to visit Petronas in the afternoon. We could not afford the fee. (however) ________________________________________________________________ 24. Mary was sick. She didn’t leave the meeting until it ended. (despite) ________________________________________________________________ 25. There were less vehicles on the roads in the past. (using “used to”) ________________________________________________________________

1. There used to be fewer people and .................. on the roads. A. roofs​B.helmets​C.helicopters​D. vehicles 2. Do you know the .................. in the UK is to keep to the left? A. traffic light​B. traffic rule​C. traffic jam​D. speed limit 3. It is dangerous to ride a motorbike without a ..................​ A. helmet​B.triangle​C. tricycle​D. circle 4. In Hanoi, during rush hour, some road users ride their motorbikes on the .................. A. driving licence​B. lane​C. pavement​D. seat belt 5. Traffic is terrible during the ...... when everyone is in a hurry to get to work or come back home. A. traffic light​B. road sign​C. traffic rule​D. rush hour 6. Before you go to the cinema, you can watch the trailer and read .............. of the film. A. reviews​B. disaster​C. critic​D. character 7. That was a ................ and boring horror film so I slept from the beginning to the end. A. shocking​B. entertaining​C. gripping​D. predictable 8. I didn’t expect the movie to be so interesting and so .....................! I cried at the end of the film. A. moving​B. violent​C. confusing​D. hilarious 9. According to our latest survey, Batman is one of 10 ..................... films this summer. A. must-see​B. violence​C. embarrassed​D. stunt 10.​Woody Allen is one of some directors who ............ in their own films and receive positive reviews. A. set​B. star​C. recommend​D. make 11.​................. are you doing? - I’m reading a book. A. Whom​B. Who​C. Whose​D. What 12. ................. coffee is this? – It’s mine. A. Who​B. Which​C. Whose​D. What 13. ................. of these problems are you most interested in? A. Who​B. Whom​C. Which​D. What 14. ................. do you know about this subject, and who taught it to you? A. Which​B. Who​C. What​D. Whom 15. ................. is responsible for the accident? A. Whose​B. Who​C. Which​D. Whom 16. ................. can be an excellent source of free, renewable energy for poor farmers. A. Turbine​B. Biogas​C. Solar panel​D. Bulb 17. The government has warned that Britain will face power ................. in the coming winters. A. coal​B. shortages​C. slogans​D. energy 18. Wind power is one of the earliest ................. sources of energy used by humankind. A. alternative​B. polluted​C. harmful​D. exhausted 19. Nobody can predict exactly when supplies of fossil fuels will be ................. However, we all know they quickly reduce in quantity. A. installed​B. polluted​C. harmful​D. exhausted 20.​Biogas can be used to ................. natural gas in cooking, heating, or electrical generation. A. use up​B. replace​C. pollute​D. install

11.​My house is very dirty. I ______________ (clean) it tomorrow. 12.​This coffee ______________ (taste) terrible, but the biscuits ______________ (be) great. 13.​Pho ______________ (become) more and more popular in Saigon since 1954. 14.​Last year we ______________ (go) on a school trip to Scotland. 15.​At the moment Joana ______________ (learn) to cook some Vietnamese dishes. 16.​I’m very sorry Dr. Jones ______________ (not be) back in the clinic until 2pm. 17.​The chicken meat served with pho ga ______________ (cut) into thin slices. 18.​My father ______________(eat) pho almost every morning at the restaurant nearby. 19.​The broth is made by ______________ (stew) cow bones for a long time. 20.​What is there ______________ (drink), Mike? 21.​Glastonbury festival _______________ (organise) every year in the village of Pilton, England. 22.​In 1076, King Ly Nhan Tong _______________ (build) the Imperial Academy as the first university of Vietnam. 23.​The first temples of My Son Sanctuary _______________ (make) of wood in the 4th century. 24.​An altar to Chu Van An _______________ (set) up in the Temple of Literature. 25.​We​_______________ (not do) any practice tests yet so I’m not sure what they’re like. 26.​Wait a minute, he _______________(speak) to someone on his mobile. 27.​Many different languages _______________ (speak) in Canada. 28.​The Imperial City of Hue can _______________ (divide) into two main parts. 29.​You’d better _______________ (rent) a bike if you want to travel around. 30.​I don’t want to go to Huong Pagoda. How about _______________ (visit) Ho Chi MinhMausoleum?