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II. Read the passage and choose the best answer by circling A, B, C or D.

My dream is to live in a big house surrounded by a big garden full of flowers and trees. I don’t like to live in an apartment with blocks of flats and rude neighbors making noise in the middle of the night. My future house will be located outside the city. It might be near a river. I have always dreamt of living near rivers and hearing the sound of the birds in the morning.

My house will have a smart appliance which will monitor the current weather forecast to keep the temperature inside the house comfortable. It will use solar energy to heat the water; feed lights, computer, and other electronics. My future house will be an eco-house that uses clean energy to save the environment.

It will have a large garden for me to have as many pets as I wish for. Then there will be some robots in the house to help me with my housework. They will clean the house every morning, prepare all the meals for me and feed the dogs and cats.

1. Where will the house be located.

A. inside the river                   B. outside the city                   C. in the sky                D. in the village

2. Why doesn’t the author like to live in an apartment?

A. He/she doesn’t like to live in blocks of flats                      B. He/she doesn’t like the city

C. He/she doesn’t like to live with rude neighbors                 D. Both A and C are correct

3. Solar energy is used to ___________

A. prepare meals                     B. run the computers               C. cool the water         D. water the flowers

4. Why does the author want to live in an eco-house?

A. to save energy                                                                    B. so save the wild animals    

C. to save the environment                                                     D. to save water

5. What will the robots do?

A. feed the pets                      B. clean the house                   C. cook meal               D. All are correct


I. Finish each sentence so that it means the same as the sentence before it.

1. Because the weather was bad, we didn’t go to the beach

The weather was …………………………………………………………………………………

2. My father likes table tennis most.

My father’s favourite ……………………………………………………………………………

3.   I want to have a lot of money to travel around the world.

If I have …………………………………………………………………………………………

II. Arrange the words to make complete sentences.

1. on/ My / will / the / future/ ocean / house/ be/.


2. housework / help/ Robots / do/ the / will/ me/.


3. tallest / my / is / the / family / in / sister/ person / my.


4. we/ If/ our/ plant/ environment/ be/ greener/ more/ trees/ will


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I.1. Read the passage and choose the correct word marked A, B or C to fill in each blank.

Dear Granma,

I am ___(1)___to you from England. It is fantastic. Yesterday morning, I went to a horse ___(2)___. There was a very ____(3)___girl with a black horse. She was only fifteen, and that was her ___(4)___ horse. It was very beautiful. The girl was very skillful. We all got ___(5)___ every time the horse jumped the fence. She won a gold medal and we all clapped loudly.

1.    A. writes                          B. writing                                C.  write

2.    A. compete                       B. competing                           C.  competition

3.    A. young                                      B. new                                     C. old

4.    A. grandfather                 B. grandfather’s                      C. grandfather’

5.    A. excited                         B. bored                                 C. exciting

I.2. Choose A, B, or C to fill in the passage.   

Most children love (1)….. activities. They play football, go skateboarding or go (2).. in countries with snow like (3)…children go to the mountains with their parents to go skiing. They can make a (4). in the playground in front of their house. When the weather is bad, they can stay at home and watch interesting (5)…… on TV.

1. A. outdoor                          B. indoor                     C. school                     D. at home

2. A. tennis                              B. swimming               C. karate                      D. judo

3. A. Sweden                          B. Hanoi                      C. Bangkok                 D. Ho Chi Minh City

4. A. snowman                        B. postman                  C. sportsman               D. swimmer

5. A. channels                         B. viewers                   C. programmes            D.weatherman

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