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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

1. My camera is being repaired at the moment

=> I’m having____________________________________________

2. You should keep the flowers in a warm sunny place.

=> The flowers____________________________________________

3. We don’t allow smoking in this restaurant.

=> Smoking____________________________________________

4. We expect students not to talk during the examination.

=> Students____________________________________________

5. They asked me some difficult questions at the interview.

=> I ____________________________________________

6. When did you start the project?
=> How long____________________________________________

7. They think that learning English are not easy.

=> They think that it                                                                               

8. She likes drinking milk.

=> Milk is ____________________________________________

9. What’s the height of the Mount Everest?

=> How ____________________________________________

10. Jack’s parents made him study a lot for the entrance exam to high school.

=> Jack____________________________________________

11. They began studying English in 2004.

=> They                                                                                               

12. I accomplished this task in three months.

=> It took                                                                                               

13. The café has a lot of tables.

=> There                                                                                               

14. Mr Lam lived in the country when he was a child.

=> Mr. Lam used                                                                                    

15. Is there a colorful picture in your room?

=> Does                                                                                                   _ ?

16. Peter is the best at English in his class.

=> Nobody                                                                                                

17. Let’s have a picnic in the park on the weekend.

=> Why                                                                                                                      ?

18. I haven’t seen her at this club before.

=> This is the first time I ____________________________________________

19. It’s a long time since we last spoke to each other.

=>We haven’t                                                                   _    

20. No cars in the company are bigger than Mr Ba’s.

=> Mr Ba’s car                                                                 

21. It isn't necessary for students to wear uniforms today.          

=> Students ____________________________________________

22. I’m not as good at Maths as my brother.

=> My brother is____________________________________________

23. Mr James is a dangerous driver.

=> Mr Jams____________________________________________

24. In spite of the bad weather, they had a wonderful holiday.

=> Although                                                                                                      

25. It’s very wonderful to spend the weekend in the countryside.

=> Spending____________________________________________

26. The green dress is cheaper than the black dress.

=> The black dress                                                                                                                       

27. Collecting coins from foreign countries is George’s interest.

=> George is____________________________________________

28. I often went to the cinema at weekends.

=> I used____________________________________________

29. Does Phong’s school have forty classrooms?

=> Are____________________________________________

30. “Please do not litter as you are walking along the coast”, the guard said to us.

=> The guard told____________________________________________

31. You can’t register for a course abroad if you don’t have a passport.

=> Unless ____________________________________________

32. “Why don’t we visit the Royal Citadel first?” Quang said.

=> Quang suggested____________________________________________

Chủ đề:

Unit 15: CITIES

Câu hỏi:

1. She is.....................a singer nor an actress.

   A. nor                                 B. both                               C. neither                           D. either

2. My friend never makes noise in the class.................................

   A. Nor I don’t                      B. Neither do I                    C. I never don’t                   D. I don’t too

3. His telephone doesn’t work and mine doesn’t..............................

   A. too                                 B. neither                           C. so                                   D. either

4. I never like horror movies. -  Really?.........................................

   A. Neither do I                    B. I don’t neither                C. So do I                           D. I don’t, too

5. I haven’t got a ticket. ..........................have I.

   A. Neither                           B. Nor                                 C. Either                             D. A&B are correct

6. Jane goes to school, and....................................

   A. my sister does too           B. does so my sister            C. my sister does either     D. .neither my sister

7. He has seen her plays, and so...........................

   A. do the girls                     B. are the girls                    C. have the girls                  D. all are correct

8. Velazquez was a famous painter, and Rubens....................too.

   A. is                                    B. will                                 C. has                                 D. was

9. Tom has never been on time, and.............................................

   A. his brother has too                                                    B. so is his brother             

   C. his brother hasn’t either  D. neither hasn’t his brother

10. They hardly do morning exercise and ...................................

   A. we do either                   B. neither do we                 C. we do too                       D. so do we

11. He didn’t know the answer, and neither..............................I

   A. was                                B. do                                  C. did                                  D. didn’t

12. She couldn’t attend the lecture, and her sister............................either

   A. didn’t                              B. could                              C. wasn’t                            D. couldn’t

13. Your class hasn’t begun yet, and neither......................mine.

   A. have                               B. has                                 C. hasn’t                             D. haven’t

14. My father won’t come back next Sunday, and neither.........................yours.

   A. will                                 B. won’t                              C. does                               D. doesn’t

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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

13. Lan is the more capable of the three girls who have tried out for the part in the play.

A                       B                          C                                                  D

14. This telephone isn’t as cheap the other one, but it work much better.

A               B                                 C      D

15. Stories are the most good way of teaching moral lessons to young people.

  A                       B           C                  D

16. The fastest you drive, the greater you get.

                A                 B     C                       D

17. This exercise is much more easier than the others.

                            A         B                      C            D

18. London is much more exciting as I expected.

                         A                  B        C            D

19. The large the room is, more people can sit in it.

           A                         B         C                         D

20. The suitcase seemed to get heavy and heavier as I carried it along the road.                                                      

                                A                  B                C                                D